Beloved of All
praise report!: The Lord shifted my jaws a dn teeth alignement yesterday!! thank yo u SO mcuh Lord Jesus Christ praise to your forevr and ever!!!!! thank You Lord! also prais e to you Lord that last week i had a dte with i htink may mma be my husband formt he Lord. Lord iso excited is he really my husband from you? please odnt le tme be decieved?? join me and my real husband form the lord ot be togther soon thanky ou Lord let me knwo WHo He is LOud and clea dn to HIm as well that Im HIs wife form Christ!pelase. pelas eprotect him form all evil and heal him a dn deliver him f rom alle evil doers and all evilpelas eint henameof the Lord Jesus Christ. also deliver all peopel from strange marriages. Lord pelase dlieve rus form all pandemics all curses dleive rus from al evil by the Holy blood of ourLord Jesus Christ. pleas epray for my grandma to be heale dof demential small bowel obsturction syndorme all malnourshment all flehs eatign bacteria heale din her hear brian and bod yin eevryway all tot he glro yof the Lord Jesus Christ by His power. please please for her slavationa dn my fmaily total salvation and helaig in their bodies in everywy in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. Lord guide us allw ith your hOly spirit all of the day teach us your ways quickly. protect all peopel form death accidents and formt he devils traps. ead us not itno tempttion . pelase le tme be present wiht the peopel today and not worry baout what soemoen thignks of me. please please heal mymoms teaaht le this bee th emost mriaculsuls mothers day every toal mothers.may the love of our Lord Jeus Christ hela them and brign restorationt o their live.s i pray all peopel are forced ot do God's WIll today. God help us prepare for oyur comign thnaky ou for this day. pelase giv em the strgnth wisdoma dnguid emy thoughts alll day long. thnak y and do the same for lal my fmaily mebery my husbadn and his fmaiyl too. i pray ou dlive rall peopel form evil int henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. please dleiver all poepel form every manne rof sickness nd sidsidsease torment and evil and curses and withccraft by the powe rof the lord JeSus Christ. praise to HIm. Lord help me find you today ina very strogn waaay.