Disciple of Prayer
The Lor djesus Chirst is the true God and everalstign life.LIvign waters!! God elp me to turn to oyu heal me and my fmaiyl save us and giv eus life and for allhere too. Lor di need dlieverance orm mentlaillness phobias. please help me thnak oyu and hela that boy in hsopital heal the man wiht cance rand the othe rone and also all peoel who have cancer heal my mom of aspeger syndorm and her kness im sorry i did not clenaup and becuas eofme she fel
i feel bad pelas epray i can be better and that my mom will heal soon. Lor dhea my bedridden granma and help em car efor her and also provid eiwht latex socks an dhelp with laundry and chores pela hel my da dheart valve nee dhelaignof osteoposris an dhelaign in vien arteies help em see him soon again helpem be better perosn and and pelase hela my mbrothe rand my fmaiyl aof alldehydration issues. pelase hel our midn htought emotions and bodies an dsame iwht B. protect us allform evil. pelas ehal V bakc hea lhim neurlogivcally heal his whoile feh mind body emoitons kolechialism brian hela my brother sbrian dn Bs too. pelase fogvie me y sisn and ame mew me knwes giv eus all wisdom form oyur heart adn may we hear oyur vocie and hearken alwys giv em all i need fore the your will. pelas ehal boiler pelas eprovide new bolr snd cheap means for electricity pelas ebels smy parents and grandm brothe rB an dhubby whoeevr he is wiht logn healhty happy lfie same iwht B aé and V. pleas edo allinyourpower to dleiver us form all accident deaht clamitiy hplesnes and despair dleiver B form smokign adn achhalim. and allhtigns ucnelna. hela him ine very way an dprotec thimf orm evil. pelase do the same for allpeoel. pleas hela his brian if he has asperger syndorm. Lor dheal my other these phobias help my uneblief. please help me and giv em wisodm in all rarea sand gudie us allitno alltruht. dliever us form allaccident deht calmity demosn and diabetes and diabete sincipidus and cancer and dmeinitai and hel my grandmas skin adn heal the spondsdleive rher form small bowel obsturciotn synodrm and brign heal to her whole felsh heal the diarrea issue im sorr iy slipped an dfll on ehr pleas eha lher in every way. please forgiv e all ym sins.pelas ebelss andhela my grandm and my mom today healign form heaven form your heart and alos my da and his side of fmialy too brin ghelaign to B andhis side pelase heal hisbros relaitonshpw ithhis wife. protectusa ll form adulaty. pelase Lor dle tme knwo who my husban dis here inearth make it clear as crsytal celar as the clearest water. protct me form the deception lies form the deivl and the deivl bullies. renew the psiri tof my mind pelase giv em mroe sttrenght to sere more and hela all onthis sit etheir fmailiey their neemies and draw us near to YOu Lord. please giv euslal wisodm ina ll area sof our life.pelas thanky ou. int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pra.y pelas ehal my dads bodie giv heim excleltn heale dinsiulin heal our blodo lor dour blood lien and make us walkiny our wys wiht clarity and devotoion thankyou for beign my Big brother. hela my brother and his wife and kids in every way delive them form eivl andprivedfro alltheir needs and bring them oyur slavaiton,.d leiv urs ofrm lalevil dleive rusofrm tmepttion. protec tm yhuband form eivla dn form adultery givheima heart after oyurs adn may he always love protect me and be nice ot me and evice vers.a may i bles smy husband as logn as i live and only do good to him and vice versa form the deepest depths of our heart. dleive rme an dmyhsunad form whtever is prevetign us to be oen flehsin Chrst and give us guidance how to serve OYu Lor dbetter an doen another. pleas eprovie my hubyb bes tof the best an dkeep him form all bad eivl influnce. may he be wisest man ever and . let me knwo if Bis my husband iwht the sign. thanky ou and alos Lor dplease fix the garbag eissues. i dont knwo why they didnt tak eout the garbage. also pelas eclear debt of tha tmoeny wiht vidaphoen please fight for us and dleive urs frm evil. pleas ient henameo fhte Lord Jeus Chirs.t dleive oru finance mind emoitons udnersntiang our will form eivl pelase please belss this day and besss my grandm my patrent sb all of us wiht oyur mirauclusl intervention directonpower protection we need oyu desparately i plead the blodo of Chirs tover the hwole earth delive rus all form bitterness anger jelouly hatred adulatry eivlthoguth sintentions specuuaiton misunderstniangs confustion and form lie sof the deiv dleive rus form wars form fmaile form incurabel diseases heal us all mriaucloulsy and brign healigt o this world help us take car eof it and eahc other giv eus wisdom and clear directionall of us and giv eus the strenght to obey oyu alway isn thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ.