Beloved of All
Miracle praise report!! thanks be to our wonderful Lord andSavior the Lord Jesus Christ! last night the lord healed my nose facial boens and teeth alignment! bones grew into positions! prais eot he Lord Jesus Christ! He is our Healer. He is the true God an eternal life. He will never leav eus or forsake us. thank you for your prayer.s also prais eGod lots of tartar has ocme off my teeth!!! honestl yits truly becuas eof God !!! thnaky ou God. truly he cna heal anythign. iaks you toand thnakyou all for your prayers. pelase pray for my fmaily to eb dleivere dof all generational curses neurlogical disease . pela sepray if Gdo is willign tha tm ymothe ri sheale dof asperger snydrome and my uncle who need heaing fo neurlogicla as well. pelase pray fo rHim for he is in instittutiona nd mom beridden for several years. pleas epray ofrm ygrandma ot be heale dof dementia and also her viens arteries to be clena her blod blos suagr small bowel obstruciotn syndorm to be healed and dleiver of al evil by Holy Blod of Chirst. pelas epray for my brother to be dleivere dof histamin intolerance by the power of Christ and that th power of Christ That He give sme my own husbadn who wil giv em lot sof attenitonlove and affirmaiton adn vice versa that the lor dleiver shimform al eivl that the Lord giv eHIm widom His slavation and me His wifesoon. Lor dpleas elt me knwo whom you hav ehcosen ot by my Husband and protec tme from ALLLLL counterfeit spusese pelase help m care fo rmy grandm and pelas ehelp me not becoem burnt out. help me to drink water bruch my teeht not be so depressefd an dlonel.y please take away corna virus form the earth please Lor dplease also heal the naitons dleive rht nations form all idolatry adulteries stange marriages fals egods help Us walk and elanr oyur ways quickly Lord. help my to be obedient to my parents always aLord and teahc me more about marriage my roule. Help me to understand my role int his life Lor dhow to find joy in YOu Lord and how to deal wiht issues tha ti have. pelas heal my of type 1 diabetes all metbaolic acidosis . pelase heal me of oal dentla decay and also my mother. dleiver my famiyl form ever root of complaing bitterness anger resentment . help us eb at peace wiht oen another. Lord giv em wisdom on how to handle peopel who opress me i ask you pelase stop a all demonic opression in my life. i pra yno one abuses me inclding myslef nor the deivl ..i pra you dleiver my hoem form all evil and my fmaily to and and my husband and all people as well. i pra yoyu heal all those who need healign and dlieve rlal peopel form all flase Gods flas eideologies. help me to be wha touy call me to be. help me to know and wlak in truht i pray this for lapeople. dleive rme form every form of coveotusness wihtin 24 hours. help me and my husbadn oyu havemad eme form and mad eme for fin each other by YOur Holy Spirit Lor dBy Your Holy spirit join s and may oyu have lal the glor.y i ask you forgiv oeur sisn. mak eus faith to oen another . pelas elt us be deeply in lvoe wiht everyhitgn baout eahc other and may nothignno one no demosn no famiylmemebrs not ven ourselves seprate what oyu have joined htogether being us int he nameo fthe Lord Jue sChirst. i pray oyu destory all the works of the deivl in my lif ehis life our life an dour fmailies life. may we alway sbe at peace unity harmony n love iwht oen anothe rby th powe rof Christ and my God use our marriage toglorify himself al the day so four life. MAy the Lord always speak to us concenrign oen anothe rand always keep us at the apples of His eye. i pleas rth eHoy blod over la my prayers to OYu Heavnely Father. please Lord let no evil be upon my lfi eprayers or my husbadn and his life our fmailie sour fmamy ours world. etc. Lor dplease restore what was stoled form m and my husband including the years te deivl has taken form each other. Lor ddo al iny our power to join me to the man i wa smade for beign His Rib . I pray this man loves me like Chris tloves me and tha ti lov eHIm liek i love