Beloved of All
Praise report: thnak you Lord of rhelaign my body teeth faicla bones thank you Lord for oyur Holy Bloodthnak you for deemign me so loved you you gave your lfie up fror me. Lor dpelase guide my thoguths acitons and steps. pleas ehlp em care for my famiyl. hela my dad sheartvalve osteoporsis and also eyes and brian and healt. pelas ehal my moms rbian and pleas ehal my grandmas brian body .deiver her ofrm allucnlena spirits. pleas eheal her strnghtne and pelas eprovide for her best mobiel bed for her pelase send te right help materias and expertise for this projsuet .pelse doaliynorupower to provid eher bes tmobiel ebd and to hela her and all ym fmaily. pelas ehal B dleive rhimform smoking and alchahaul. pelas elt us both knw if we are husband and wif eor not. pelas eprovid eofr em a verylovgin totally in lvoe wiht me husabdnf orm your Lord Jeus Christ and vice versa may nothign ever coem ebtween our love for you Lord and oen another as husband and wife.askignf or amiralc ehuisband to have an dto hold who puts hounours our maaribage above all. pplease dleivr my hubyb you hav egiven my Lord Jes Chirst form alevilevildoersand allunclean spirits demons ungodly habits an dungodly thoguths. pelase make him YOur msot faithgful followoer Lord Jeus Chirst and may he always eb in lvo iwh tme. pelas egiv ehima heart after yours God and put in in His hear to love me as a husband ought to love his God given wife. pelase dleive rus form all obstacle spreventign em to eb wihtmy uhbby form oyur Lor dipray we have exceleltn deivne connection devien love and ma yi always see Chirs itn HIm and may He see as Christ want s him to see him. may no hatred bitterness anger jelously strife or divsiosn or any other evil as well as adutlery never coem ebtween us. may the htguth of adulterynever even croos our minds. MAy my hubb knwo He is loved by me whoever He is God knwos.. an may H eknow I am waiitng and praiyng for him.Lord dleiver our fmailies form evil ehal ou respective fmailie sprovide for me and my hubby to be together as one . may nothign destor yus oru relaitonship nor our marriage. i ask the Lor dot hela B's teeth and may he knwo the Lor dJeus Chirst mor eitnimatela ynd heal his voice clearyllry. may he eaisly forsake smokign and alchahul. Lor dpelas ehal my of type on e diabetes kidney disease adn dieabtes insipidus metabloic acidosis .pelas ehal my grandmaof the sma ethig and all my fmaiyl memeebrs. Lor dpelas ehla mymosm ehart heal of her rbian dgiv ehe rnew neurlogical pathwys and also B and my brother too if they need so for healign of asperger snyodrme. I pray the Lor dheal sme also neurlogically mentally phyciallay emotionally. heal B my mom my da dbrother his fmaiyl my grandma and Vil and Bรฉ and his side fo fmaily form all disease pelase give us all storgn health yhappy logn lives servign an dpraisign God all the day logn.Lor dplease destory the works of the devil in our lives and brign us YOur peace and forgivness of sisn htrough YOur Holy bood. help me clena and be keeper of YOur home and make htis hoem a sancutatuary a Hoyl sancuatary in whchich you deeel wiht us. pelas egiv em em mor eintime conenciton and trus to you Lord. Dlieve rme form corna virus tiny glass phobia and dleive rme form intrusve thoguths and depression.pelase take away all bitterness form all lives and all anger jelously help us hear and obey oyur commandmnts. Lor di do not knw oif make good decision reguardign tat orde rif so pelas l tme know ia chknowledge oyu pelas emak emy path striahg tforgiv em for bein hasty. pleas eprovid emy fmaily wiht lalw e need. pelase dleive my da dout ofhomlessnes and int hehome where OYu wan thimto live. pelas ehelp us all repent al emtnioend of our sisn adn pelas ehal us and dleive rus fromt e leis of the deivl. help su truly knwo oyu. ipleaad oyur holy blodo upon all my fmaly our home. pelase protect and dleive ruf rom accident deaht and calamities.end all wars may thei rbe pec ien all countriesa dn ma yonly those be in autrotiy who doyour will. pelas ebels sIsreal. bless heal and rotect lal onthis iste. pelase g iv eus oyur salvaiton i. please heal my grandma form demntia in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ name