Beloved of All
praise reprot: yesterda yi recieved healign on my teeth and aws. thank you Lord Jeus Chirst. Yo are the GREAT phacisan. thnak yu to al praiyng for me i lvoe oyu chruhc. MAy God sWIl be doen in or lives. may we experience the KIngdom fo Heaven God's powr in a frehs way al of us. MAy hope fill all our hearts wiht the HOly spirit. Pleas pray for my fmailys total salvaiton and freedom in Chirst dleiverance form all evil and diseases and may God do mighty miracles helaign mriacles to all ont his planet. pelase Lord regrow teeth gums bones dental flehs for all my fmaiyl members. hela my uncle of autism of all neurlogical doisrdrs foroyur glroy by your power. pelas dleive rme grandma form dmeentia and bloos suagr issues. pelase pelase hela all pancreas and bowels in our famiyl . fset us free form all defilign spirits anllla evil spirits. protec tmy fmaiyl and spouses their chidlrne form all evils trange marraiges. Lor dplease if oyu ar eiwllign giv em my won husband an dprotect me Alwyys form strnage husbands. only the one form Gdo eb my husband Lord tell me who He is. Lord heal B . hela himw her ei stabbed him accidentally with tree when workign yesterday. Pelase dleive rhimform all eivl. pelas ebles him immeseley and amyou giv ehim great wisodm concenrign me.and ina ll areas. pelase bless my parentsw ith great wisodm healign and dleiverance form all eivl int he nameo fthe lord jue sChirs.t pelase restor emy parent smarrige to holy matirmony under the headship of the Lord Jue Chirs tif God be Willign. please make my dad exceleltn hea to my moma dn make my mom excelent wife to myd ad. may the spirit of the Lor dbrign them togehter for the glro yof hIs name and amy no one nobody not even themselves keep themselves apart form each othe rint henameof the Lord Jeu sChirs.t i pray for their total healign in brianbody emotions and als i pray they lov eone another deeply and may their union reunion glorify our heavnely fahter. pelas ehla mym other of aspergers mand hela my da dof al emotional disorders. le tthie rbe peace an dlov ebetween them form now on always and ofrver itn ehnamof the Lord Jues Chirst. please remove all witchcraft form B's life. make no witchcraft have anyaffec ton him. Lor di pray you giv ehim your slvaiton your wisdom your helaign adn pelase take al thigns toxic form his life. thnak you. please take awa yal toxic toughts formmy life and demons intrucisve toughts hopelessnes out fo my life my parent slife ofrevr. and out of all ives. pelase heal al peopel their teeht ressurect organs teeht bod yparts by the par of the Hoy spirits. Lord giv em me wisdom concernign my jaw moenents. wha ti soginginhelp Lord. Please i need to healr you Lord Jue sChirs.t pelas ehwo me how i may draw closer to oyu and actually knwo you . i pray to ove rlal peopel. Pleas eprtoect my brother form all eivl and his wife and child as well. pelas egid etheir thoughts actions and may my brothe rbe heale dof asperger sif he has that and delivered of al allergies. pelas send trilions of holy angels ti ministe rto my brother and also my grandm amom adad Vilike. pelas ekep my fmaiyl iny our wil and protect us formthe lies of the deivl. may none of my fmialy mebers be decived by the devil. pelas eremove coorna phonbia formthis planet please sho wme and my gamiyl mebers Lord clearly what to do wiht our lves. how ot serve oyu Lord pleas ehlp al my fmialy mebers have aver yintimiate realtionship with oyu lord Jues Chirs. pelas dleier hungar yofrm poollution adn give this coutnriy and all coutnry peopel after God's own heart.give all leaders pastor thos eint eahcign pssition great wisdom. alo pelas my my uhsbnd Lord equally yoked wihte me in DChirst always makign our marriage mso thonorabel thign in HIs lfie. . help me to d OYur WIll Lord. help me to obey your worrd joyfulyl trusitng YOu Lord. i pray htis for la my fmaiyl mebers. please send YOur Word to usll al peopel and dleive rs ofrmall eivl. YOur hOly srit guide us into all atruth. thnaky ou Lrod Je sCirs.t pleas ealso heal the girl who is in icu. pela shela he rhand heal my moms head comepeltle Lor dby your Hoyl spirit remove the dvil that caus ed tha tim sorry fo wasitng all the plastic bags have mercy Lord. please pelase. Lor dhelp me not be wasteful. i need oyu to pelas egiv ema better workign brian and better processing spedd processing do do better. please remove the deivlf orm my rbian thoguths emotins and dot he same for al my fmaiyl memebrs.MAy OYu onyl be exaltedLord Jeus Chirst. guide us al into oru promis eland.. int he ameof the Lord Jeu sChrist. pelas ehlp my mom and me communciate an dlvoe one another. im trying hard. pelas ehelp her in anyway oy cna Lord. pleas ien thenameo fthe lOr djUe sCHirst. please pray for my mom to be heale dof blod poisoing pelas epra yteh Lord does all inhis power to delive rher and my grandma and all peopel form blood poisoning flesh eatign bacteria. Lor dPLeas eplase pelas heal me type 1 diabete spelas epelas epelase stbale regular blod sugar please pleas pelas ehal allpeopel who have this probelm pelas ehelamy grandm as wellformt is problempels ehal my da dof blood . pleas ehlp em mom tLor dhel aher brian send trillionsof holy angel sot minister to her heal her of al he rissues. se ther free Lord to your name Lord Jeus Chirs tin your name by your holy blod save her heal her. heélp my momt o heal from all truama form past and may the spirit of forgivness set her free. also pelase protect my fmaiyl form evil form deaht calamities please dleiver em form corona phobia. Lor dplease hela my teeht gums bones. im tried of pelase giv em eenergy for pelase. also pelas ehal Bé heart hear tmy dads heart valve my brother form heart murmur hela my dad form heart disease . hela my grandma form all weak hear hear trlated. pelas Lor dprovid ebest and appropriate food to al fmaily members . Lor dpelas emake my moms voice a little quieter.pelase.. Lor dpelase Lord show oyurself to my mom . Lor dplease odnt le tmy relative drian me of my so tire.d pelase help em car eclena my grandm ano probelms hela my grandm skin conditions dleiv rher form all flehs eatign bacteria. Lord help to focous on my tasks my my problems.pelase igiv elal my worries over to oyu pelas ehal me Lord.