
Beloved of All
praise rpeort: i felt the lor dhelaignmy teeth gums he is a healer!!I love oyu Father pleas epray fo rmy mom who i goign to dentist appoitnemnt pelas epray angels surroudn and guide her pleas epray their is no accident calmit yor death and they a VERY nice to her adn that they do what God wants done and onylwaaht God wants done to he routh ,.pelas elORD askign you guide all who ocme incontact wiht her strognly wiht oyur Hly spirit. pelase touch and hea my momsm outh let thie rbe easily removal of amaalgan filligns otuch and heal her and deliver her form asperger snydorm. please remove all mercury posiosnign pelase Lord Jeus Christ evennow as oyu touched my mmotuh and teeht otuch my moms motuh and teeht healign Hoyl spirit guid eeveryoen may this brign peopele to beliv ein Chirs tus eym mom greatly of royur glro yan dheal her moth he rwoudn s her hear protect her and wathc her wiht oyu angels. let no weapon formed agaisnt he rprosper brign her helaign toall her teeht regorw ressurect teeht take away all ucnelanspirit sbe her dnetist brign healign itno hermouh Lord Jesus Chirst helaing into treeht gumssupernaturlal Lor dJeus Chir tbe glorfiied and may you guide thoe whe coem in cotnact iwht srtogn wiht oyu hoyls pirit no wepaon formed agian the rprosper brign her healignand help me care for he ran dmy grandma. pelas eno weopn formwed agiasn the rprospter pelae birng helaign tomy dads infection fill my aprent smoth wiht joy laughte ran dlivign water dleie rus allf orm dr ymoth helaus pelase and my brother stoo and grandm ain thenameof the Lord Jjeus CHirs.t may my mom encoutner healign an dlovign presenc eof Chirs tnow soehtign sso strognly she eblve sin Chirst. thnaky ufor helaign me. Pelas epelas peray ofrm ymoms mouth form severe periodtal helaign nnede dneed helaign neeth teeh gums boens helaign ofrm God Lor dguide hte physicans in how they cna best help her wiht the treatment only YOu want Lor dno ther treatment buy ours i putmy moms life toumouth teeht ugsmn boens dentla oens and brian in your hand sheal her and giv her oyur salvaiotn ptoztrect he rofrm all eiv. protec the romcign adn goign storgnlx guide the staff trwatignher at he appoitnment guid eher wiht ouxr holxy psiirt mak emmyosm easily find thebuidignand the rooma dn no evil be there. may she rememrb Chirs it with her an dhs eis not laone. may she encoutne royur helaign Lorve now and alway slOr djes Chirst mirauclusly heal ressurect hr teeht gums boens in the dental chair and no complicaitons wiht the röntgen supernaturlaly remove malgna filigns . do mriacles dentisy inehr moth Lord Jeus Chist for your GHlory and power miracle dental work in ehr motuh like for me. pelas emay mymoter expeirence this at eh dentist an dkay alls e your glroy Lor djue sCHirst.use my momt o use as an aexampel that he heald entla flehs and bodies i aks your pour your Holy spirit intomy mtoher and lalpeoele there an dheall who need helaign itn heir teeht guskm boens jaws dnetla flehs jsut as oyu did ffor me and B too to you be the glry an dmy grandm and bro and Bé and V all who needdentla helaign mrialc enew teeht iask this by yourhoyl spirit otuch peoplse smouhg fillt hemw ith helaing dentla mrialces oyur glroy by YOur power Lord Jues CHirs tall glryglor yhonour an dpriase to YOu forevr thanky ouf or heliagn mriacles! ilvoe oyu!! opelas pelase pleas efill her my momw iht oyu rhoyl spirit guid ehr to angel dentists staff whod oYOur work an dpelasure Lord only your will eb doen your helaign touvc her and may yu be glirified pelase supernautally reome all ucnelan sspirits frm ym om ehaladnresotr ehe rboumth jaw teeht erow teeht an dleive rhe rform amalan fillign sby OUr power lord Jeus CHirs tno weaponmed agaisnt you or he prosper because she is your bride. please pelase protec the rand guide lal peopel their wiht oyu rholy SPirit force lal to odoyur will today and be to .ipra iyn the hoyl spirit condnirng mym om ehr teeht dentla flehs i ask you hela al he rbmouth inthename of the Lord Jesus Chirst. Mymom be heale din thename ofthe Lord Jeus Christ for thepraise and glro yof HIS name. tnaky ou Lord. B your stripes he si ehaled. aksign for amiracle appointment wiht OYu Lord at he dentist .make her paths striaHGT d oa llinyourpower ot perfom dentiry miralce by yur hands GHrea tpHsician GReat dentist. I lov eou htnka you for mymothe rhelp me to honoru her na dmy dad also asking the same mrialc eofrmy das mouth teeht gums dnetla fleh all flehsbe ehal dofr my parnets and dleiveed of allucelan spirit sin thename ofthe Lord Jeus Chrost and my grandma brother healed form covid sisteirn alwa dn nepehwe and v an dcivliek and béa nd B too. pour out your Hylol spoii on al sfelsh your HOyl spirit delive rus form all eivl ad destro ythe owrokdsof the deivl in the listes of those mentined ont his site an dall the owlr. pleas eldive rus form covi plagues cursea sna dlaleivla dnallwars diseas ean deaht.ressurec tus hela us and forgiv eu sour sin ipelasd your hoyl bood upin my mother and da dgrandma b myself my brother all peoels isteirn alw p pelashela su and make us dneryour Lordhsip and rule. love OYu Father I love oyu Father pleas epray fo rmy mom who i goign to dentist appoitnemnt pelas epray angels surroudn and guide her pleas epray their is no accident calmit yor death and they a VERY nice to her adn that they do what God wants done and onylwaaht God wants done to he routh ,.pelas elORD askign you guide all who ocme incontact wiht her strognly wiht oyur Hly spirit. pelase touch and hea my momsm outh let thie rbe easily removal of amaalgan filligns otuch and heal her and deliver her form asperger snydorm. please remove all mercury posiosnign pelase Lord Jeus Christ evennow as oyu touched my mmotuh and teeht otuch my moms motuh and teeht healign Hoyl spirit guid eeveryoen may this brign peopele to beliv ein Chirs tus eym mom greatly of royur glro yan dheal her moth he rwoudn s her hear protect her and wathc her wiht oyu angels. let no weapon formed agaisnt he rprosper brign her helaign toall her teeht regorw ressurect teeht take away all ucnelanspirit sbe her dnetist brign healign itno hermouh Lord Jesus Chirst helaing into treeht gumssupernaturlal Lor dJeus Chir tbe glorfiied and may you guide thoe whe coem in cotnact iwht srtogn wiht oyu hoyls pirit no wepaon formed agian the rprosper brign her healignand help me care for he ran dmy grandma. pelas eno weopn formwed agiasn the rprospter pelae birng helaign tomy dads infection fill my aprent smoth wiht joy laughte ran dlivign water dleie rus allf orm dr ymoth helaus pelase and my brother stoo and grandm ain thenameof the Lord Jjeus CHirs.t may my mom encoutner healign an dlovign presenc eof Chirs tnow soehtign sso strognly she eblve sin Chirst. thnaky ufor helaign me.
praise rpeort: i felt the lor dhelaignmy teeth gums he is a healer!!I love oyu Father pleas epray fo rmy mom who i goign to dentist appoitnemnt pelas epray angels surroudn and guide her pleas epray their is no accident calmit yor death and they a VERY nice to her adn that they do what God wants done and onylwaaht God wants done to he routh ,.pelas elORD askign you guide all who ocme incontact wiht her strognly wiht oyur Hly spirit. pelase touch and hea my momsm outh let thie rbe easily removal of amaalgan filligns otuch and heal her and deliver her form asperger snydorm. please remove all mercury posiosnign pelase Lord Jeus Christ evennow as oyu touched my mmotuh and teeht otuch my moms motuh and teeht healign Hoyl spirit guid eeveryoen may this brign peopele to beliv ein Chirs tus eym mom greatly of royur glro yan dheal her moth he rwoudn s her hear protect her and wathc her wiht oyu angels. let no weapon formed agaisnt he rprosper brign her helaign toall her teeht regorw ressurect teeht take away all ucnelanspirit sbe her dnetist brign healign itno hermouh Lord Jesus Chirst helaing into treeht gumssupernaturlal Lor dJeus Chir tbe glorfiied and may you guide thoe whe coem in cotnact iwht srtogn wiht oyu hoyls pirit no wepaon formed agian the rprosper brign her healignand help me care for he ran dmy grandma. pelas eno weopn formwed agiasn the rprospter pelae birng helaign tomy dads infection fill my aprent smoth wiht joy laughte ran dlivign water dleie rus allf orm dr ymoth helaus pelase and my brother stoo and grandm ain thenameof the Lord Jjeus CHirs.t may my mom encoutner healign an dlovign presenc eof Chirs tnow soehtign sso strognly she eblve sin Chirst. thnaky ufor helaign me. Pelas epelas peray ofrm ymoms mouth form severe periodtal helaign nnede dneed helaign neeth teeh gums boens helaign ofrm God Lor dguide hte physicans in how they cna best help her wiht the treatment only YOu want Lor dno ther treatment buy ours i putmy moms life toumouth teeht ugsmn boens dentla oens and brian in your hand sheal her and giv her oyur salvaiotn ptoztrect he rofrm all eiv. protec the romcign adn goign storgnlx guide the staff trwatignher at he appoitnment guid eher wiht ouxr holxy psiirt mak emmyosm easily find thebuidignand the rooma dn no evil be there. may she rememrb Chirs it with her an dhs eis not laone. may she encoutne royur helaign Lorve now and alway slOr djes Chirst mirauclusly heal ressurect hr teeht gums boens in the