Beloved of All
Praise report: thnak you Lrod of rmy grandma showred signs of movement and she said soem words!! thnak yu somcuh best improvement after many years thnak yu pelas eocntiue to heal her and dleive rhee rform dmentia and allucnlena spirit sgiv ehr storgn dseire to liv enad help em wiht caregiivng. pelase belss my parents and protec tmy fmaiyl form accident deaht and calmities and aleopel too. pelae let us enjoy our lfe and live to serve oyu and gorify oyu. brign healign to htos ein need of it int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. dleive rus allform cancer flehs eaitng bacteir strep diabete sof all kinds 1 2 and diabete isnsipidus. thnak you Lord By OYur stripes onyla re we healed. praise ot OYu Lord Jeus Christ. please Lord giv eus faiht in YOu Lord. pelase.Lor d thanky oyu for oyur healign touches just now on my teeht and jaw alignementf acial boens. pelas ehal me form typ eone diabetes metbaiolic acisis and strep and od the same for my mom brothe rgrandma all fmaily all peopel. giv eu soyur salvaiton and healignand s o the same for all peoel thanky ou so mcuh for never elaivn gus for forsakign us. I pra yoyu heal who hav ementla pyhscial or emotanl pyschologicla illness. dleive those with suicidal thoguth sos the yhve midn of Chirst. our hope in Chirst save all thos eneed saivn ghela htos ementall ill and tomente dby the enmy. save dleiver resotr elal who need helaign for oyur Grea tnames sake for oyur gor yan power have emrcy. i need oyu help so i cna fidn ou Lord. pelas ehlp me find the rekl OYu Lord. pleas eprovid emobile ebd formy gradnam easy ot use as i feel weak nee dmore strgntht hank youf or helaign me. help em clena feed do dapers help my moma dn not go into sad ba dmoods. please and sma ewiht my mom. ehla and giv emy fmaily al emrryheart.s bels smy parent siwht logn helahty happy lfie an dhelael thei rmarirag eif oyu ar ewillign. dleiver b form smokign and alchahul and giv ehim OYur salvaiton adn merry heart. dleiver me and my broteh rmom grandma form adn all peoe and ucnle form alleivl spirits.brign healign tous adn pelase dleive rus form curses. pelas ebrign pernanat helaign into our live smay w do your WIll. help us ot hear nd obey you always. Lord help em to see clearly i ask this for allpeoel in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t surorudn us wiht your emrcy love and and giv eus the courage to do oyur will. dleive rem form tornentign evil spirits intrucsive htoguths. dleiver htos etormente dby autism aspers fear. heal Bs rbian moms uncle mine grnadma heal her ofrm demenita. pleas ehelp em and my fmaily ahve a bette rlife. pelase alos i really want a Godl yhusband of my own flesh and boen someoen who love sme and owudl die for me and vice versa. im 34 and ima skign the Lord to give em a miracl ehusband and help em heal me and hima s well. also heal all fmaiyl hea my dads heart and givehim oxygen inhsiheart heal ym mosm teeth and form asperger snydorme hela my uncle heal my gran ducnle and my grnadm and brother and keep siste irn law heathy with excellenet pregnancy . Lor docmfort her an dhe rfmaiyl cocnenring her dad smum pasisng. pelase Lor dbrign helaign and joy in oru fmaiyl. Lor ddepresisonhurts pleas eintervene in oru lvie sike enve rnefore.ifeel aloen pelase sne dhelp Lor dofrgive my sisn. int ehanem ofthe Lord Jeus Christ. thanky uLor dof royur helaign jsut now.pelas ekeep me and my fmialy prue and do rig tin your sight help us wait on you. please help us and dleive rus formt he deivl in every wa.y thanky ou for oyu rhelaign touches.