Beloved of All
praise reprot: thnak you Lord for healign of my body. pelas ehal my of type one diabetes and feelign unloved undesired unhugged for so long. heal my mom of asperger sndormepelase imrpove communciation between us please hal ehr bian.pelas ehal brothe rofrm cocid his wife and she pregnantLord keep baby safe form allevil and also my brothe rand wife.pelase giv ethem oyur salvaitona dn provide lal the help support an dlvoe they needalso to their 1 year old babay daughter too.please keep them savfe and vrery fast delivery form covid.pelase dleiver my my grandma form dmemtnia.pelase help her hav emroe room in her tukmmy for food pelas ehelp her have mroe room and heal and obsturciton issues giv eher exceeltn vasodilatoin and exceleltn rbeahitng please no ocmilicaiotns no stress today help me do matress adn clena her feed her and giv eme the strnght heal us bohform all infeciton and bacteiral infecito.please heal my dads heart valve so he has plent yof eoxytn and heal him form infection inflamation toothache in mouth help him take car oef himself pelase giv ehim appropriate nuttion adn socicialzation so he is not lonely giv ehim mriacle housing so he is not homeless pelase provide the 2000 dollars provide way to make up for that icket also pelas ehlp with his citizen ship papers protect and dlieve rhimf ormt he deivl. pleas ehlp me see my dad again soon i have noit sene him in years. please keep him alive safe n dhelaht.y please send trillions of holy angels to minsite ronto him. Lor dpleas ehal B ine very way hela his teeth adn brign helaign into his life. Lor dif he is ahusbadn make it clear to both of us Via holy spirit if no please tell me who my husnabnd it. pelase take awa yll bittenress anger resnetment unhapines sout of my heart. please forgive my sins. please do alos take all bitterness resent anger disspintmet turn sorrow into joy. Lor di feel so aloen all the itme. please ocme into my lfie. in a freesh way. i wsih i knew why i was cursedLor dcan i pelase have oyur forgivnessi dont want to be becursed anymroe. will i eve rbe appy?? pelase? please deliver my hoem form division. may this bre ahoem where CHirst dwells. help me clena housedleive rme form vanit ylust sof hte flehs. form loniness form pride ego. from depression. pelas ehal my uncle V form autism colechialism giv ehim ebst car eproper nutrtion ebst of the bes tin allt higns. please heal his mom please please helpp my grandma Lord. pleas ehlp my mom to healed of her brian and dleive rher form all amalgan fillings. send the. Hela her Lor dby OYu rpower oyur prais eGlroy. pleas emake today a wodnrful day for all. may all be clothed heale dhelaht happy dleiverance form war turmoil delpression uncelan spirits. no suicidal hopelelss thoguths for anyoen. may all ahve hope in Crist. i pray you do all inyour power to belss me an dmy fmaiyl and my hubby and his sid eof fmaily. do allinypour power to restor emarriages oyu want restored and dleiver all marriages ofrm evil. brign helaignt o hurting heart and salvation to los t souls in Chirst. plea shela Bs healrt and also please do allinyour pwoer so all my fmaily mmerbers ar save dbaptise idn Chirst. Lor dpelase giv eoyur salvaiotn to my famiyl all of them have mercy. have merc yon ym sisns help em to witness help em to comunciate iwht oyu Lord. thnak you. guid eme wiht oyu rholy spirit and give us all wisodm. mak eus do oyur WIll today and alwys. pelase provid ethe work tha touy want B to have and also if hes my husband may he be very romantic with me anddleive rhim from ngoldy people habit shitgns smoking and dirnkign filthycommunciation. . save him. Lor dmak eit LOud and clear who my husband is LOUSd and clear who my earlthy husband is today Lord oand clear no coutnerfeit husbands. Lor dod allin your power to sav ehim adn heal him and guide him and make him do oyur IWllalwys and all make our maairage honourable above all. may i be truly happy wiht my ONe flesh. (not fkaing it. not enduring. please soemoen i actualy love and lvoes me and woudl die for me vic eversa and soemoen who i can enjoy life wiht a ture comapaniona d an ot soemoen who has asperger syndorme. ( pelasehela him is he does) . i woudl iek soemoen who can rea dmy emotions andkknwos how ot make me happy and wantst adn soemoen whodesires me and vice versa soemoen i can easily speak wiht in a language i wan tot speka in . THy will be done. pelase less struggles and mroe guidance. i feel so aloen. thankyu Lor di pray you plrease giv esopuseses form your Heavely hands Kingdom to those who arein need of a compnion. pelase giv eme a real companion. not just someoen who order sme aorudn. pleas eno anothe rparents a friend a love a comanion who take sme out of the house. pelase all the itme. i really miss goign outside. soemoen i hcan hav eufn with play wiht. i feel lonley. not goof ro for anone to fbne aloen. also help me help my mom. provid efriends for us all godly firenships. gudie us aLor docnernign churhc which churhc to go to and everyhitng. am i even allowed to speka inchurhc.. i feel so lost. make my paths straight. take away hi heaviness that sseem contstant always.. please. asogin you also please keep my hydrated and whoel fmaily too dleive rus out of depresisona dgenraiotnal curses. Lord take away jelously form me ( being jelus of those hwo hve what i want or feelign jelous they have btter health thnan me. help m e to see i am not a t a disadvantage and that i can have a good life too i canhave no? please do all iynour power to end coorna virus and take away all germ phobia szilánk phopbia coornvirus phobia and always stress wiht relaitv pelase help us hav emroe space form oen another.please. pelas esne dhtem the help they need Lor dgiv eLor dplease save them pelas ehal them miracoulsy. may your Presnece and glroy surround em and my fmiala dn allepoel. guide us like neve rbefore. THy Will ebd oen thy Kingdom coem on earth as i it is in heaven. pleas eprovide ofr laloru needs. pelase destroy the works fo the deivl in all our live.s Pleas edo allinyru power toprevent and protec tus form accident death adn calmitiy. heal dad heart giv ehim oxygen giv ehim trmendous joy in the lor d. Lor dforigv oeur isns and guid eus help us do oyur WIll. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Ch Chrrst thnak yo for helaign em. pelas ehal my granda.