Beloved of All
Praise report: thank you lor for helaign my facial byes nose eyes. OYu are a Godo Fathe rad good Gdo and the other day you dleivered me form intruvie thoguths. OYu are the Lord. Lord Jsus Christ. thank you. please heal adn dleiver us all form ucnlean spritis for the prais eand glro yof your name. MAy you be glorifie dinour lives. YOu ar emy refuge. please dleiver unclean spirits form those who need dleiverance thnak you Lord. for setitgn the captives free. wiht oyur Hoyl Blodo set my fmaiyl and all peoel free form satnaic opression adn captivity so we may be wiht oyu always asoyu are iwht us always. i plead your Holy blood. help me to fidn oyu and forive my sisn. set em andmy fmaiyl free form the bondage to sin wiht oyur Hoyl blood . mak eme cean forgive em giv em a new chance. i need oyur forgivness i need the forgivnes of thos ei haev wornged pelase i ask this .. please and set me on a path to serivn goyu lovign yu and having doves yeyes for OYu. i ask this for lalpeoel too. giv em clear direciton and celar heairng oyur voice.. amke me take no thoguth for my life. take hodl of my mind giv em the midn fo Chirst . help me be hands and feet of Chirst . guid em and pleas epelase dleiver me form alllie sof the enmy. giv em guid eme wiht trtuh who i am my job and who yu are Lord. ipray htis for lalepoel. pelase destry the works of the deivl wiht those battlign illness cancer flehs eaitng bacteira. remove all that eat su defiles us and make sus sick or destory us. destroy all that destroy the peoel. brign salvaiton to all and open our heart to follwing oyu storgner than ever. thnak you Lor dint hnameof the Lord Jesus Christ. please tka eusall toour promise land, please destory the devils power ove rme ndmy fmaiyl. giv eus lif ean dlif ein abundance. help me to udnerstnad and knwo oyur ways teahc me the wayi shoudl go. and od the same for lalepoel. please do allinyour power to join me iwht theearthly husband you jonme wiht Lord wha toyu join let no man put ausnder not he devil no insecuirty no fear nothign separate me form my oen flehs hsuabdn no confucion no misunderstnaidn no strang espouse give us eyes to recognize one anothe ras husband and wife joine dby Chirst to beocmeoNe flehs For HI purposes. dleive rme form stubborn insecure spirits. ehp me to be who you call me to be. dleive rme formt he devil in every wa.y ipry this over lalflesh too forever in thenameof th Lord Jeus Chirst. thanky ou Lord.I aks oyu Lord ot forgive lal ym sins. help me serve oyu and find you today help ot discern your voice and heal all my fmaiyl memebrs giv eus oyur salvaiton adn direcitnf or ur lvies. help us to wlak humby wiht ouy and repent of sins. dleiver us form all evil and evil doers. giv eme stregnth and ym fmaiyl too to fight offdepression and epressing thuothsanxiety and dleier us form all fear toremtns anxiety and phoia. heal my mosm brian do fasperer syndorme and her whoel bod yand wsoul as well.hela my broththe ras well.of histamien intoeralnce and heal ym gradn please giv eus oyur toal helaign and leiveranc eormt he deivl in every way mentally physiclaly emoitonally. please provide for me thehusband you made me for lor dno ocutnerfeits make me into the best wif eevr for him and make him intot he best husabdn ever fo rme. bless my husband always his comign goign dleive rhim form allungodl yhabits and form all ucnlean thigns addiciotns. If B is my husband oyu amde me for make it really apparant to me Lord. and ot HIm. Lor dhelp me clena house organize htigns obe ymy aernts in all thigns and not misunderstand oyur word. or toen of voice. amy i knwo oyur true charchter . hel to se oyu hear you thign oyur htoughts and see what ouy do. mak eme Holy make m your child and dleiver me form anxiety resnement bittenress and jelusy. make me an instument of peace grace. help me follow you and take away distraciotns ofrm followin oyu. please provide a mobiel bed of rmy grandma ifoyu are willing so we cna og out side. pelase