Beloved of All
Praise report: PRAIse the LOrd!! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for al your mirculous helaing you have done in my body today!! OYu ar eour healer! Thank you for helaign and shiftign my teeth and jaws into place! thank you for oyur prayersthnak you so mcuh for oyu rmercies! Please Lor daksign oyu to pleas ehal my grandm aofrm dmeentia small bowel obstructoion syndorme malnutrtion type 1 diabetes strep all flehs eaitn gbacteir all illlness ness applicable please dleive rem formt he root caus eo fme not beign bale to gian wight revela to me wha ti shoudl do pleas ehal me of type 1 diabetes please hea my mothe rof asperger syndorme and her brian .dleive rher form all unclena thoguths and dmemnioc opression. help her realize hwo much oyu love her and her value is in your Holy blood. thnak you for oyur hOly blood. pelase Lor dofrgiv eme of my many sisn.please heal V. dleive rhimf orm all eivl eivl doers. help us ge tin ocntact frequently heal him touvh him and dlieve rhim form all dmeonic opression for tha prais eand glro yof HIs name. thank you for that stopry about methibiseph. Lor dhelp me read and understand oyu rword your voice your wil and please do the smae of rall poeple. Lor dpelas ehal my grandmas hear tblood opressure small bowel obsturciton syndorme and dlieve rher form all satnaicn opression. Lor dplease dleiver my fmaily our home my brother and all peopel form sataqnic opression. please only make thos ien authority who whill do yur WIll. please aslo end all wars heal al peopel affecred by war please do recreativ emiracles for ohtose who need new teeht nue gums new organs. pelas ehal al who have illness diesase and accoridng to oyur will disabilites. Lor dplease giv eall peopel lfie an dlif ein abundance. please dleive ral peple form unclena thoughts hopeless htoughts suicidal thoguths. please protect all poepel form uch thought sincouidng intrusive thoughts give us al the midn of Chirst. please guid eus al with oyur Hoyl spiitert. help me to better foccus on my tasks. pelase God and i pray this for al popel. Please hela my dad please heal him form the cuas eof osteoprisi. hal him emotionally hela al thos ewho have dehydration issue sincluidng him my my grandma brother al fmaiyl. please giv elal merry hearts and livign water Lor.d please dleiver my fmaiyl form every generational curse have merc yi ask in the nameo fthe Lor djue sCHirst. pelasx estabish our thoughts and help us commit our way to oyu Lord. pleas ehal my dad heart valve hel my moms heart and teeth please help my mom crave helaht yfood and dislike suagar and garbage foods. please heal her form all metbaliic acidsiis and acidossis hela me and my whole fmaiyl form all metablicdisporders and dleive rus form all strep and all flesh eating bacteria. pelase dlieve rme and my entire fmaily and all peopel form sthe spiit of bitterness anger vindictive spirit discntentment adn jelousy greed hatred quarreling and maliciousness. giv eus al pur heart sot oyu YOu Lord Jeus Chirst. dleiver us form idol s temptaitons and also beocme our heart sbiggest desire. dliver us form all unclenan eivl thoughts and puffed upness pride etc. giv eus hearts baoudnign wiht love towards the Lord and towards one another as the Lord would want. please hela me to lvoe htose who might be hard ot get alogn wiht. bless al please with best blessigns ever and dleive rus form the deivl in every wa.y pelase make sure al homeless hav ehome sno one is ou t int he cold and that lal have food proper nutrtion and medical care adn help al thos ien medical feild know and do what they ought to via power of the holy spirit. please strenghtne the weak and make our croooked places straight. pleas ehal my moms teeth gums please dont laalow her to lose and teeth same with ll of us. protec tour teeht Lord form all eivl. thank you Lord for helaign my bod.y help me to depart form evil and teahc me how to communciate wit my mom better. please belss my parent siwht long helaht yhappy life and strrnght and wisodm and exchelelnt health sound mind power an dlove destory the works fo the deivl in their lives and if willign int heir marriage. if oy are WIllign restore their marriage ifi t is YOu who ordaine dit. ipleas eoyu Holy blood upon my parents.pelas eprotec their mind hearts emoitons and wil form evil