Beloved of All
praise report: THe Lord Jeus Christ yesterday majorly in my facial bones fahsionign me s o my boens and teeht are stogner and formign into place.and so nose aorund eyes bones and jaw alignment helaing thnak you Lord!!!!!! i praise oyu thnak yu so mcuh for al praiynf for me and my fmialy ehelaign God bels oyu all!! pleas epray urgently ofr hger in icu so God helas her hand does no t alow amputaiton brign her an dher fmaily salvaiotn and brigns her out of uncosnousness and giv ehr oxygen from her own lungs brath live and helign into her saveher souls Lord int hanemof the Lord Jeus Christ an dpelas eod so for al peopele. i prais ethe Lord.I would liek to tthank you all for prayign for me and my fmaily. i know like before i knew tha ti was becaus eof oyu rprayers tha the Lord heale dme. people of Gdo hank you. I love oyu church!!! I pray al eb healed. can you pelas epray tha t my grandm abreath easier hav eno bowel obstrucitons has excelelnt digestion excelelnt strogn bowel muscles and is healed of al infection sepsis diabete sinsipidus blood suagr or insulin related damaghe revesrews heale dpancrea. pelas epra yi am heale do ftype 1 diaebtws and me an dmy grand and all peopel fin fmaily healed of severe dehydration metbaolic acidsisi kidney funciton eb good again no mroe type 1 diabetes tha tthe Lord heals oru teeth ressurect teeht boen sorgand limbs and no sepiss for anyoen. pleas eprray my da di given best of the best returement moeny an an angle helps in the process. pelas epra yi can see my dad agian after 7 years. pelas epra yhis spine heals and that he is heale dof all dmage due to flehs eating bacteir ofr instbale insulin.pelas epray my mom is heale din the brian neurologicall any brother o and my uncle of all neurlogical develpemntal or neurologicla ( brian to properly clean hear . Lor ddlieve rmy fmaily blood lien form al instrusiv ehtoguhts, pelas egive us sound mind sound mins.pela seno mroe intrucive htoguhts pea seno mro ementla illness concenrign my teeth. thnaky u Lord Jue sChirst pelase ressurect teeth gums bones and dleive rus al form alls trep eahtinf felah eaitng bacteir dleive rmy entire fmaily all relative also extanded fmaily and all peopel pelase heall peopel on this pleanet of ocd intusive htuchgt heal and reverse teeth decay. pelas eprovide all peopel food shaleter clothign apporipratewf or their eeds. please brign oyur slavation Lord Jue sChirs to al epopel. please guard and protec tla peopels thoguths. may we onyl thigk what oyu want us to think may we discern oyur voice cleary. pelas ehelp em feed clean and love my grandma wiht out any obstacle. help me giv ehe rbest car eve.r pelas ehlp my mother taker her vitims omega 3. heal her ooher of al digestion sensory issue s strenghten and hela her brian help her see oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. dleive rhe rform al btiterness fea ranxiety hela her brian and her midn. please hehela her social skils and heal the ocmmuication betwen em and her. help her to kmake eye ocntect lor dpelas hela her brian adn heal her hearing an dnerves. pelas eigve her peace and help her no tot panic but turnt o oyu to her worries. pelas help her to ocmpelin less and dlieve rmyher me my whole fmialy form bittenres hoplessnes. Lord Jeus Chirs tdleive rme from anxitey form nto beign in wher ei want to be. help em to recoginize tha this is where oy want me andt hat your wih me. pelase provide my brothe rnad his wife affordabel safe best ofthe best dwellign place for them and their baby. please heal soemoens sister form accident. let them in no wise ampuate her hand lord Jeus Chirst send rapid helaign to her hand her whoel body and bring her out of unconsciuosnessliek the Litte girl.. ris ebe helaedLord otuch her hel her like tha tlittle girl be glrified pleas elOrd Jues Chirst. pleas ele tmy grandm ahave no breahtign or digestions issues whatsoever bpleas eodn tlet any big pieaces of food get sutck. pelase give her deliveranc eof high blodo pressur ebloatign gases excelelnt vasodialtion and excelelntocoling o f he rbod.y Lor dpleas ehal her form al ifeciton heal the spot son her toungue pleas ehlp me clena he rbetter an dgicv eme what she need to help with her care. please hela my mom of asperger syndorm and all neurlogical issue sbe heale dby our Lord Jeus Christ. Lord pleas ehal my brothe rof histmine intolerance and my dad s heart valve pelas ehall al heart son our fmaiyl teeth dehydraiton sissues and the roto cause there of pelas eiv eu livign water help us ot serve oyu. Pelas egiv emy entire fmaily bood lien al peoel wisodm. pelas ehal Bélas heart form érelmeszseszdés. pelase giv eViliek the helaign he need sneruologcally meoitonaly physcially mentally. pelas eprovid etrillions of holy angels ot ministe rto hima dn als peopel at the institution pelase hela Lor din the nameo fthe Lord Jeus CHrist. please end thear in ukrian peacefully. please protec tla peopelf orm harm and end the war peacefully please convit those who instigated the war that enoguh is enough. end the war Holy spirit pleas eseak to them thlet their pbe a peaceful resoultion. no mroe wa rin ukraine. pleas ealso dleiver htis wor form all forms of abuse sdelive rhtis works form al evil . please rpovide for my fmailyies need sand lal epopeles needs . peleas emay we all dou your will 100% today. Lor di dsire ot marry. it sm y mlust.. but if i was truly made to be a mans help mate pelase jointogether the man who i was made for for oyur glroy and by yor power please join me the the man you mad eme out of . el tme know form your holy spirit Clearl yno confusiton who this man is and and tel him im his wife. may werecgoniseeahc other as husband and wife. pleas elord whoeve rmy husbadn is,, onyl oyu know tel him God i love him the real true husband form your God tel him i love him all the time and that i miss him and find me my husbadn form God. Lord only you can brign us together please od o and help em to trust you with the man with the timine wiht everyhitgn.. hlep giv eme soem tell me more about what YOu plan for my marriage lfi elor dthnak u and tel him too. in the nameo fthe Lord Jues Chirs ti pray. i pra you pleas eod allin your power to prevent divorce dleiver couples tempted to divorce deliver themf orm satan adn please elt them see tha tiis satna the enmy and no blame eahc othe rhelp them to turn to you Lord to reconile he marriage and hela the hurts issues. pelas eno strnaeg marriage or strnge childrn for me or my fmialy and relativesonly wha toyu have ordined cocnernin marriage be doen in my life and for lal peopel. pelase join my mom and da din holy matromony if oyu arewillign Lord Jeus Chirst may oyu r wil eb doen. help me to do always wha tis pelasing to oyur siight Lord. pelas edlieve rhouse form pest ants flies maggots protec tmy grandma form these pests always hela her scars heal her eyes her blood blood pressure heal her brian neurons nerse signal stregnthn her pelas ehgive her amiracouls recover yin the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst all prais ean dglor ygoe sto your Lor dJeus Christ. Lor dpelas ehela .... and giv ehimt he job you wnt him to have and dleive rhimf orm alle il evildoers and pelase giv ehim your slavaitona nd wisdom.Lor dif oyu have husband for me pelase may i alwy sbe top priority and his ever ydelight. may he lov eme so mcuh pela egod and vice versa please thnak you Lord. int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst.