Beloved of All
praise report: thnak oyu Lord for helign in my eyes teeth faical boens yesterday da.y Lor idm sorry a si was doign my gnradma diaperpleas ehel her osteoporsis and and stegnthen heal boens in her hela her of small bowel osbstrucotn syndorm giv em strenght and the emtinal support i need form OYu Lord. i need oyu to help me care for my grandm apelas eprovide all the bes tof th ebest for her Lord help em care for her an dhelp my mom. give my mom joy in you Lord hope bless and heal her bless and heal my grandm abelss an dhela my dad bless and hela help my sisteirn law and my brother and children. help Andi have ablesse dpregnanc ybless my nephew and neivce. plase bless our entire fmaily. pelas ealso bless my wiht my own husbadn who loves me like oyu do and giv eus our own home and future offspring bless my wiht all ineed. aso dleiver me form coveotusness. help me have a fulfillign rltionshipw ith oyu and dleive rme and my fmialy form hopelessness and depresison.pelase gud eme with oyu rholy spirit pelas hel my grndm aeyes bloso infection and high blood suag rhigh bloos pressure. eLor deveryitme im wihta cetian relativ ei feel so awful. Lor dhela htie rbrian hel them form truama anger please protect them and dleiver them form evil.s end them sen dll my fmialy trilliosn of holy angels. Lor id feel soooo coveotusness form woemn who have husband and chidlrne particulary ::::::: i feel awful and ashamed. pelas eget me out of that trap.please Lor id beg oyu remove form me thoguths of jeloulsy. help me be ocntant in you Lord im lost pelase shepherd me into all truth and i feel liek a broken person.. liek not storng enoguh good enoguh etc.. pelase hela me of my brokenness and competitive feelignw iht oyuknow oyu. i feel so stupid but help me Lor id cr yout to you dleive rme form such heartbreak negaitvitypelase!!! need a helpign hand pelase Pleas ie ebg you have emrcy and improve the quality of my flif and fmaily's too. i feel alone and tired. ifoy u have ahusband forme pelase keep him faiht to oyu Lord and ot me and may he pursue me find me and find me perfectly wha the desires. i odnt feel desired and i feel jsut a mess help me out wiht al these feeligns and low energy. pelas eprovide food for me to hav emroe enrgy and help em feed my grandma. Lor deverytime i interact iwht a certian relative they ge tos angry andupset an dits been like this for years. can you pelase help them i can tlive iwht 24/7 angry person. hela them save them bless them and pelase odnt allow anymore they waste thier own tiem bullyign me. pelase rmeove me form them safelyi cant dela with the negativity and also the hatred. pease provid eof rme i m feelign so down. lfit me up im falling Lor di beg oyu . lift them up bless al peoel and guide us to do oyur Will. pleas ehelp please hela them pelase otuch them heal dthem and dleiver themform alleivl. hela my dads heart valve and also hel my broher histmian eintolerance. heal relatiosnhip with them Lord and brign to my promise dalnd and for all epoele. ehla my grandma. pelase save my mom save my brother an dhis wife and children save my dd. Lor di feel liek a lsoer.. help me to hela these feeligns. dleive rme form coorna phobia the ants mold heal my grandma ofrm dmentia and and protect lal my fmialy form depresison hopelessness giv eus al powe rlove an dsound mind.. Lord save my life odtn let depression tak eup any spac ien ym life nro my fmaiyl life or anyoens life. please destory the deivls work on our lives and give us all life an dlfie in abundnac.e dleive rm form lsuitgn covetouness adn disspoitnment sidcouragement save all souls and giv eus all merry hearts today and always int he neame of the Lor dpleas ehla my grandm ahelp em be better caregiver. pelase improve my relatiosnship wiht my mothe rpelas eclea rmy debty dleiver myef orm phobis and things like germy phobiy coorna phobia im need oyur ddeivne helaign form these fears dotn el tit tak eove rmy life. also hel me clena help me do diapers please hela my dads heart . IN your presnce is fullness of joy may i experience that. in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. if oyu have husband fr o me Lor dbone of my bone flehs of my slesh hela him help him. dleiver B formsmokign and alchahulism. savehim adn ma yHe giv eHIs lfie ot you. plea edliever lalpeoel form depression anxiety hoplessnes intrusive htoughts ocd mentlaillness . save all amrirage souy have ordianed an dproect all marirgaes ofrm evil. Lord i nee dhelaign form an incident and forgivnes sof my sins. i feel down and discouraged help me to find oyu amidst this dall these difficulties. give me the strnght and usport i need to mak eit htorugh heal my grandma giv ehe r maerry heart strnth and suport hela ehr. PLEASE PASE PLEas ehelp my other relative to have joy in the Lor dsoudn mind help her to ffocus ont he good and may she have a healign encounter form oyu Lor idn ehr teeth and body adn may she have forgivness of others isns. pelasehal her of asperger syndrome and please pleas epela speelas elet it me a godo day for lalepoel. Help my husbadn to dooyur WIll always and may we all seek you wiht alloru hearts. Lor djin me wiht the bone of my boen flehs of my flehs perosnally by the pwoer of OYur Holy spirit for the praise glro yof oyur name Lord Jeus Chirst. for it is YOur holy spirit tha tjisn us. may you giv eme the husband oyu want me joined with my husband my boen and flesh accoridng tooyur perfect Will may we love one another deeply and my wwe be conencte din every way mentlaly physciall emotionaly may we fidn eahc othe rmost attractive of opposite sex and have and undestroyalbe bdn me wear bear furit for Gods Kigndom amy we have blessed offspring.i ask this accoridng to oyur perfect will itn hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. may oyu guide us all in the way we shoudl go . forgiv em my sins. again. i plead your Holy blood upont his prayer uopon al souls and bodies heal ressurect broken teeth limbs organs Please Lor dheall all and giv eus mroe faiht in Yu Lord Jeus Chirst. thanky ou. dleiver me form al idols covetouness by tongiht. let me have fulness of joy in You lord Help em find you help me want you above all thigns. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. ipray htis of rlal epoel. heal al those who need helaign and dleive rus all form alld emosn curses genratonal curse protect us all form sickness disease clamities strive division ucnlean hoguths intrusive htoguhts suidcidal thougths brign helaign resotraiton brign us the joy of the Lor dmay we be resotred as it is in heaven so beit on earth saveus redeem us purify us form alluncleanliness in thenameo f the Lord Jeus Chirs ti rpa.y dleive rme form alll infested unclena spirits dot he same for my huby myfmialy all epoel. ipelased your hoyl blodo drive out all jelousy outof me all painr rejeciton sself fhatred discontentmentgid eme hel ame protct formalle ivl and do the dsme for allepoel. hela my grnadm and help em care for her. help my mom be happy toay Lord. dleiver all peoelf orm bitterness and the rotos theros heal with the power of oyur Hoyl sporit your presence. Lord. help us knwo oyu and liv ofr oyu wiht oyu. gudi eme wiht oyur Holy presenc eyour hOly spirit and lead me not itno temptaiton but dleiver fme form allunclena psirits help me fall in lvoe wiht oyu Lord and ma yi have ocmmunion wiht you. make me and all peopel oyur pmost faithfuls fllowrs loversof oyu Gdo. int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti ray. let me not be decived. open my eyesa nd allepoels eyes to where they are decievedhelp em to mind and do YOUR WILL Lord. help me and tell me your WIll andmay i stay foccuse odnt hat same for allepoel itn henameof the Lord Jesus Christ.