Beloved of All
praise report: yesterday i recieved healing on my teeth an d now too thnak you Lord. Praise God my grandma had a protper bowel movment in first itme what seem slike a LOng long time mabye years? the Lor dha sall the glory He i is our healer. thank you for pryers.Thanky oyu ot all who ar epraiyng for me any my fmaily in our Lord Jesus Christ name .please knwo your prayers change my life in the best way forever. I htnak God for all of oyu my brothers and siste rin Christ. much love t you all.pleas epray that my grandma is heale dof dementia, small bowel obstruciton syndorm that she is strenghtend an dhelae idn every way that the Lord dleivers her and me form all type 1 diabete sproblems and lal peopel and dleiver my fmaiyl form every type of diabete sincludign diabete sinsipidus pelas epray m mom is healed ine ver yway and the Lord gives her a emrry heart and dleiver her form all truama form past disspointment dleiverance form all disease peiodotisis disease healign of asperger snydrondrome hearing her brian the Lord helas her for His glor yhelps her and touch her mightily wiht his Hoyl spirit with hIS love today. And touches my dad to helaign of heart and healign of emotions and helaign of insulin unstbale helaign of ciruclation gout osteoporisis that the Lord dliever sall peopele ofrm gout diabtbetes heals and regros teeht in fmaiyl new sharp teeth to all who need it and Lor dpelase hela al flehs and gudie all to doyour WIll dtoda.y pelase giv emy siste irn alw the best brithday ever may everyhitng be easy for her today may trillions of hoy angle sminister to her and allt he fmaily may their too be gifts miracuols fgfts an dhelaign in her life and bels sher always forever her husband and hier fmaily duaghter. Lors bless my parent siwht hppy logn healthy life and dleiverance form all ucnlean spirits guide them wiht oyur Hoyl spirit reocnciel their marirage dleiver them form commucniation barriers heal thier hearts andmidn sadn may they always follwo you Lord Jeus Chirst guide them wiht oyur hOly spiit. please save their sousl Lord and savemy grandmas oul hela her of all her bed of illness. pelase help my brother be exceleltn husband to my sister inlaw and exclelnt provider and protecter of his fmaiyl. ipra ylal pemen will be godly mena nd all women godly women and allc hildren and youth followign hard after God's own heart. Lord please when it is your perfect IWll and timign pleas eprovid eme with my owen gdoyl husband with the most deivne romantic miraucolsy intimate connecitonw ith my husband so storng we read each other midns may he be exclelnt protect provider may we have lto sof fun and do Gdo WIll togethe rmay ntohign evr separat ema dn my husband not even each other-- menaign no insecurit yi pra ym husband formt he Lord fidn me incredilyb attractiv emost attractiv eowman on earht an dlvoes everyhitgn baout me and willignly giv ehis life up for me as accoridng to Gods Word and will and i pray God put it into my hear to desir em husband and and may He dieivnesy protec tour amrriage form alle ivl evil doers and form satan. Lro dpelase bles smy huband wiht excleletn job that glorifies God and he enjoy doign may he have lot sof ebernergy and giv eme lot sof attention and want sot do this may we have excellent eye contect an dno communication or langugae barrier prepar eus fo reahc othe rot be a gigantic blessign to oen anothe r.tommorw i am 34 years old askign you pelase bless me tommorw in YOur way Lord . . YOur way Pleas ehal Vilike enurologicaly help us get incontac tprotec thimf orm all evil. protect my famiyl form disease decay and destuction deivne protection on all our posessions hoems lives and onlal peopel pleas eprotec tlal our ocmign and ogin help us do oyur will make oyur will clear ot us help us stay foccuse odny our Wlll and help us ot love one another.Lor dpleasase deivnely protect ll marriges and fmialies oyu hav eordained. reconcile those marriage oyu want reconciled. Please may all keep marriage bed holy and undefiled. pelas eno strnage marriag eno adulery dleiver all peopelf orm fall flase God