Beloved of All
praise report: thnak you Lord for healign my facial bones last ngiht. praise ot oyu Lord Jesus Christ. thank you for prayers: pleas epray for siste rinléaw and pregnant wiht nephew ( they need dleiverance form covis) askign God for miracle healign by Christ and for them to be free of cocivd happy health adn well int henameof the Lord Jue sChirst.) Lor dmak emy mother free of illnessplease . make my dad free of illness please make grnamd afree of illness pleas emake me free of illnes please freedomf orm depresison type one diabetes metbaloic acidssisi freedom emotinall and my mom need healign emotinal maturity develope her brian pelase heal my dad emoitoanlly his heart valve spinal column pelase heal him giv heim godly frienships send hoyl angles tominsite rot lalmy fmialy and healign in your Wings Lor dpelas.e the stres is a LOT . pelase less stress mroe joy in our lives PLease less stress mroe helaighn joy in oru lives pelase more enrrgy abudnant life ot for all pelase.dleiveranc eform the debt in bill please. pleas ehelp me find tha tpaper pleas.e pleas ei nfeel extrmely unwell wiht my relativ epleas elss ocntactiwht them pleaseplease keept hem awa ypelase pleaspela hela htem help them belss them giv ehtme oyur salvaiton pelase pleas ened breka form relative need less contorl. please no dryer outside please help with matress and please giv em for slippers and clehties clenaing supplies and fodof or my grandm apelase. i need help pelas peelaplelaspelas esne dhelp anyhitng Godpela sie need oyu pelaseintervene i need time space pelas ehelp this relativ ebe mroe indepantdant. pelase giv eus the help wer neeed. pelas ieneed abreak form their cosntant sontrol pleas ie ebg oyu lor djkeep them away form me. ineed help please giv em some slippers.Lrod im feel so unwell i can trun awa yi need a brela pelas ei dotn wan to hav emeltdown please tell this relative LOUD ADN CLEAR LOUD AND clea ri am so exhauste id need a break make its os incredibly LOUD in her ears that she wilgiv em a breka and will elav eme alone . please teahc he rot turn to you wiht her problems im only huamn an di at a total toal brekaing poit. TELl her to bakc oofff. íPLea siem so tried an dhse does understnad i need space i need im tiredhelp em feed clean and help my grandma. pelase please help me wiht my life. Pleas pray fof less stress in my lif ei beg you: i am experiencign extrme stress wiht a parent becuase they have asperger snxodrm and helaht im exhausted. pelase Lor dsend womeont o help them other thna me pleas elOr d pelas eim also extrmel y tiredo f house work i have no joy. pelas epleas pelase pelas eplaeas esend help!!!!! i neded rpleasse pleaaaaase pleasepleas ei want mroe rest pleasepleaspeleaspelaspeleaseplease issues and i can tget rest . pleas eLor dhela them i beg oyu and giv em mroe rest itmes i feel liek im their 24 /= dog and they never happy. pelas ehelp. please also giv eme more strnght an djoy i hate my life. pela shela my grandma bedirdden with hgih blood sugar high blos pressur esmall boel obsturciton syndorm pelapelapelase for oyu rglro yan dpoewr pleas ehal my brothe ro fhistmiane intoelrance and amke it so he can toleatrte histmiane please help me wiht my lifpleas eigv em emroe itme ot relax imt ired im really upsetimreall upset this relaitv enever evevrver let sme rest i never have a good day wiht he rim alwaywaysaowas unhappy wiht her. i dotn kwnow how ot leav eim so weakl pelase thier i no hope phelp me.pleas ehal ym dad heart valv eand giv ehim oxgen tohis heart please sne dmrialce dentist to my mo to remove all emalgam filligns adn Lord Jeus Chirs tplease do it. Lor dhela he rbrian make her happy feel bette rbut im exhauste di can tdo this PLASE intervee wpleas eigv em best supplies f rclenaign clothe si can eaisly was ha food of my own moeny of my own os i do not habve to dpend of fmaily pelas ehela my and