Beloved of All
praise reprot: the Lord has healed sio much of my facial bones and teeth! thank You Lord+ You are the Great Physician thank you Lord Jesus Christ also prais e God.. i have bette rmbolitiy over my left baby toe. thank you Lord! He is the Best! thanky ouf or all your prayer.s pelas epray fo rmy grandm and i to be dleivered of al blood suagr insulin resistanc eproblem type oen diabete diabetes insipidus and disorder sof sadness be reversed healed and ressurected bakc otlif eourChirs tlife in us.. Lor dpelase dleive rme form depression please hela my grandma who ha sbeen bedridden for years. pelas ehla my teeth and fmaily teeth tressurect new teeht orgrans limbys for my whole fmaiyl pelase lord Jeus Chirst. please hela my grandas veins and arteires bloos pressur esmall bowel obstruciotn syndrom all infeciton pelase take away pleas ehal her hips. please Lordheal my mom adn brother (if he has it too) heal mymom of asperger syΓndorm. please heal our relationship so tha ti truly is healed and i pray ou heal her brain heal her emotionas and any developmental disordersd ldiever her form alexthymia please Lor din thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus chirst. please giv eme wisdom on hwo to care for myself, my grandm adn mom. pleas ealso help me with blood sugar issues. pelas ehlp me gian weight musckes and restore my mouth. i woudnt to prais eoyu wiht my mouth . please give new teeth to all in my fmaiyl who need new teeth by the ressureciton of the Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase take away every evil sppirit of heaivness and dpression insecurity and self hatre din my fmaily blood line. please forgive my fmaily and their sins. lro dipelas ehlp us to repent of all eivl. do al in your power so we fully 100% repent and serve oyu only Lord Jeus Chirst Lord amast God Lord of all. thank ou for eternal life. i pray for ::: and my neighbours ot beliv ien the Lord Jeus Chirst. i pray that B can do his job wel and the Lord heals his teeth and ressurect teeth. i pray that the Lord revela himself ot Him His salvaiton and dleiver shim form ever demon that craves smoking and alchohal . pelas edlieve rheim form all generaitonal curse and demonic opression. dleive rhimf orm all toxic influence and may no harm come to him ever. bless him protec thima dn guice himw ith oyur holy spirit always. make al peopel do your will today Lord. please also heal my parents . dleive rmy whoel family from tartar gout and whatever evil spirit cause sthese shting please take away form my famiyl blod line forever. please Lord Jeus Chirst permanatley set my hme my husband form the Lord free form all generational curse, txype 1 diabetes type 2 diabetes metabolic acisdosis and genetic related illness and illness that could possibly exit dleiver form all demons and legions of demons dleiverance form self hatred, deliverance form poverty and not knowing our identitiy in Chirst dleiverance form everyhtign in our lives that is no God Will for and Gods best for our lives i pray this for lal peope. i pray that he Lord reconciels us all ot HIm with HIs Holy bloo. Lor ddleiver me and all poepel form every false way all evil idolatries andenvying strife. Lord i owuld liek to be dleivered of feelign unloved. Lord Jeus Chirst. i need oyur love set em free form wantign love form other poeple. if oyu are willing. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t please Lord if oyu have a husband for me make him find me recognize iam his wife fomthe Lord and He my husbadn form Gdo and may ht Lor djoin us to becoem One flesh a covenant ordiane dby God HImself. accoridng to His will. Lord pleas eprtotect em and my husbadn i was made ofr form all counterfeit spouses straneghmarriages strange wivesa dn husbands. Please by YOur holy spirit make us ebocme ONe. By YoUr power Lord jeus Chirst . please do not delay if you want me and th e husband i was mad e for together. pelase odnt elt satanct temopt us and lead us away form each other. pelase dot allow even ourselves or anyhitgn to hekeep us apart for oyu have joined us together. Lord hela my hurtign hear concenrign men and relationship help me understand who i am as woman in Chirst. help me to be happy. as i feel stuck in my life. ipray you protect all peopele especially my fmaiyl form all acdccident sclamities gout dsisters protect us form all eivl. protectus form pest diseas eillfness infection insulin adn metbaolic disorders, protection in ou rhealth and strenght and well ebign an dhapines sin everyway i pray htis for all my fmaily husbadn in the Lord and al l peopel. Lord help m et ot always do the right thigns help us all to always do the right htigns . giv eme strgnth adn deliver me form intrusive htoughts mental illness sadness related to my teeht. please heal and ressurect my teeht. thanky ou Lord i know oyu have done so much work on ym body helaign i prais eYOu I praise you thanky ou: Pleas ehall al people who hav einfection blood pressure issues. pelase hela all who have developmental disorders or delays heal all brians heart sorgancs. set this world free and all its inhabitants form alle ivl inclusing dleiver from covid dn corona virus variaitons dleiverance form all type of influenza and dleiveranc eof all disease please Lor dint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. Lord dleiver me form unfrogivness all inturvie htoughts severe fatigue please restore my kidneys to excelelnt helaht please restore all my organs to excelelnt healht. i pray htis fo rmy grandma too all my fmialy memebrs all blood relatives and their fmailies too and ll popel int henamoe fhte lorJeus Christ. thanky ouf or supplyign all my needs help me not want help me not covet please Lord dleiver me form all coveotusness for that is idolatry. please in thenamoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. please dleive rmy fmaiyl me and husband form the Lord form all witschcraftopression satnaic opression bullies toxic peopel and htigns and toxic thoughts please renwe the spirit of our min. dleive rme form lonliness. if oyu have husbadn form YuLord.. please make it so we reall are togther an di wann eb first in my husbadns life always.. pelas ehal me concenrign my identity as a woman... i feel limited. help me Lor din thenamoe fhte lord Jeus Chirst. ipray ou pray protect all marriages oyu have ordained form satan adn adulterers toxic influence and dmeons in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t i pray marrihgae be honor able above al in all areas of society. please help me not be frustrate dlonely angry while waiitng for my husbadn form the Lord. if oyu have a husband for me God show me who he is and show him who i am form you God almighty. please may we never reject one another btu love deivne love ocnnection equally yoked spiritually and in every way. may God join us for His Glory and praise. thnak yu Lord. also pleas ehlp me fidn creativ eeasy way to do clenaing. help me enjoy my life an dnot find it lonley tiresome and sad. pelas ehlp me enjoy life. pleas edleive rmy mother form a complaing spiritbles she rand heal her form all trauam relted to fmaily and me. thanky ou Lord Jeus Chirs ti pleasd your holy blood on this prayer. also Lor dpleas eheal all my fmaily form osteoporisis arthritis deiverance form all goout and dehydration purge and compelltes dleive rus form every for of dehydration malnutriotn and thec aus etheros. for giv e my isn and backsliidigns keepe me in your will. keep me contect. show me your love Lord. ifeel lonely and woudl liekt o understand why Lord.. why always solonely i dont udnerstand............. pleas eodn tisolate me unles sit sour WIll Lord i feel tired and lonely and please heal my gradnma blood bblood pressur eeyes giv ehe rbakc he rmobility askign dementia to be revesed askign all diseas eand iskcness ot leave her and her full rapid helaign for oyur Gloryi Lord Jeus Christ for my grandma for my mom Vilike my brother dad andi and their baby. and allpeopel. pelas eod all iny ourpower to regrow peoples teth dental flehs brians limbs organs nothginis impossibel to yo Lord. i pray oyu touch htose whose hearts ar ebroken dleiver all peopel form every form of bitterness. please giv eus all merry hearts. please for oyu rglro yna by your power. Dliever and destroy all evil and the works of the deivl inthis world . int henamoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirs.t pelas hela ll in icu in hosptitals. dleive rlal peopel who hav ementla illness and dleiver lal peopel form unsound mind. giv elal peopel strgnth sound mind power peace joy inthe holy spirirt. giv eall peopel your Holy spirt. pelase ressurected all thigns dead in my life and in all poepels lives especiall yin my fmaily. if anyhtign delete din my grandmas brian please ressurect (movement) pelase restore and activate all nrve signals to work normal in ehr body and all veins arterie svessels heart. pelase acitivate and restore