dental chair and no complicaitons wiht the röntgen supernaturlaly remove malgna filigns . do mriacles dentisy inehr moth Lord Jeus Chist for your GHlory and power miracle dental work in ehr motuh like for me. pelas emay mymoter expeirence this at eh dentist an dkay alls e your glroy Lor djue sCHirst.use my momt o use as an aexampel that he heald entla flehs and bodies i aks your pour your Holy spirit intomy mtoher and lalpeoele there an dheall who need helaign itn heir teeht guskm boens jaws dnetla flehs jsut as oyu did ffor me and B too to you be the glry an dmy grandm and bro and Bé and V all who needdentla helaign mrialc enew teeht iask this by yourhoyl spirit otuch peoplse smouhg fillt hemw ith helaing dentla mrialces oyur glroy by YOur power Lord Jues CHirs tall glryglor yhonour an dpriase to YOu forevr thanky ouf or heliagn mriacles! ilvoe oyu!! opelas pelase pleas efill her my momw iht oyu rhoyl spirit guid ehr to angel dentists staff whod oYOur work an dpelasure Lord only your will eb doen your helaign touvc her and may yu be glirified pelase supernautally reome all ucnelan sspirits frm ym om ehaladnresotr ehe rboumth jaw teeht erow teeht an dleive rhe rform amalan fillign sby OUr power lord Jeus CHirs tno weaponmed agaisnt you or he prosper because she is your bride. please pelase protec the rand guide lal peopel their wiht oyu rholy SPirit force lal to odoyur will today and be to .ipra iyn the hoyl spirit condnirng mym om ehr teeht dentla flehs i ask you hela al he rbmouth inthename of the Lord Jesus Chirst. Mymom be heale din thename ofthe Lord Jeus Christ for thepraise and glro yof HIS name. tnaky ou Lord. B your stripes he si ehaled. aksign for amiracle appointment wiht OYu Lord at he dentist .make her paths striaHGT d oa llinyourpower ot perfom dentiry miralce by yur hands GHrea tpHsician GReat dentist. I lov eou htnka you for mymothe rhelp me to honoru her na dmy dad also asking the same mrialc eofrmy das mouth teeht gums dnetla fleh all flehsbe ehal dofr my parnets and dleiveed of allucelan spirit sin thename ofthe Lord Jeus Chrost and my grandma brother healed form covid sisteirn alwa dn nepehwe and v an dcivliek and béa nd B too. pour out your Hylol spoii on al sfelsh your HOyl spirit delive rus form all eivl ad destro ythe owrokdsof the deivl in the listes of those mentined ont his site an dall the owlr. pleas eldive rus form covi plagues cursea sna dlaleivla dnallwars diseas ean deaht.ressurec tus hela us and forgiv eu sour sin ipelasd your hoyl bood upin my mother and da dgrandma b myself my brother all peoels isteirn alw p pelashela su and make us dneryour Lordhsip and rule. love OYu Father I love oyu Father pleas epray fo rmy mom who i goign to dentist appoitnemnt pelas epray angels surroudn and guide her pleas epray their is no accident calmit yor death and they a VERY nice to her adn that they do what God wants done and onylwaaht God wants done to he routh ,.pelas elORD askign you guide all who ocme incontact wiht her strognly wiht oyur Hly spirit. pelase touch and hea my momsm outh let thie rbe easily removal of amaalgan filligns otuch and heal her and deliver her form asperger snydorm. please remove all mercury posiosnign pelase Lord Jeus Christ evennow as oyu touched my mmotuh and teeht otuch my moms motuh and teeht healign Hoyl spirit guid eeveryoen may this brign peopele to beliv ein Chirs tus eym mom greatly of royur glro yan dheal her moth he rwoudn s her hear protect her and wathc her wiht oyu angels. let no weapon formed agaisnt he rprosper brign her helaign toall her teeht regorw ressurect teeht take away all ucnelanspirit sbe her dnetist brign healign itno hermouh Lord Jesus Chirst helaing into treeht gumssupernaturlal Lor dJeus Chir tbe glorfiied and may you guide thoe whe coem in cotnact iwht srtogn wiht oyu hoyls pirit no wepaon formed agian the rprosper brign her healignand help me care for he ran dmy grandma. pelas eno weopn formwed agiasn the rprospter pelae birng helaign tomy dads infection fill my aprent smoth wiht joy laughte ran dlivign water dleie rus allf orm dr ymoth helaus pelase and my brother stoo and grandm ain thenameof the Lord Jjeus CHirs.t may my mom encoutner healign an dlovign presenc eof Chirs tnow soehtign sso strognly she eblve sin Chirst. thnaky ufor helaign me.
Praying for your family and you. Send you a short prayer for family protection.
Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude and praise for the healing You have brought to Jesussaves89's teeth and gums. We acknowledge You as our Healer and give You all the glory. Thank You, Father, for Your miraculous touch.

