Beloved of All
praise report. we got osem extra gift ( type of food)mirnerals with our order.thank you God. thnak you for yourprovidion Lord thank you for another day. thnak you for beign wiht us always. pelas ehlp em see oyu toda.y pelas ehal me of type 1 diabetes and blood sugar dehydraiton issues. pelas eod the same fo rmy grnadma,pelas ehelp me do the garden as oyu would want me too. pelas etlle m more Lord how shoudl i do the gardn what plants wehre to get sees? pelas eprovid ell the seeds i need to make the Gardem giv eme wisodm where ot pleant what topalnt how much and oin what arrangemtn i knwo oyu are wisdom Lord thnak you i receiveve wisdom in all my my body mind souls heart. i pray to useful for oyu Lor din whatever way you ddem fit. pelas eofrgivme my sisn wiht the Holy blood Of Chisrsit i please the hOly blood of CHris tover my bloos ove rmy mind htoughts and emotions ove rmy body over my processing speed over the sttrenght oyu giv em Lor dover my hair over my body ove rmy blood sugar over all flehs eatign bactri on this planet remove form me sin pride foolishness. teahc me your ways Lor dand teahc me how to be Godly and profitbal. teach me YOur ways lord and teahc all peopel Your ways. giv em a ver ystorng intimat reationhsip with oyu master Heavnely Father my Husband. please do this for my parnets my grandma mybrother my dad B , all my neighborus the churhc all peopel toobrign us to awaremenss of your presence and power. may you be glorified prais eot You Hoy God of Isreal. Lor dbless Isreal abundantly and may it always be peaceful in Jerusalem. please teach women hwo to be exclelent keepers of your home Lord and pelase provid efor all their needs. help us to be obdesient to your Word Lord. ipray this for men to be xceelent providers and protectors of their wives livign wiht them wiht understandign and wisdom. ipray that no marriages are torn aprat by satan in anyway shatpe or form. Ipray the Lor djoin me wiht the man i was made for accodirng to His perfect Will. Lor di thnak you and i love my husband. pelase amakle ame and my husbaand have such a strogn bond with yu Lord that satan cannop manitpulate steal destory or kil us or tea rus apart in anyway shape and for m. lor dpray that ouy protec tme and my husbadn form you Gdo form te devil from adultery. may my relaitonshipw ith my husband be sanctified by the Lord Jeus Chris tby his Holy blood and protected at lal times Lord surorudn my marriage wiht the man you mad eme for out of his rib form protection wiht trilion of holy angels. pelas ebles sour marriage i pelade oyu hOyl blood on ourselves. guard are hearts n dmidn as at alltiem Lord protec tus form sin and may we be unabel to sin at all in thenamnameo ghte lord jeu sChris tnot even or heart. please prapere me to be exceleltn godly helpmate to my husbadn eagery willfully joyously submiting to himf or i trus toyu Lor.dipray ou provide my husbadn with the job YOu want hIm to have that glorfies you Lord and that he always does and exclelent job and that he gives oyu glory. i pray you destro all ungdoly habits thoguth sintentions lus tof eyes adultery unabel to ente rhis heart becaus ehe love sme so mcuh Lord. yes pelas ien thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst and vice versa may we truly be mre that satisfied so overjoyed by one anthjer and that we prais egOd for joinign us together so strognly tha tnothign no oone ca ever separate our love for the Lor dand dofor oen another. ipray oyu bless us wiht as many chidlren as oyu desire Lord tat you teahcou children your ways that oyu name our chidlrne and they are so strognly bonded to you Lord that htey have such storng plaeas ein serving YOu Lord Jeus Chirst. i pray htis laso for my fmialy mebery and an all peopel tpoo. Lor dprotect la peoeple form adultery and idotary. please bless my parents wiht long happy health life and may they knwo you Lord Jeus CHrist so strognly intimately and powerfully that they fall in lov eiwth you so much master adn walk with oyu for the res tof their live si also pray this for my brother for my siste rin law viki B, Bรฉ, G, all blod relatives and all people. Lord pleas eguide each and everoyne wiht oyu rholy spiirt may we all serve oyu wit such true lvoe and evition and may we intimately know yu better then any perosn in thenamoe fthe lor djeus Chirst. please protect my parents form evil and teahc them your ways Lord. pleas ebels their bodies wiht exceleltn healht ecleltn nutriton exceleltn water and blod suagr levels. pelase restore them where they need restoraitonin their brins neurlogically emotionally in vvery wa.y pelase gude them to do the works you called themto do help them to find you Lord adn i pray htis for my all peopel poepel. pelas ehal my brother steeth make then sahrp and strogn . pelas eotuch and regrow restore lal dentla flehs in my fmaily. all peopel as well. pelase regor limb teeth gums gental flesh in all peopel. pelase rais ethe dead pleas ehal al the sick and ma ythe gospel fo the lord JeusChirst be rpreache dand belived by al lpopel. PLeas eforgiv eour sisn Lord and i plead the holy blod of Chirs tnt his planet please rmeove conrona virus form the earth . delive rme form coronavirus phobia. pelase hal my grandmas whole flesh. pleas ehal her skeletal system please hela her nervous system pleas eheal her eyes heal her blood veessels veins arteris tendons ligaments please ressurect cells that have been eated by abcteria. please remove al flehs eating bacteria form all her life oever. pelase remove lal unclena spirits form all bod yoforvere. please touch and