Beloved of All
Praise report: yesterday i had many miracle sin my teeth positioning thnak you Lor dso mcuh for oyur miralce. spelas epra ymy e and my gradnma ar ebot and all my fmaily dleivere dof flehs eatign bacteria insulin problem metabolic issues.pleas epra yme and ym family memeebrs are dleivere dof all metabolic acidosis of al demosn fo al eivl of al fals eGods idols. Pleas epray the Lor dforgive sus oru sins n dmake sus do His Will always. please pray tht i can fidn intimacy wiht Chirs tliek nev rbefore and all my fmaily memebrs and tha the Lor dtakes awa ym desire for husband if it is not His will and if He ha sa husband for me tht He keeps my husband strog helath y loyal devoted to God and to HIm as His wife an dowule be excllent provider a dprotector an dlove me me as Christ does and ma yi love My husband as God owudl want me. lro dprepar eus for eahc othe rhelp em to know oyur way .Help him to knwo your ways.pelas eprovide only Godod influnce for my hubby friend stha tlea dhimt o Chirst an also ipray htis fo rlal men too. pleas eprotect la marriages that oyu have ordianed and may the deivl not decive men with strane women may my hubyy never fal itno trap of strange woman who is nto His wife. pleas eprotec tm yhubyy form alle vil adn deception. give hIm soudnmind power an dlvoe and always servign YOu Lor dout of true HUmility and chid lik faiht and sam ewith me. Lor dleive rme form all desires tha ti snot oyur WIll adn do the same for my ubyy an dall our fmaily memebrs. Please Lor do alliny our power to join me wiht the man you want me joined to whom i ws call ed ot Be HIshelpmete may I also do the best at caring for my grandma and helpign my mom.Lord pleas egiv em yf maily xceeltn helth logn life as well as my dad. pelase gi eus oyur salvaiton and dleiverance form all illness and diseas eplease for giv ela our intquities have merc yon us and orde roru steps. Lord hav elot sof anxiety.pelase dleiver me form this anxiety. please hela my grandma of alsmm bowle obsturciton syndorme demtnia and releaye her form alld emosn all deformities pleas emake it so she has mirculous bowel movmeents. please make her bowels sit onher sips propler.y pleas ehal her hip and bowel alignment hela her hand sand feet. breaht livfe into her lif eneve rbefore Lord Jeu sChirst iwht th epowe rof YOu Hoyl spirit . may you Aloen be glorifed Lord. pelas erbeaht life into my life Bs life all peoels live smy parnet sbrothers and destory the destroyer in or lives. pelase hel my parent smarriage by YOur power Lord and by YOur Spirit if oyu be willing Lor.d Lord help me wiht dissapointment fear. help me feel love dmyby my fmialy please may my fmaiyl eb unitedin Cirst for Chirs talwíays. pelas ehal my mom of asperger syndorme hela the issue swhere her hand is numb. reveal oyurself powerfully o my mom dad my hubby whoever He is. pease no ocutnerfeit husband for me, revela oyuself to b. Lr dif .. is my husband le tu sboth knw.. take this false idea form me once nd for la if it is not Your WIll Lor. idotn wanna be cofnused el tme knwoand elt HIm knowl LOUD and Clearly ot Both of US. do oyu wan tus fto be Man and wife and I need to know Lord Jue sChirst Y sor No.... please pleas ei beg oyu Lor didont wanna hav ehti confusion lignerign ove rme. and i need clarity in all areas direction and help. please i need OYu to clerly cmmunicatr with me in a wa yi udnerstand and hav eno fals einterpretaiton s.i need oyu to teahc me to hear YOur Voice and giv eme the courage power enrgy to do YOur Will. i pray htis fo rll people. Le tno oen be deicved by entertianment vanity the devil in any way. i ask tat oyu pelas ehal all my raltive hela my ants hips, also my moms hips grandmas hipy ehla all bacteria infction diarrea issues. pelas eLor dgiv em a stregnth like Sampson to do careigign clenaing and help em to Hear oyur voic loud and clear wihtout any fals einterprettion. please help me to fidn YOu Lord. help me to seek OYu wiht la my heart. pleas encourag eme to keep seekign OYu Lord even whenim tired. show me YOur Heart sho me YOur WIll for my lfie and i dont want o be lost i dotn want o eb deicieved