i ask this the same for all popel. pleas elaos bless my brother an dhis wife smarriage wiht excelelnt deivne love of roen anothe rocmmunicate and pelas ehla them in every wy. help them to raise their baby girl and give them wisdom in everyhitng. pleas egui ehte wiht oyu hoyl spirit and i pray this fo rla peoel too. protect them their marriage their bodies mind sa nd child form all manen rof evil i pelad oyur hly bloo dupon thmi ask that you giv ehtem oyur salvaiton and they turn thtier hearts ot oyu Lord. i pray hti sof rmy sisters in law fmaily too Lor dgiv eoyu slavaiton to my parents and all relative on all dies. pela hela B form any cold. pelas ehal al peopel of covid. pelase detryo covid and pleae dont allow covid to ever treturn. pelas eprotect me and my fmaily form lal forms of eivl including coivid. plrprotec tmy fmaiyl form persecuiton unclena spirits genrational curse and all manne rof deception. please giv eus wisdom and gentl yocrrec tus and guid eus lovignly Heavel yFathe rin the namoe fthe lor dJeu sChirs ti pra. yi pray htis for my hubby form the lord too and for B. Lord pelas ehal B hela his teeth hieal his bod ybrain emotiony. help him do your IWll protec thima dn his fmialy form evil. mak ehim to be the man oyu want him to be Lord a man who knows you and wlaks with oyu and hers oyur voice loud and clear al the time. dleive rhimf rom smoking and form all ngodly habits and form alchaulism and ungodly soul ties adn ungodly destructive bondages to poeple thigns idols witchcraft and false Gods. mayhe knwo you Lord jue sChirst for real and i pray htis fo rall poepeoll .pleas ehal him of all illnes sdistress disease and all his fmialy too.please giv ehimy oru salvaiton and destroy the works fo the deivl inhis life and all poepel s lvies too. please giv ehim the work you want him to and protec thim form all ungodly influence. giv ehim deivne wisodm form you Lord always. protec thim with trillions of holy anges and help him to commit his wa yunto oyu Lord and please establish his htoguhts thanky ou Lord. i pray that all poeple will do oyu WIll our greatest desire to pela eouy lord always do wha tis pleasign in your sigh and turly have realtionship with oyu Lord. i pra yhit sof al peopel. pleas ehalso hela al who ar ien hpsitptals. pelas eldiever la poepel who have diabetes metbalic acidsis metbalic disorder periodtisis diseas.e ehla my dad hear tcalve dleive rhimf rom all gout dleive hrimf orm lonlines homelssnes and please send an angel ot help himw ith his pension if oyu are WIllign. please put a guar dover his heart an dmouth and i pray this fo rlal poele incuding myself. Lor dpelase reveal your self to all peoel especial yto my hubyb my paernts my grandma V amy brothe rhis wife chidl adn all sides of fmaily. B G . pleas ehal and protect B form all Eivl and M. too. i miss themthem them i miss them and alo pierre too. pleas hela them and giv ehtme al the help and provid eof rla thie rneeds. pleas eprovide for al poeples dmneesds and dleiver la thos ehwo are under satnaic attack being tempted by satan Lor dpowerfulyl dliever al of us form temptaitons nd also dleiver em form my desire to buy htigns.. etc.. pleas eprovid emy da dand all men the job YOu Lord wnat them to do that glories you Lord and help them to enjoy thier joyb and find your presnce while dign that job same with the women. help us to be exclelnt keepers at hoime and protect us form all eivl. Lor dif oyu have husband for me do al iny our powre to join me and the husband you made me fr o ( out of his rib) to beocme One flehs. pelas eno counterfiet husband pleas eel tme knwo who He is and deivnely and feirce protec otur marriage form all evil influence and audltery. tell my hubby ilove him so much im waitnign for hima nd preparing mysle for him.t hanky u thnak you al for praiyng. I plead the hOly blood of Chirs tupon myslef and this prayer upon my hubby my dad. or dhelp my da dhave and excllent day giv ehim bels shim wiht the best of everyhitng nd send triilions fo hol angles to help him my hubby my mom grandm abro sisteirn lawa dn all poele ot do you ayou Willa dn V too. thnak yu Lord. for nver elaivng me or forakisn me. help me to resis the deivl thank youa nd knwo your perfect Wil adn obey your voce alway. itn thenamoe fthe nmae our our Lord Lord Jesus Christ. King of Kings!!