Beloved of All
praise report: the lOrd has giv en me much healingl in my dental flesh! Beis the healer!!! thanky ou for yur prayewrs. i love oyu brothers and sister isn Chris ti love you!!! YOu knwo i knwo that when i go helaing on my teeth I KNEW it was cause of your prayers of faiht in the Lor.d the lOr dis soo good. May all of oyu behelae ddlievered in every way. to glor yof HIs name by His power for lal powe ris HIS. thanky u lrod for toda.y make is a a day fillled wiht your glory so obvious YOur Hly spirit reign over the us storgner than ever . hank yoyu for blessing s thank you for blessings thanky you for your love mercy grace ,. guide my Heart pelase pra yi am dleivere dof all flehs eatign bacteri and my whoel fmaily too no more metbaolic acidosis no more bitterness nro more worry fo rmy fmaily turs itn YOu Lor dplease brig healing toour blod my fmailys bololod no sepsis no infection for my fmialy pelas e. give my grandma properl vasodilation excelelnt blod pressure and also for my fdad too and hela his hear tvalve. remove ever yunclean spirit form my fmaily blod wash us clena Lord have mercy YOurs is the glroy YOurs in the power.