testore all her bones all her ,iscles. dleive rher form muscle wsitng musscle atrophy. please dleive rmy mom form asperger syndorm heal the part of the brian and delvelope her brian to the developemnt oyu deen fit Lor.d please otuch her an dhela her heart heal her teeth gums bones arteried hips her enitre flehs bless her in every way bles sher with wisdom understnaign empathy please bles sher wiht great faihtin you Lord Jeus Christ. please brign her your salvaiton in every area of her life. iplead oyur holy blod upon my mother. please deliver her form all unclean and tormantign spirits.please hela her ocd clenaing. pelase dleive rher form allsickness relaitng to messes tones...etc.. touch her andhela her strenghten an duplift her. delive rhe rform depression. pelase by the surce of her joy Lor din thenamoe fthe lord Jue sChirs.t ipray tha toyu hela my da demotionally physcially hela him trom all truama, ipray he feels loved affipred and approve dby you Lord. giv ehima deep undersanding and desire to tofoolow oyu Lor.d pelas heal his spinal fracture pela shela his haert of allcardivascular disease, please dleive rhimf rom all osteiporsisi and th roto causes therfo please reflesh replenish his soul. pleasegive him joy like never before. pelas eprovide him exceelt mriauclouls housing, financial provision, fridnships ordained by our lOrd Jeus Christ. dleive rhimf rom ever yspiit of lonliness and depresison. pelas eregorw hela his body regorw his teeth and ressurect him in every way in the anemof the Lord Jeus Chrst. pelas eofrgiv ehis wisn ans pelas ebreaht abudnan lif into my dad Lord Jeus Chirti pi ask oyu this pleading oyu rhOly blod uponmy dad an dmom and grandma brother, myself my huabdnf ormt he Lord my brother my sisnte rin law all relatives form al side sof fmialy. pelase heall my borthers heart murumer fr yur Glor yLord Jeus Chirst and please hela his teeth miraculoulsy regrow shift teehti nto pelace dleive rhim form asprgers syndorm is he has that. dleive rhimf orm al unlcean spirits heal his prain all his body parts hela him emotionally spiritually and may he belvi eint he Lord Jeus Christ wiht all his heart soul and mind and giv ehis life ot Chris.t lor dgiv em ybrother wisodm and may he be and exceleltn protector of his wife an dprovider for his fmaiyl and protector of his fmialy. pelas eprotect his daughter alway adsn pelas eprovide for the need saof la his fmaily. i pray fo rmy sister in laws salvaiotn. Lor dpleas eblss her and help her raisne myneic ena dmy brother. please strenghtren thie rmarriage bod yan dmay God have to Glory in htis. Lor dpleas ehelp my siste irn lawa be a keeper at heom and my brother the provider. please send true chrisitand and holy angels ot minsiter to the them the Wor dof God the gospel of the lOr dJeu sChirst . pleas perotec them and lall my fmaily form coorna virus. please also protec tmy fmialy form death accidents accidentents proteciton form all satnaic deivces and thigns protection form all thigns evil via the holy blood of Chirst. i pray this afor all people. I ask OYu Lord ot be Lord and Savior ovrr every perosns life truly100%. pleas ehlp me testify of oyu rlove and the gospel of the lord Jeu sChirst. hoioly spirit guide me at alltimes teahcme when to speka when not to speak hwo to soeka what to speak... Help Lord. also help my clena my grandma help me do sidiapers. pelase giv em grandma mirauclosuls helaign of her bowels an dblood and dleive rhe from all sickness diases and unclean spirits. help me clena house. guide me wha to clen ahow ot clean how to do it faster. how do i fodthis Lord . pelas ehelp. also pelase send B the help and strenght and motivaiton and desire to to do the roof. send trilions of Holy angels to HIm widsom form you Lor dconcenrign me and my fmaily and how ot od the rood. I ks for wisdom cocnerign hIm too. Lor di pray you dleive rhim from all flase God and dleivernce form all satnaic storgnholdyand power.s ipr you dleive rhim formall sicknnes diseases i pra you hela his dteeht i pray oyu giv ehima merr yheart i pray he enjoy his work and no one is giivng him a har ditme sam eiwht my brother too and da dn dlal peopel. i pray oyu susrorufn him with christians and no ungdoly influence steers him away form the striahg tand mnarrow path to You Lor.d ipray he enjoy reaidn th bible and that He seeks oyu always. Ipray you destroy al ungodly habits dleiverhimf rom all eil and evil doers. may he be wise when selecitgn who influence sHim. may no ungodly influence bein HIs life. Make HIm wise strenghen an dhela hime motionally physicall mentally spiritually in very way. If he is my husbadn .pelase corfim Lord if He is or not clerly to me by OYur Holy spirit. also pelas elt me and my husband oyu have mad eme for both of us know without a doubt storngly so strognly tha ti ti sYOU Lord who joins us to be One flesh. Your WIll Lord giv eus a desire tof YOur WIll Lord and you choosing us joinig us to becoem One flesh. may me and my Husband formt he lord seek you . please join us Lord me and th ehusband you want me joined wiht to be husabdn and wife . please keep him faiht ful to you Lor dnd to us. Please remove all counterfeit spouses tht are strange andnot oyur WIll. MAy YOur IWl eb doen concenrign who OYu want em to marry Lord. Your willa loen thnaky ou lrod for everyhign. i praise oyu and i pelase the holy blodo upon mysefl and this entire prayers. pelas eprotect hti sprayer form satan in the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t hanky ouHeavenly Faher for hearing my prayers because of the Lord Jeus Christ thnak you Lord.