Beloved of All
Praise Report! Praise the Lord!. I felt the Lord shift my teeth into and jaw alignemnt into proper position with in prayer.s thnaky u so mcuhf ro yourprayers for me and my fmaily. May God belss oyu forevr. i pray the Lord really touches oyu all . In the nameo fthe Lord Jeus christ He is oru great Physician He iiws wrthy to be praised and proclaimed!! I testify the Lord Jesus Chris tis the true God and eternal life. All power is His and he came ot sav eus form this present evil world. He is Holy blodo saves our souls forever! He is our redemption salvation is form Him!! eternal life. prais eand thank youLord. pleas epray wiht me , that if the Lord willign he ressurects my mouth wiht the power of His ressureciton and the same for my mom grandma ( heals my grandma form years of illness) and healy my fmaily and dlivers us form all evil and gives us the Lord salvation through Chris tin every area of our lives. that the Lord redeems us in every are aof our lives Lord redeem our bodies our health our teeht gums dentla flehs boens organs limbs dleiver us form decay and reverse decay in our bodies by the Power of your ressurection. thank you Lord. for al oyur power that oyu have over us. thank you Lord Jeus Chirst we are yours!! mold us fashion us and dleive rus form everyhitgn that could defile oru bidies , beign the temples of your Holy spirit. pelas ei aks this wiht al lmy heart int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. i aks this fo rall people as well. wiht thanks givign and priase. please end the wa irn ukraine, please take ungodly people form their postions of authrity only put godly God feairng peopelin autrity who will do your WIll Lord. please help women to be keepers at hoem and obediant to their usbands. please stop women form preaching in churches. make sure the men int he churches do no disobey the Lord's Word and caus etheir wives to Sin. ipray no strange marriages adn i pray for lal marriages that the Lord willign be restored and in Holy matrimony covenant wiht the Lord. ipray that marriages are viewed honourbale above all in svciety and that marriages are supported above all. i pray tha tmen do not put anyhtign above God and their wives. ipray ipray that the Lor dgiv eme n convictiont o provid en dprotec their wives as most important job if they are givne a wife. in thenameo f the Lord Jeus Chirs.t i pray husbadns see their wives as bone of boen flehs of flesh and they respect love nourish their wives and do not deprive their wive sof attention and alwys give half of their paycheck to them. Let is be said by the men .. that marriag ies honourbale above all!!!!!!! let them feel convicted and not be foolish to put anyhtign above thier marriage.. for God says. marriage is honourabel ABOVe all in this eart.. in thenamoe fhte lord Jeus Chirs it pra.y i pray the women feel loved and and feel that their marriage truly is above all int heir husbands lives.. May the men serve God with al their heart and women too.. and may marriag ebe honourabel above all as the Lord says. giv eus wisdom Lord wha this means.. for both me and the women.. Lor dhelp me and woemn bear and train their offspirg int he wor dof the Lord. dleiver all evil form shcools and may theshcoosl al eb godly int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst.. teaching those htigns hat are holy. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ. i would liek to have new hoem where i cn be myself not be abused nto spend all day clenaing not have thousands of bugs animals.. pest.s. please i ask in th ename o fthe Lord Jeus CHirs.t i aks for my own home my own husband news harp real teeh jws dleiverance form type diabetes adn deliveranc eform the devil wahs me clena Lor dpleas hela me and my fmaily .i aks if ther ei asabosloutley any way ou can help me Lord wiht my grandm ahela he rpleas ei would liek to be free of diabetes teeth relate dmentla illness constantly obsessing over my teeht would liek to be abel ot ocmfortbaly speak alignemnt i knwo Lor douy have heale dme so mcuh and i am gratefuli prais eoyu ofrever pleas hela me comepltely. forgiv em sisn. ia sk oyu pelas esne dsomeon who can help e and angel yes.. someoen who will not bause me . pelase sned your hoyl angels ot protec tan dministe rot my fmialy. plea shela mymom of aspergers syndorm. pleas enot elt her obsess over clenaign or get ikcn. pelas neo fighitng in my hoem Lord help me if oyu are willign. pleas ehel pme i am slow. dleiver me form insturice htoughts singlenss woudl liekt o be married ot my husband MY Own hsuband form God an dHe wil knwo i am form the lord and i wil kwo He is formt he Lord. pleas emake him love me and vice versa.. let it be in our hearts. protec thim form all evil dleive rhim form all eivl sppirits and proivde th ebest work for him best moensy and may he alway sigv em half.. thnak you Lord. also pelas ehal my grandma form demntia. please dleive rus form these pests pelase help me in every way. haveing ahard time wiht my mental healht always these intrusve thoguth spleas ie giv eoyu htis burden Lord take these burnens awa. thnak youf or al your help pleas eprovide the hoem the ebst one for my brothe rand his wife and bab the hous ethat i YOur perfect Will same with me. please pleas ehelp me take care of mysself pleas oemoen hwo i dont know how.. im getting tired anweka fightign the deivl pelas efight fo rme Lord.. help me toknow why i fight. im tired.. pleas eprotec tand hela all and belss all ont his site forver. pelas eprotec tmy fmaily from neurologicla mentla physical spiritual and emotioanl illness adn also developmental deylas in everya rea. askign their ot be peac eand unity in my home and th Lor dprotec otur property form filies ants snails mice all type of pest insects. pelas eod al ny our powe rLord ot protec tour home oru bidies form these pessts. i cannt kee p up tithe clenaing an dmy speed. pelas einterven Lord mirauclousl sned help. i kindy aks i do not wnt tospend the res tof my life stukc in a house lenaing clenaing clenain.please treat me life wone of oyur birds Lord. so i have my own nest my own mate and pricce for my need.s i need food and i nee dhelp taking car eof mysel fi dotn knwo whow. dleive rme form diabetes dleivere me from singleness form hirsutism form all demonic spirits. se tme free to be hwo i really am wihtutt he demosn and illnss pelase in the namoe fthe Lord Jeu sChirs ti pray and pelas ena di aks this for lal peopel. giv em lov epower an dwsoudn midn wisodm clear discernment of your holy spirit intimiate ocncnetiont o oyu Lord and the husabdn i was made for. I ask that your holy spirit reveal to both me and hIm loud and year hti sis oyur husband formt he Lord.. pleas eprotec tme form all eivl hela my kisndey yes delive rme and fmaily form periodontsisi diseas eosteoporsis. neursis asperger snydrom autism infection dleiverance reversal of al thigns drying us up. pelas eppour out oyur holy spirit on all flesh pelase restore my life my soul renwe the spirit of my mind and cas tout ever devil out of my life forevr please Lord Jeus chirst. YOu ar emy God and my Savior. pelas ecastout every demon out of my husbands life and csast out every dmeon out of my grandma life and my mothers like and nmy dad slife an dmy brother slife and his fmaileys lifeout of Bé life our of gá livefe out fo al peopel. pelase send mroe helper divine helpers ot my mtoher please help heroin soemother way not jus tme. pelase Lord im geettign weka.. hela me and helamy fmialy for oyur gory and by your power Lord Jeus Chris tpleas esave us al in my fmialy and all fmailies help us to know and do oyur iwll and hear voice voice an hearen to oyur voice. forgive my sins. lea dme out of temptation.. such as plannign my wedding.. like.. fantisizign escaping.. flalign in depression and temptedwiht intrusve htoughts. dleive rme Lor dhelp me hela restor eme intercnede for me an d ma fmaily Lord Jeu sCirst. do al in your power to save for us to repent and serve oyu aloen as master to belv ein you wihtunshakanble faiht to be filled wiht oyu rholy spirit always to brign fruit bear fruit ot yo. help me to understand your Word oyur otne your voice wiht 100 accuracy. help em to communciat eotoyu. help em to leannot on my won understnaing. i pray htis ofrmy husband and for my fmiala nd al peopel. pleas eprotect my fmaiamily form every form of ever and dleive rus fully form every form of evil. help us to reall knw oyu Lord Jeus Chris tand live only for you.. dleive rus form all demons illness sickness. restore regrow limbs organs teeht dental flesh all type sof flehs for all poepel. Lord Jeu sChirst dleiver me anf my entire fmaily blood lien and all poepel form all flehs eaitng bacteri incuidng codoovid cancer tunours dleiverance form strep felhs eaitgn bacteri deliveranc eform bittenress worry anxiety tkaing htought for our lives. giv ella poeple a sound mind today power love for oyu Lord nd other aynd dleiverance form all idols every fals eway every evil way that does not serve OYu Lord Jeus Chirst. please brign jsutice ot widows oorphyans poor and need.s pleas ebrign dfood to hungry helaign tosick and dlieveranc from those who are posessed wiht demons in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Chirs ti ask pleaseding Hi holy blood on my sins. pelas ehal my prayer Lord and giv emy fmaily new sharp teeth for oyu rglory by your power. pease hela my dad heart valve all insuilin relatedillness toomuch insulin.. please do al iny our powe rso my fmaily has excelelnt insulin and blood sugar and blood pressure and opcy tooru entie bidies i pray this for la peopel at al times. excelelnt perfect oxygen rich blood flow for la people all peopel wiht excelelnt oxygen. pelas help my mother to realize suga ris not good. God giv eher wisodm concenrign h rown healht. help me to egt rest stay hydrated. help with mdleive me and la my fmaily orm stress depression worry and anxiety resenfulness coventousness idolarty help us to ahve joy int he Lord alway. plras pray fo runcle to eb ehale dby the hands of Christ form all neurological illness and alillness and dleivered of all thigns unclean Lord Jes Chirst dleiver my fmaily form all unclena spirits form the devil thanky uLord ot OYu eb theglory and Honour an dprais eforever !! thank you. prepare us for oyur ocmign thank you for eternal life.!!!please als proviede my husband form the Lord Lor dht ebes tjob for him tha tis in your will that glorifies oyu and where he is not mistreated or abused by anyone . please dleiver him form strange woman strange wives strange friends . please only giv ehim chrisitna friends who are true friend sin Chirst who deeply car eand love him but please od not allow him to make them his idols or God sor put htem baove the nameo fthe Lord Jeus hirst. send holy angels otministe rto him and all my fmail.y aksign the Lord for 100% dleiverance from hell death sickness disease all forms of evil. lor dplease remove all toxic thoughts from my fmialmy memebr.s ot al in your power to guards our hearts form all unclena thoguhts at all tiems Lord int henameo fthe Lord Jeus sChirs.t pleas eprovide my fmialy wiht the best nutriton best of everyhtign always Lord and do al lin your power that the deivl does not steal anyhtign you want to give to me and my family nor destroy or kill or lie to us in veryway. cometle remove the deivl outof everyone s lives so the devil has absoleotely zero zero chance of invading our lives homes anyour world in anyway int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chris ti pray.