all her cells restor eher youth lif eht eagle si aksign oyu to repidly miraculoulsy restor eher body for oyour prais ean dGlor yLord Jeus Chirst. askign for miracle in her whole body for oyur prais ena dglory. Lord dleive rme and my fmaily form all resnentment. lor dpleas eintervene concenrign a specifi matte.r please also hela my brothe rof histamine intolerance and please Lord please help my mother ocmmunicate with me tha tisnt alwayrs a panic and right away! im realyl tire dand owudl liek to take car eof myself bette rpleas ehelp Lord. pelas eprovide me a prlac eo fmy own my own husband form God mother an happy mothe rof children that keeps house a home i really love and husband i really lopve children i really love a fmaiyl i realy love if you ar Willig Lord.. i pray my husband truly owudl love me and always want o eb wiht me. that He put sme first adn inHIs life gives his lfie ot me like Jeus did. may He have the job God want sHIm to have and me too.. may we never compete iwht one anothe rbut work together happily fo rhte Glor yof God. int henameo fhte Lord Jedus Christ. Lor dguide us All into ALL into all truth and teahc of al thigns...i pray htif for lal peopel. i also pray that all who need helign ar ehealed by our Lord Jesus Christ mentaly physically pyschologicall emotionally soudn mind for lal poepel. i pray those who abuse others . the abuse would stop. the Lord dleiver them form those demons tha tbaus eothers. i pray God provid eme and all poepel wiht the best fodo shelter real frindships God ordained and remainign in marriages. and Lord protec tla peopel children seniors widos orphans. hela thos eon disbaility. Lor dhela those who feel hopeless. giv ehtem hope lord Jeus Christ save and hela us all. thanky u for givign us abundant life. prais eot you Lord forever. thanky ouf or oyurblessign s and please do all in your power ot protec tlalpoepel form illness disease accidents unclena spirits contorllign demons abuse persecuiton dleivernac eformalle ivl protect for mll people form auto accidents, protec tmy dad and brther if they dirve and allpoepel. protec::: form accidents. surround my whole fmaila and al peopel with trilions of holy andangels alway smisniterign helaign prtecting us sent by God. please heal and dliever lal peopel eform toxic shock syndrome dleiveranc eof all felsh eatign bacteria for all peopel. hela al blood and please dlieve rus form all dmeons int henameof the Lord Je Christ. please bring healing to by dad sheart Valve and and make his insulin stbale and exceleltn crculation ehalthy weight strogn boens and teeth for life excelelnt mental and phyacial health for hima nd my mom adn in every way healing. protec their brians form neurlogical dmage.and mine to and all peoel. pelase GUDIE AND PROTEC TMY BROTHWERIWHT EH hOYL hoLY SPIRIT ANDHIS WIF EAND BABDY TOO AT AL TIEMS. KEEP THEM INY OUR WILL lORD. MAY THEY GO ONYL WHERE OYU WANT THEM TOO. PELAS EHELP THEM SPEND ITME IWHT MY DAD TOO. PELASE ALSO GIV ETHOS EWHO AR ELONELY THR IGHT SUPPORT ISN PELACE lORD. i AKS FOR A HUSBADN FORM YOU lORD SOMEOEN WHO i WAS MADE FOR hIS IRB. PELAS EMAKE hiM FIDN ME AND LVOE ME THE WAY YOU INTEDED A HUSABDN TO LOVE HIS WIFE AND ME LOVE AND REVERANCE MY HUSBADN THE WAY OYU INTENEDED, HELP ME lOR DIM TIRED. PELASE BE WIHT ME STORNGER THAN EVER TODA YAND ALL MY FMIALYMEBERS. PLEASE PROTEC TLAL EPOPELF ORM EHAT WAV AND HELA AL WHO WERREINJURED. PROECT ALL TOS EWORKIGN WIHT AUTOMOBIEL MACHINERY. PROTECT b AND SURREC THIM WIHT HOYL ANELS. PROTEC OTU TEETH AND GUMS AND BOENS HEAL AN DRESSUREC TMY MOMS TEETH AND MY GRANDMA MINE BROTHER DADS ALL PEOPELE TEEHT ASKIGN RECREATIV EMIRACLE FOR ALL PEOPEL ITN EHNAMEOF AND BY THE POWE OR FTHE lORD jEUS cHRIST. lOR DI AKS ALL RCIEVE THE GIFT OF OYUR HOLY SIIT AND BE BORN AGIAN INT HE NAMEO FTHE lORD jEUS cHRIST TEAHCUSlOR IDN THE WAY WE SHOUSL GO AND PROVID EUS ALLOUR NEEDS. HELP ME NOT BE SO LONELY lOR DPLEAS IET SHURTS. THANKY lORD. ITNT HENAMEO FHTE LORD jEUS cHRIST. DLEIVE RME Froma ll eivl today Lord Jeus Chirst and my grnamda momd ad brother all relatives all peopel b my GaΓ‘ hand spelas ehalin thenamoe fthe lord jues chirst.salvaion of the Lord Jeus Chirs tplease ocme to allsouls and l vie sin every way. pelase dleive rus all form ever yevil and lead us not itno temptaiton for oyur glor yna dby your power. help us nto worr yor tak ethoguht ove rour own life or dwell iont he godo ol days. restre orulives for oyu rGlro ylord Jesus Christ thank you.