Beloved of All
PRaise reprot: thank you Lord Jesus Christ for you mircuollouls helaign fo teeht jaw facial boens thank you for helpign me wiht mayn thign sliek ideas for inventions. pleas ehelp me with my lsut for materism. please help me find and seek the Lord iwht lal my heart. ipray htis for my future hubby my parents grqndma brother all relatives. pelase giv eus your grace and salvaiton and dlieve rus ofrm alle vil. help us out of temptaitons. dleive rus form ll ucnelna spirits all ucnela thgouts. pleas ehl us ine very way. pleas ehlp me pray wihtout ceasign. please meet me in my addiciton and st me freeput me on a plain path serivng you .ipray htis for my future hubby as well dleive rhimf orm all addicions all ungodly habits and dme too. pleas eLor dhela my dad sheart valve and dleive rhimf orm homelessness. giv him your slavaiotn.please bless all popelw ith your Holy spirit and gudi eus lor idn the wa ywe should go. pleas ehal my granma dma of dmentia and also high blood sugar high blood pressure small bowle obsturciotn syndorme. help me be good house keeper and clena up aftermysef. delive rme form depression type 1 diabetes diabetes insipidus and my grandma too. please dleive rmy fmialy form all autism asperger syndorme and give my mom brothe me and my da dan dgranda heaand B healign and all peopel exclelnt healigno the brian and brian development. thank oy Lord. thank you for oyur miracle shelain provision salvaiton and help us repent. please inclien my heart not onto fvanity giv em a heart after oyur ssmae wiht my hubby. help me fidn you in my lonliness. ipra yoif oyu have a hubby forme prepare me for him and him for me so itis biggest blessing one of the bigges tblessing inoru lives. protec thela and sinsturct my hubby int he way He shoudl go. if :: is my hubby pleas eigv em the sign. Lord ehlp em nto wste tiem worrying or have itnrusive htoughts. please be mroe perosnal to me than eve rLord. pelas eprotec tmy fmaily form accidents deah tillness and calmity. blssus liek jabez. my hubby too. giv eus YOur peace and forgive my sisn and sins of fmialy. giv em a heart hat sees you Lord. help me to be foccuse dont eh thigns you call em to do. dleive rme form selfish desires. clothign addiciotn itnernet addiction.depresison. please also dleive rmy momf orm all ucnelan spirits. askign for fruitful Gd honourign day.. pleas eprotvid emw ith best cleanign supplies clothignwisodm. Please bless my future fofspring if oyu bles me with them. please dlieve rme form this lonliness lord. please ocmeinto my life. i pray htis for lalpepel. pelase end coronphobia for me an dend cornavirus and allpalguses and wars. heplp us repent.pelas ehela our land our world. delive rme and my fmaily form alle ivl and genraitonal curses. giv em sttenght and joxyindoign your WIll. help me clena feed giv ediapers ot my granda. help my hubyb formt eh Lord od the WIllfo Gdo at alltiems and plase join us in holy matrimony when it is the appointed itme. pela eno delaypleas hlp me clena house do gardne.giv em wisdom hw to clen ahouse do hgarden.. elp me commit my works onto you Lord pelase establich my htoguhts. give my hubby and all epoel wisodm. pleas egive grnamd abes tclothgin and also guid eth epeopel makign the mobile bed giv ehtem wisodm ebst supplies easy inexpensive and best quaity. giv em grnamda the best bed ever pelas ehla her and estroy whatevr it is thts destroying her and do the dame for lal my fmaily memebrs. my parents too and B. dliver us form alldeomns. please dleiver B formsmoking and alhchalism and the root caus ethrof be eled. plese giv ehim merr yhert always and same iwht my parntes and allepoel. please hal al who have develpmental delay to develope and grow in Chirst. please giv em gif tof spekaign in toungues wiht you ord Jeus Chirst. teahcem all thigns Lor dan do the same for alpeopol. pelas hela al who haev diabetes cancer type 1 na dtyoe dianettbes pelas heal regrow teehtg ums bones orgnas limbs recreativ emriacle.s pelas heal tha tugs ina weel chair int ehnameof the Lord Jeus CHirs tpleas ehal V' brian. hela my dad's heart valve. pelas ehal my brothers heartmurmur and teeht.pelase heal stengthn him and provid eof rhis need and fmaily bneed.s please please strenghten heal restore and have exceletn cmmucniaiton betwen hima dnhis while indestructabl love devotion affecitone ye cotnact emotinal awareness love bewtteen them.please may all respect an dkeep marriage bd holy please mak eit dso tha tmy hubby honour smarriage above all . please and me too. Lor dsttrenghtne heal and dleiver my hubyb formt he Lord ofrmall satanic bondage giv ehim wisdom powe rlove soudn midn always merry heart and cnfidenc eitn he Lord always. turstign and servign the Lor diwht all HIs heart. pleas heal Bélas érelmeszeszdés and heart valve. pelas eigv heim your salvaiton.Lord help my grandm aget baptise idnt hename of the Lord Jeus CHirs.t Lor dhelp em wiht my hygeine issues. please ldiever me my hubybf ormt he Lord an dlalepoel form all dehydraiton issue sdepresiosn anxiety. pleas eprotect lal epoel drivign form accident.s hela al those who had accident. pelase hkeep my da dhydrated and pelase do all iynoru power to heal him and giv ehim appropriate vitimins ebst nutrtion and healign of heart diseas . same iwht my grandma.s trenthen an dheloru hearts. dleive ur sall formpride and help us submit ont the Lord. dleiver my hubyb out of al satnic capitvitya dn bondage and B too and sm wiht my parent sbrothe rmy and my grandma.pelas ehlp me tithe. dleve rme form coronaviurs phobia al uncelan ungodly habits. help em har oyur vopice cleary in all amtterys and right toen too. pease giv em yor Lor dLvrd ipra yhtis of lalpeoel. pelas eldieve rus form all satnaic captivity and all lies ofrm the deivl. please dleive rme form abodnage to depression. please be Lord over all area sof my Lif eLor dinclding my emotins. ipray thsi froa ll peope too. in thename fo the Lord Jeus Chirst. aksing for pebtte tiem management skilly hysgeine habits combe hair brush teeth dirnk mroe water nto get distracted an dupset over aynthgint, smae wiht my mom. help he e hoepsful posiitve and may the Lordigv eher the desire sof er hear.t itn ename og the Lord Jues Chirst. smae wiht my da.d pela eprovide bes tof the bst for my future hubby and also for his sid eof fmaily. deiver himformalle ivl influence and evildoers. pelae giv ehimpwer ove rtemtaiotns to say tno to ale vil. int henamef othe Lord Jeus Chirst. lOrd create devine love ebtwennmy hubyb and me liek adam and eve before the fall. pleas ient henameof the LOrd Jeus Chirs ti pra.y ipelad your Holy blod upon all my fmaiyl reltive posesison oru home all epoel who we ocm intcotectiwht allepoel. Lor dset us free form alls atinc captivity. thanky ou Lord Jesus Christ. OYur Kigndom OCme thy WIl eb doen. pleas egiv eme joy in keepign house please dleive rme form depression. i pray this for B tooa nd all people. pela edleiver all thsoe whoa r ehomeless ofmr the codl all who need helaign Lord touch thier bodies and dliever themf orm all unclean spirits in YOur name cast out alld eivls out of allpeoel and forbti theses devisl to ever renter. Pelase giv em mroe faiht in YOu Lord and your pwer. help us really knwo oyu and serve YOu As LOr.d thnsak in thename of the Lord Jeus Chris tI pray.