Beloved of All
Praise reprot: yeterday i recieved helaing on ym teeth and jaws. praise the Lord. thnak you al for oyur prayers pleas epray fo rmy grand who has been bedridden wiht dmentia for years. pelas epray her bowels ar ehealed and she is not deformed or malnourished in anyway that she has excelelnt blood suagr metbaolism her kidneys work afnd for me atowo and all my fmaily memebry. pelas epray of rm ydad heart valve to eb heaeld that my moms hears and bakc is healed and that the Lord heals my brothe rof histamine intoelrance and that if the Lor dhas a husband for me tha tHis is safe happy alway isnt he Will of God and heled in ewveryway and God prepare us otbecoem one. Lor dalso pleas ehal my ciruclation crampy hela my dad of insulin prbolems Lor dpelas eheal all . pelas ebrign jow into our lives. ii dotn want to wilt . Plea seprovide all roof supplies cheap and pelas ehlp the workers. Lor ddleiver me form metaloic acidodis. pelas eprovie best care formy grandm ahelp me pleaseplease thnaky ou. .pleas ehal al onhis site and their fmailies int henamoe fthe Lord Jues Chirst protec tmy dad and fmaily form all accidents calamities dleive rus form all evil form al demons form all generaitonal curses form all pests from all probelms pelase estbailish our thoguths actions nd motives help us to be alway spelas eign in your sight Lord. pelase rmeove l eivlfrom my life Lord and my husbands life Lord and my fmaiylie slfi Lord and al peoels life Lord. thanky ou Lord Jeus Christ. also pelase dleiver me from all bitterness and anger and resentment an all flehs eatign diseas. ehelp me be happy help me get laogn wiht my mom pela elss stress an dmroe joy in our live.s pelase hela all dlentla flehs in my fmail and ll peopel pelas ehal my dad. send trillions of holy angels to protect himand minister the htign sof the Lor dot HIm pelas ehal him form all insulin raight probelms heart giv ehim helaign of his ehart. heal my grandma hearyt an dmoms heart too Lor dplease also hel my siste rin law care for neice. help my brothe rcare of rhis wife. hel op my husband whoeve rmy husbadn is actually care afor me protec tprovide fo rme and spend time wiht em dwell with .. if you have husbadn for me that is. help em to cle na the house and not get weary .lor dim lonely an dit hurts pelas eod soemhtign baotu my dissbaoitn anger etc. i jsut want to be happy. pelas make my fmialy reconiel be heal thy and happy pelase and hela my moms brian of asperger shela Viliek provid ebest nutriton care firenships to him my mom and fmaiyl and all poeple . pelas ehal Bélas heart form érelmesezszedés. heal mavis and bill and belss them abudnandly .peas eplbels smy fmaily Lor abudnandly beyoign what we cna ask or imagive ccoridng tooyur wil help us hear oyu voice obey oyua nd enjyo fellowship wiht oyu Lor dand one another. pelas eod all in your powere to save all my fmailys souls al in your power ot bels sus dleive rus form evil protect us form accidents form all evil dlieve rus ofrm alld emosn and curses i pray htis fo rmy husband form God .Lor dpleas eno coutnerfeit husband for me no abusivve ungodly husband for me giv eme ahusband who actualy loves me like owu do Lord an dwho i will love s well someoen i cna ctually communciate with someoen a jowy ot be aorund and vice versa. pelas hela my emotionalyl and m yhusrt s diassapintments and hela my dad as well emotional physiclal emntally finacially maritally hela my parnets and heal thie rmarriage accoridng to oyur will Lord Jue sChirst. heal Grandés bweols pelas ehal hear hear tkidneys blod pancreas dleive rhe form al infection pelas eprovide a mobile bed for eher pLEase Lor di beg make this cargivign thign easier on me someonehow.pelas help em out im lovsing my joy caus eeveryhits seem sos har dgiv em strenght an dhelaign form diabetes help me to lov th elive oyu gav em and not covet. help me to actualy anjoy life pelas eodnt le tanyoen bulyl me no toxic peopel in ymlife. pelas bels smy enemie make them repent and save them. hela all peopel mak eme repent save em btu PLEase iPLease relal ygiv em lif ein abundanc ein ever yare aof my life. and for my fmialy to. pelase rmeove the devil form my fmaily's lfi eour healht our minds htoguhts acton motives and our world.pelase hela my grandm aby septmebrr2. pelas eLor dmake she be twalkign tlakign heale dof alld iaebtes insipidus type 1 diabetews neurlogically every way viens arterie sblod pressure boens osteiporisis dleiverance of lal flehs eaitng bactria. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jue sChirs.t please also dleiver b form smokign and alcholohoal. please also put up boundaries for me Lord so i can spend time wiht oyu and tka eof myself . hel p me drink water and briuch my teeht an dcomb my hair. dleive rm frim depressiona dn anger. Lord please do the same for lal my fmialy memebr sin the nameo fthe Lord Jues Chirs.t hela my grandas will give her storgn desire to live and get btter n dhela her sons neurlogically. dleiver my fmialy blood form al evil. Pease in the nameof the Lord jue sChirst help s to do oyur will Lord and please bless my fmaiyl finanycially as well if oyu are willign. pleas eif oyu eant to bels smy fmial yin any way pelas edont le the deivl take any blesisng away. please gv emand al peopele wisodm form God. help me to no feel so lonely and angry fo rmbeing singel. Please Lord do oyu you even have husband for mee, pelase take away my sickness my disspoitnment and sddness.. pleas make my lfie easier someonhoe Lord. pelas eals help my mom to jsut take car eof herself. please giv eher joy belss her bless all her work btu also give her insight into my heart. im exhausted. please Lor dhelp me out i feel os laone.. i feel so laone vcairng for my fmialy and my slef. pleas Lr dhela us form all diabetes and all illness. also pelas esne me my own husband ivebeen lonley mso tof my life. Pleas eLord hear my praye r.also help with my taks please. thnak you.