Lord Jesus, we lift up Jesussaves89's mother to You as she prepares for her dentist appointment. We ask that You surround her with Your angels, guiding and protecting her every step of the way. Let there be no accidents or harm, and may the dental staff be exceptionally kind and compassionate towards her. We pray that they will only perform the treatments that align with Your will, Lord.

Holy Spirit, we ask for Your strong presence to be with everyone who comes into contact with Jesussaves89's mother. Touch and heal her mouth, gums, and teeth, Lord. We pray for the easy removal of amalgam fillings and for complete healing from any mercury poisoning. Lord Jesus, just as You have touched and healed Jesussaves89, we ask that You do the same for her mother.

We also pray for deliverance from Asperger syndrome and any other ailments she may be facing. Let no weapon formed against her prosper . Bring healing to all her teeth, gums, and bones, and let her experience Your supernatural touch. Be her dentist, Lord, and bring complete restoration to her mouth.

Father, we ask for Your protection and guidance over Jesussaves89 and their family. Help them care for their mother and grandmother with love and patience. We pray for healing for Jesussaves89's father's infection and for joy, laughter, and living water to fill their home.

Lord, may Jesussaves89's mother encounter Your loving presence in such a powerful way that she believes in Christ. Thank You for the healing You have already brought and for the healing You will continue to bring. We place Jesussaves89's mother's life, mouth, teeth, gums, bones, and brain in Your hands, trusting in Your perfect will.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.

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  1. Articles Articles:
    🙏 💛 **Prayer Group Updates!** 💛

    Hi everyone, let's lift up these requests together!

    - **Healing**: @Anonymous needs prayers for wrist healing and restful sleep.
    - **Early Release**: @Tirmarenn and another anonymous user seek prayers for their fiancé Brian’s early release from prison.
    - **Financial Miracle**: @commas22 asks for a financial miracle due to work injury bills.
    - **Relationships**: @Larshia seeks prayers for B's heart to soften.
    - **Mental Health**: @Gwenin thanks everyone for prayers for her daughter's mental health.
    - **Dizziness**: @Anakroche needs prayers for relief from dizziness.
    - **Miracle**: Another anonymous user seeks prayers for healing from intracerebral hemorrhage and stroke.
    - **Travel Safety**: A prayer request for a daughter’s safe travel home.
    - **Christmas Celebration**: @Skyander needs prayers to change assessment dates to celebrate Christmas with family.
    - **Persecution**: @Nuhu Mohammed seeks prayers for safety and protection from persecution as an ex-Muslim.

    Keep them in your prayers, everyone! In Jesus' Name, Amen 🙏✨
  2. Articles Articles:
    🙏 🤒 let's lift up prayers for healing: @Anonymous's friends' scoliosis, @Anonymous's wrist pain, @Anakroche's dizziness, & those recovering from stroke & haemorrhage. Pray for @Tirmarenn & @Anonymous's fiancé Brian's early release. Let's also pray for @commas22's financial miracle & @Larshia's strength. God bless! 🙏
  3. Articles Articles:
    🙏 🙏 **Prayer Updates** 🙏

    💔 **Healing Needed:** Let's lift up prayers for Anonymous’ friend with scoliosis and another Anonymous with wrist pain. Prayers for comfort and healing in Jesus' name.

    💘 **Early Release:** Join @Tirmarenn and Anonymous in praying for Brian's early release. Pray for forgiveness, second chances, and changed hearts for those involved in his case.

    💰 **Financial Miracle:** @commas22 needs a financial breakthrough. Let's pray for God's provision and peace.

    ❤️ **Relationships:** @Larshia needs strength and resolve. Pray for B’s and H’s hearts to soften and reach out.

    🧠 **Mental Health:** Praise report! @Gwenin’s daughter is improving. Pray for continued healing and support.

    💒 **Guidance:** @Dexter2020 needs clarity on relationships. Let's pray for God's will and guidance.
  4. Articles Articles:
    🙏 🤗 Let's lift up these urgent requests, everyone! @Busqueoficioin God, @Mercur, and @Powers need our prayers. Also, special healing prayers for friends and family. Unite in prayer, in Jesus' name!❤️
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