evil spirits restore heal and destroy the work of the deivl in all our lives. pelas ebring faiht o thos ehwo feel hopless pelas ehal my mtoher givc her hoep that YOu have grea tplan for her life lord and do the same for lalpoeple. Pelase help B do the roof soon . may he do an excleltn job andmay He ha et he help heneeds in hislfie. pelase bless himabundantly with wisdoma dn giv ehim merr yheart pelas ehala nd ressurec this teeht dleive rhim and all poeel form all addicitons. dleiver him form alchohaulism smoking and filthy ocmmunication. heal his body restore hi youth liethe the eagley may he always do Gods WIll wilingly belss hima dn giv ehim iracouls providence of the perfect roof mateiras to fix Gods home and Lord devinely help him. deivnely help and hela Vilike. give him emrr yheart strogn excellnt teeht helaign of delntla flehs helaign of brian gus ehim greatly to brign all peopel in intรฉzet toyour HOly KIngdom Lord pelas ehal all peole wiho need healign neuorlogically mentlaly physiclaly emotionally.dleiver all poeel who are depressed feel hopless Lord pelase shien oyur light and dleiver all peopel who ar ien bondage to eivl or darkness save Lord Jeus Chirest all who are demon poseed all who are afride pelase dliever them form fear. dleive rme form corona phobia . please ldieve rthis worlf form ukriane war form pestilence dleiver allpeopelf orm unclena thoguths formthe enemy. destroy the works of the devil may all heave clena pure holy honest godo love htoguths form you God dldieve rme form all ocd thoguths concernign my teeth and my life. pelas edlieve rme form add. help me foccous help em clean. heal al peoel who have nutritional deficiencies who ar emalnoursihed pelase feed help me clena feed and protec tmy grandma make me to be the perosn you want em to be and do the same for my husband you have of rme Lord . please keepus fiahtful to you Your Word and OYur hOyl spirit. if Heis nto yret a chirstina make HIm a Chrisitan a dedicated followr compelltes surrender to Chirst and sme with all epole. please help us all to repent. pelase hela al those who need helaign int heir gentics as weell. pelas eldieve rme and my fmaiyl form strep and all flehs eaitgn disporders neurlogical . pelase clena dn heal oru blodo please od mighty miracle isn ym faily for oyu rgLory to show the world that YOu Lrod Jeus Chirst have all popewer an doyu came ot giv eus life in abundac eot save us. dleive rus Lord form all evil. protect my brother adn his marriaghe may they be stogner bonded asOne flehs than eve rbefore may they ocmmucniate wiht oen another exclelnt and enjoy the Lord and their marirage and thie rlives. guide lal peoelw ith oyur hOly spirit itno all truth. Pleas ehlp us all to trus itn your Wor.d please send help to thoe who ar ien dandger. protec tlal peoelf orm neturla disaster form poisonous snakes form all evil pestielenc. epelase make clenaign easy andfun for em today. very easy. pelase help me stray storng foccused and pelas ebrignpeace an dunity in my home in chirst. pleas eod al iynour power to do this Lor diand for lal peoels hoems. pease dleiver those who are in a face religion false wayof thingking .. st them free Lord brign us allt ot truth your way your WIlla dn trustign iny oU.. help me trust you Lord an dknwo you truly.ipray this for allpeoele int henameo the lord Jeus Chirst name i pra.y please guide all physicians careigcvers docotr lla peoel building give them all wisdom guidance strenght andjoy int he holy spirit guide them on how ot truly help wothers and allepoel too. pelase guide lal peopel in authority to al truth and od their job as accoridng to your Will. in thenameo fthe Lor dJesus Chris ti name i pra.y pelas elOr dhela ll peoel so no oen has amputaitons no eeth loss nothing lost or stoled form the neemy pelase today and ofrever deivnely protect all souls their bodies thougth sintentiosn and acitons .. only make us ggo itn e way oyu want us to go.. hear what oyu want us to hear say what oyu want us to say think what you want us to think and od what oyu want us to do. int henameo the Lord Jsus Chirs ti pray.