Christ.. please protec tou marriage form al eivl evil doers and do al in your power tha tnothign break aparapt our marriag eourlvoe an devoitont ot he Lord togehter and iwht each other by the powe rof His Grace. thnak yuLord. i please i beg for oyu rgrace forgivnes sof all my sisn and our sins. pelase remove all witschcraft demonic opression and abuse form my lfie na dmy husbadns life and our fmailies. pelase fave al oru fmailies al mamebers and elad us out of every temptaiton. may we experience and Knwo the Voic eof our Shepherd always our Lord Jeus Chirs.t please Lord odnt le the devil overwork us and pelase Lor dleive rus form all fear anxiety addictions all evil ahbits. give me and my husband and our fmailie shope joy salvaitonf rotm eh Lor ressureciton formt he Lord helaign abundantlife in ever area of oru lives. gie my and my husbadn best wisdom formt he Lor dbest energy strenght stmaina and restor eour youth lfi ehte eagels ipray htis for all people as well. protect all marriages form strange marriages and astrange childrne. Lor dyou know wha ti nee dI trust YOu. help me to understand your ways Lor dYOur Word and ipray thsi for my husband too. pelase rmeove la ungodly htigns form his life and al evil doers pelase make him alwqys strong agaisnt temptaitons and may he neve rbee fooled or decieved by the deivl Be Lor dover hIs Lif eLoud and Clear and mine too thank you od and also for all people. pelas end all wars fmaine pestilences. pelase help the eldery widows and pleas ehall all my fmialy memebrs.d leive rs formalle ivl guide and protec tlal my blood lien and husband and fmailies and all peope. pelase do all iny our power for me and my husbadn and all my fmialy to recive your blesisng sreciev eoyur helaign recieve abudnandt lfie form oyurLord Jeus Chris.t lal prais eglory an dHonour goes ot YOu. lead my Lord by the powe rof YOur holy SPirit. By YOur power Lr. OYur Powwer lead me guide hela me protec tme develope me matur eme and my husband.. and all peopel. help all peopel do YOur WIll toda.y forc eus ot do YOur IWll Lord. help s to knwo the way we shoudl Goot hanky OU alfor prayers. all be heale dhere int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. to HIm eb thanks prais ehOnoru and glory forer!!! i lvoe oyu al in Chirst. also pleas epray fo rmy dad ot behela eodf al illnes an disease. Lor dotuhc hima nd giv ehim wisodm merr yheart hope restore his marriage ot mymother Lord if yu wantthem married do all inyour power to join them to be married in Hoyl matrimony by the wpower of Chirs.t His WIl eb doen nt heir marriga ean dlives. God belss my arent sheal them provide ofr them and may they fidn Chirst in a majow way today and His salvaiton.Lor di pray that oyursurorund and rotect my fmaily from disaster calmities form eath and all evil deivne proteciton ont he road in our comign an doging when my dad dirves for ym brthe ran dhis wife. Lor dbless my fmailiy with al thebelssings you want for us thnakyou Lord and may you have all praise Glr yna dhOnoru to Your name. thanky u for this da.y help me hear your voice MY Lord and dleight iny ou forver. and pelas ehalmy dad spine vision heart valve my grandam heart strenghtne he rgiv eher storgn muscles boen scells ebst nutriton best car eever. helaign hapiness joy th ebes tof the best. please dlieve rhe rofrm lal unclena spirit.s please as fo rme and my HOuse we shall serve the Lord Jue sChirs.t lord brign my mothe rhelaign form and dleivernace dleiver me Lord an fhyusnad and al fmaily relatives hela Gábors hand and heal Bélas heart to Lord Jeus Chirst. heal B dleive himf orm all satnaic opression evil doers get ut of his lfie forver int he amoe fhte lOrd jue sCHirs.t Lor dheal him and help him eb the man you want him to be. send hoyl angels ture christians to minister to him my fmaily , hm myhsuabdn from God. and send forth your holy angels ot minsiter to us all . please regenrate organe in peopel regrw limbs teeht boens dental flesh . help us fee odn your Word Lord and gor in you Lor dhtnak you