Beloved of All
praise rerpot: i as i went into the presnce of the Lor di recieved helaing itn my eyes and also had heling in ym jaws teeth today. praise the Lord Jeus Chirs.t thank you all to who ar epraying for me and my faymiyl. God bless oyu all. pmay the Lord protect al lof you form evil and brign joy into oyur hearts by th epower of HIs Holy spirit forever and ever tpraise be to Him! please pray God protects me and my fmaiyl form all evil. pelase pray not rats or evil pest sor pest sin hous epelase pray my grandm ais helaed she has been bedridden for 7 years. thanky u also pray my dads heart vlave helas my brtiohers heart murmur an dmy brothe ris dleivere dof histamien intoelarnce and tha the cna eat normal any food no alleriges and that my grandma is heale dof small bowel obstruciton syndorm and my fmaiyl is heale dof all neurlogical condiiton aspergers my be heale dof aspetgers syndorme. Lro dprotec tmy fmaily form accidents form deaht form uneblif form all evil .Lor dpelas eprovide fo rm me a a suitbale kind longivg christian husband who woudl neevr chea ton me leav eme or forsak eme. Please pray the Lor djoins me with the boen of my boen flehs of my flesh and healy my teeth and the Lor dheals all ym fmaily and protect sus ofrm all evil. Lor dguide all peopel careigve rphysicians all nruses apll parents an dla lpeopel wiht oyur Holy spirits. Lor dpelase dleiver my hoem my fmaiyl my life and my husbands lif eform all evil. Lor dpleae brign me and my husband to be oen flehs pelas emak eit the most roamntic breathtakign love i have ever had and for my husbadn too better than i can think or imagien and same wiht my husband . may the Lor dcuases us to fall inseprably inlove.Lor dbe glorfified and by your Holy spoirit at the appoitned item brign me and my husband by the powe rof chirst to becoem husabdn and wife. prepar eus fo reahc othe rmake the transition easy and may we be belssed an dbe a huge belsisng fo rlal my fmaily thank you for my husband tel HIm i love hIm im waiing for hIm ewhoeevr He is. thanky ou Lord. pelase dleive rhImf orm alle ivl. keep HIm faiht ful to You Lord and ot me as Ishji wife. pelase bels smy husband with best job best helath best joy best food best wealth bes tof everyhtign Ilvoe him so mcuh. pelase le tme knwo who this man is. thnak yu Lor dint henameo fthe Lord Jeus chris tname i pray.