please pelas ehelp me as i need your love Lor di need your love pleas epour out OYur holy spirit on allflhs today and may all know YOu and bleive inYou and pelase fogrigve me my sins.. i want to stop ocmpairng myslef ot oter peopel Lord help me runt he race the plan you outlien for me and pelase make cargiivgn supe rfun today and easy. no intrusiv ehtoughts no dmeosn harraisng me andmy fmaiyl or hubby in anyway. i pray that everyone has an excleltn day God protec tu sform alle ivl form accident death persecutions fears worries nxieties idols.pelase od al iny OYur power tha tmy entire fmialy doe sYOur WIll dotday an dmy hubby as well wheover He is nd B and all my neighbours and al poepel... please hela my mom of aserger snyodrm heal in everyway us eHImt o glorfy you Lord Jeus Chirst greatly. Lor dhelp me t o fidn YOu be onf ire for your et htis husband idolatr yout. help em to fin my love in YOu Chirst ruly eejy serivn You adnhelp em to hear YOur vic help em to knwo OYur WIll and help me to carry the cross oyu have f ro em i pray thi for la peole. inthna,mft oeh Lord Jues Chirst. lor dhlp me..dleiver em form all dmeon fo fea rworry insecurity Heavy Lden giv eme rest form thse enmies. in the nameof the Lord Jeu schirs ti pra.y ipray htis fo r al peole. Pleas eldieve rla peopel form type 1 dibetes insulin rsitance cancer tumors .plas eod recreativ emiracle snew teeth noeworgans boen slimbs rais epeopel formthe dead accordign to OYur perfect WIll Lord int henameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. bring all hearts back to OYu Lord help me desire OYu Lord please and i pray this fo rlal peole. I dont want to be rligious i wanna be YOur CHidl. i wann be led by OYur HOly spirit itno all truth.. i wanna be corfted and protected an dknow OYu for real Lor dint henamoeof the lord Jeu sChirs ti pray htis for mylef all ontihsi site and for lal epopel. Lord please remove anxiety form my mom in a powerufl way today remov hopelessnes touch her heal her send YOur HOly spirit ot her bless he r an dmy dad the same way guid elead htem ... give htem wisodm and myself to and my grandmadn all epopel i ak you to pelas ehla my grandma of all illness in a powerful way by your hands Lor dJeus Chirst. pleas ehal BS teeht giv ehim merry heart delive rhim form all desire to some or drink alchhaul and may Heknwo it was th epower of YOur hOly spirit. pelase Lord help em to be so storngly intimate wiht YOu Lord Jeu sChirs tt ha ti know YOur htoughts Lord eventhoughthey ar enot thoguhts teahc me to ocmmunciat eteahcme to clena how to do i do the thigns you wnat em to do. help me be fater storgne rhealhtier and hela mymoms teeht gumms, help her crave foods that are godo for her only. please provid elal peopel the appropriate nutrional needs they ned. pela shela la linhospitals pelas strgnthen help those in health caring posiitons. please dont all ow physicnas to make mistka eor anyoen. please forc es ot od OYr IWl isf needed. Lor dgiv eme the ocurag eht wisodm the power the desire to eb who OYu want em to be today and pelas eprovide me and my fmaily and all peopel wiht the needs we need especial dleiveranc eofr evil form fals eGods idols and may we onyl serve YOu the true God and eternal lfie. giv eme an dintimate relationship with YOu Lord Jeus chirs ti woudl liek this above all else.. pelase tka eway my husband idol by tongiht. i dont want to worship marriag ei wanna worship OYu Lor dby tongiht thnak you itn henameof the Lord Jeu schirst. thake awa ymy desire for ...... please i beg oyu its dirngin me nuts. thanks int henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. pelas eLor dod all iny our power to ehla my grandm hela my mom ehal all peoel ont his site and my brothe ralso hela him of histmaine intoleranc ehela his brian hela V hela everyon at tha tintitute hal all into eh hsiptals hela la inaccidents ressurec tbodies hela them pelas ethnakyou Lor din thenmyoe fhte Lord. help us to live fuly surrendred toOYu.Lord help em to hav emaffeciton on OYu Lor dnot thie htign son this planet.. help me udnerstan dpelas ehtnak you Lord. in thenamoefte Lord Jesus Christ