Beloved of All
Praise report: the Lord shifted my teeth int o place and jaws today i praise the Lord Jesus Christ. thank you Lord. please ehal my of all illness please heall all my fmaily of al illness eespecially our blood to be in perfect health and for my dads heart vave to heal work properly so he has ecellent insulin levels and strogn healthy boen sheale dof all lonlines emtional healign and smae with my mom ehalign in every way helaign he rmood healing of brian helaing dleiveranc eof asperger syndrom and also healing of her teeth. pleas eheal my grandma of demtia please Lord and heal her bowels muscles aorund her bowels her digestion eyes blood exceleltn vasodialtion excelelnt blood sugar levels excellent eylectrlite and nerve signals. pelas forgiv emy sisn Lor dhelp em to be exclelent caregive rplease do all iny our pwoer to hela and restor emy randma to eexcclent helaht pelase she has been bedriddne for year spleas ehal my mind brian and pyhscially nerulogically heal al in fmaiy pelase aheal my rbothe rof all healht issue shela his brian and dleiver him from all allergies eaitng disorder helign fo his teeeth and dehydraiton pelase give my fmaila ny my hubyy form YOu Lord YOur salvation healing anddleivernce fo all eavil in e every area of our lives. please heal my dad protec this ehalth deliver him form al demosn pelase touch him andrestore his health give him a merr yheart clena pure hert that sees you Lord nd knows you. pelase show hIm how mcuh oyu love HIm please Lord and touch HIs boens sttenghten heal his bones strgnthen his heart give him hop in YOu Lor dhela his soul restore his emotions restor his life. his teeth his marirage to my mom if you arew willing. pleas eotuch my parent splease giv emthem ehalign in every area of their lives for YOUr glory. please brign helaign to my mom. dleive rher form all lies form the enemy. please give her oyur salvaiton also hela her brother please provide him the healign care attention the bes tf ot he bes tlife a miraoculs life and encoutner wiht oyu Lord Jeus Chirst and i pray this for all peoell. Pleas eprotec tmy brother an dhis wife and al poeel form al evil and protec tlittle neice to form al eivl wiht oyur hOly blood please protect my fmaily form all accident calmities lies form satan guid eus into all truth Lord and guide us to do YOur WIll only. dleiver us form all idols and reall help us to knwo what to do alway makign the right decisiont o listen and follow you Lord. please heal Bashtis hear tmiraoculsy Lor dJeus Chirs theal all who have can cer covid deliver all peoel from phobias fearslLord dleive rme form corona phobia. pleas hep me int hat area and pleas ehal me feed clan and take car eof my grandma pelas ehal aher and bless hr abundandly with miracoles and n amazign mircouls helaign encoutner with you Lord Jeus Christ. dleier my fmial and my hubby form you Lord form all unclean spirits form al eivl and give us clean pure heart heal all souls bodies minds thoguths brain neurons bowels skeletons teeth dental flesh all bodie son this planet healed restored ressurect and belsse din thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chris tI pray please giv esight to all who ar eblignand open our eyes ears hearts to you Lord Jeus Chirst. for oyur glro yan dby your pwoer.t hanky ou Lord for la you healign and for all your provision thank you so much i pray you pelase save all souls thanky ou lrod Jeus Chirst for eternal life. thnak you for my husband form you Lord pleas ehal us both in everyway prepar eus to be oNe and hela our respective fmaileis and sav them and esablish their thoughts and restore our lives i pray this for all poeoel. Lor dpleas edeivnely protec tme and my husband and oru fmailys form all evil. protec tour marriage from all evil and at the appointed tiem brign me and my husband tobecoem One flehs i pray ou pleas ekeep us faihtful devoted to YOu only Lord and one another as husband and wife. Bless my husband s body bless his mouth heart and strgnthen HIm touch himw eher eHe needs healign giv ehim merr yheart and help himw ith his wor always tell my husband Lord.. that im waitng for HIm.. and thant i lvoe him and i was made for him and also giv ehim wisdom on how to cmommunicate with me.. help him with all thigns Lord.. also pelase dleiver B form all smokign alchohaul drugs anyhtign that ocudl harm his body mind or lif ein anywy addicitons ungdoly habit sbecahvior demons curses deliver him set him free form all thigns not of Gods WIll int henameo fthe Lord Jeu sChirst and same wiht me and al peooel thank you Lor dint henameof the Lor dJeu sChirs ti pra.y Please prtect my dad form accident scams collision neurdegenrativ eissues and same wiht my mom and grandma. please bless himw ith exceleltn helaht blessing adn deivne help restoraiton helaign in every part of his life.pelas etreessurec this teeth restor ehis youth like the eagle ssend trillions of holy angles to minsite rto him end Lor dYOur hOly spirit to guid eHIm my mom my hubyy form the Lord B, my grandma Bill, Mavis, helaign for all of oyur churhc and dleivrance form all evil. Lor dprotect and gudie oyu churhc and may all belogn to you Chirst. repar eus for oyur comign.Lor dleiver me form intimidaiton fear of what peopel wihting my insecuritres fears i need oyu ot help me wiht al lot fo stuff pelase be closer to me thna ever before i pray this for my hubyy form the lOr dhis fmialy my fmaily all the churhc Lor dsafeguard protect al peooel. hela all ont his site an their fmilies protec tlal peooel form accident coilsion death adn form follishness and makign foolish decisoiosn. protec teoeele form glass cshards please Lor d. pleas ehelp me clena up. pelase do al iny our power to get rid fo al dangeorus glass chards chemicals moudl in house, forgiv eme for not tkaign car eof house better pleas eprotec otur hoome from all evil and the roof sticks form beign rusted or too wet.. pleas ehelp B do the roof. pelase hela his teeht heal my brothers teeth my moms my dads mine and my grandma. pelase do hrea tmiracle siwht oru moths thanky ou Lord. pelase comepeltle dleive rus form all hgigh blood hisguar blod pressure blood suagr relateillness and stess related illnes in my fmail pelase hela us of al metbaolic metbolis malabsorbtion osteoporsisi etbaolic acidossi diabetes of al kind isnclidnf insiouds and sepsis perdossisi diease. pelase hela my whole fmaiyl of al these issue and destroy and dleive urs ofrm thr oot caus eof all illness including histamien intolearcne for my brother. pelase giv eoyur slavtion to all my fmiala dn helaign like never before :Lor dbe glorfied thnak you for lal your helaign thnak you for OYur merciey and thanky oyu for your Holy blod i pray htis for my hubyy as well. tekll HIm i love him please whoevr YOu have made to eb my husband and onyl HIm. thanky ou Lord . in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chris tI pray. LOr dpleas eprotect my fmaily form all danger. please heal my grandma of high blood suagar high blood suagr and same with me ( type diabete diabetes insipidus all for oyur glory and power inthe anemfo the Lord Jeus Christ