take away m dirt szilรกnk germs covid phobia. i want to be free. pelase free me in your name by oyur power for oyur glory. giv em strnght to repent help em foccus and take away intrusive htoughts. please take away all unclena psirits ofrm my parents hela them restore them and hela them form all truam. please beocme Lor dover over my fmaily and my husbadn adn all hsi respective fmaily. Lor dhelp em to seek oyu destry the works of the enem yin our lives. take awa ymy idols take away all that prevents em form following oyu. i rpay htis of rlalpoel. forgive my sisns and please help em repent. ma yi liv efor oyu and fll in ylove wiht oyu . pelase giv em wisodm and discernment adn strnght. be wiht me and teahc me show me and help me heal me forgivne me. please o this for allepoel. i feel overhwelemd and tired. giv em sttenght and giv eme step by step isnturcitons . giv em wisodm dotorad fmaiyl mebrs and and udnerstnaidn heart teah cme how ot pray and what to pray. pelase dleive rmy grandma formalunclena spirits form dmentia form alldmeons form the enemy. pelase rbeaht life into her Lord via Holy spisirt and help em to clena her the fods oyu want em to giv eher feed her bathe her clena her adn giv ediapers. help meto stop wasitng time on my selfish deisres. i odnt know how ot stop . please show me how. draw me near to you and please help em foccus ondoign oyur will. giv emy paetns belssend logn hapyp life and lalepoel too. give thos ein authority wisdom and salvaiton and udnerstnaidn hearts. please help caregiver nurse sphysicians parents doy our WIlla dn giv eus step by step isntruciotns. help me to seek you First and oyu kingdoma dnall these thign swill e adde dunto me. i pray fo rhelaht happy ebst miracle pregancy helaign for my siste irn law and my baby nephew in womb. iprayofr abelssed day fo rmy hubadn adn tell him i lov ehim abdnd brign him your salvaiton giv hei wisodm and udnerstniand heart protec thim and dleive rhimform alleivl and elad him not into temptaiton btu delive rhimf orm all evil. help himt o keep his mind on you and same wiht m. leiver my fmaiyl form dperesisonhopeless nes. pelase take away the mold please fix the tap. please giv em best mobile best and best vccaregign for grandma. i feel drianed and tired give me strenthLord and my mother help us care fo rone anothe rand do oyur IWll please free me form txype on diabetes in thenameo fhte Lord Jeus chirst fre me form the lov eof money and vnaity and peaople pleasign help me have a real relationshipw ith oyu Lord. hlp me haev an insimate ocnncetion udnerstandy our emoitons and what pelases oyu and how i can connec twih my Lord. i pray this for allepoel. help us draw near ot yu thnaky u Lord. i pray all on hear are free of alls ickness disease mentla phyically emotioanlyl free whealth and Whoel in Chirst saved and cleanesed by the blodo of Chirst and allepoel to. guid eus alwith oyur hOyl spirit and help us to dra wnear to oyu. hela all thos ewho have unsoudnmidn and are tormente dby fear pelase help us fidn oyu and dliever allpeoel form smokign alchahlism and drugs hela my grandm hela mymy mom. hel amy and my brother. dleive rus form allgenrational curses alepoel and please help us submit to oyu guide Lor dour Shpherd. resotre amrriages you have ordained Lord and dleiver the enemy that came between them . for oyu are a deliverer. in the namepf the Lord Jeus Christ. thy WIll be done. please keep my husbadn faiht ful toOYu Lord His whole heart drawing near to oyu and my whole wehart drawin g near to oy. help women be keepers athoem . giv ehtem the strnght and help the husband sdads whoeve ris provider be good provider. help us lov oene oanothe ras oyu have loed us. fee us from ever yliea nd form vanity and selsifhness. help us find you Heavnely Fathr. dleiv erus ofrm conufusion help us allreall yknwo yu Lord and ldieve us form confusion form the deivl in every way. praise by to OYu Lord. in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ.