Beloved of All
praise ReporT! praise the lORD!: testimony report: the Lord Jesus Christ healed me much on my teeth and jaw alignment. praise to HIm our Lord savior true Godand eternal life!. thnak you for oyu rprayer.s pleas epray my fmaily is dlivere dof lal evil al relatives and all peopel as well by th epower of the HOly spirit. pleas epray my grandma is dleivered of aof lal eivl and tha tshe is delivere dof small bowel obstruction syndrom helae od hernia dleivered of bacteira infection dleivered of dementis malnutriton foluid buildup kidnes diease heal eidn hear body soul emotiony in every way for the glory and by our Lord and Savior the Lor dJeu sChirs.t pleas epra yime an dlal my fmialy are dleivere dof all blood sugar and strep bacteria. pelas epra ymy brothe ris dleivere dof histmaine intoleranc ellaergies heale dof dehydraiton and cause thereof and healee dnerulogicllmentally physically emitnaally heale dof al trauma and go dheal HIm by the strieopes of the Lord Jeus hirst pelas peray for his helaign an his wifes helaign an dbby to be al health whole and beliveres and follower sof the Lord Jeus Chirst wholley devoted to serivng hIm i pray thia for my parents and all my parents an dmyself and lal peopel.Lor dpleas ehal and protect and guide oyur church. please save all osulsy by your wholey blodo i pray of rla peopels slvaiton. Lor dpleas emake me a better stwewrd for you and what you entrust me with. pelase provid eme a christina husband my own flehs and flehs of my flesh bone of my boen the one whose wirb i wa smad e from to be his wife and at the appointedted time by the powe rof oyur holy spirit join us to be one flehs . ma your joinign by you greatly glorify YOu Lord. pleas elt me know and HIm knwo when and who we are husband and eve. ma your rleationship our marriage our love and faifulfness ot God and oen anothe rbe devinely protect by our Heavely Father in the ameof the lOr dJeu scJHIRS.T LoR DPLEAS EGUID EMY HUSBAND AND i T DO oyUR iwLL ALWAYS and protec tus form idolatry and adultery. Pleas ele tme knwo who He is and prapre me make me to be HIs perfect helpmate glorifying YOu Lord and make hIm to be the perfect husband for me glorifying you Lord. pleas eno strang emarria eofr me Lor.d oyu are the One who joins us togther, make sure we are always iny our will. prais eot oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas ehal VIlike neurlogically mentally meotionall yphyscial spirutally and protec thimf orm all eivl. pelas ebles shim and may he win 111000 souls to oyu rhevanely KIndgdom Lord Jeus Chirst may you use Him gretly for oyur glory. pleas ehal him from all nerulogical and dleiver himf orm all sicknness and disease. pelase also hela my mom form allsicnkcness and disease. giv eher merry heart dleiver her form all thoguths form the enemy. pleas se touch an drestor eher soul anddlieve rherf orm idolatry and all forms of evil .please may YOu be Lord and svior of her life. pelase hela her and may you be glorfified by doign do . use her grealty for oyur glory. pelas egive her nes teeht gums strogner than eve rhela her heart and dliever heer form asperger snydrom accoridng to yur WIll if she has that nt henameof hree Lord Jeu sChirst. please hela my dad sheart valve pleas ehal him form osteoporsis and please giv ehim exceleltn strgn bones and teeth .heal his healrt balve and may my dadbe delvered of all unbelif towards the Lord Je sChirs. tlOr dheal and us emy dad greatly ot glorfiy oyu Lord an dbrign peopel to oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas erotec thim mind body thoguths actions intetions and posession adn his fmaily form all eivl. pleas ebles smy dad with long helaht happy life doign your WIll lord . ipray htis for my mom too and my grandm and all peoel and my husband too. and brothr. and lal poeple. pleas eotuch the sick and hela them by the power of oyur holy spirit. please make us al folllower sof oyu Lord Jeus Chirs.t pleas hela my grandm aheal her obowels dleiver her form all obstrucitons andian please heal all deofrmities alignment issues. please ressurect her bowels and organs and cells to life filled wiht the powe rof CHirs tupon her the holy spirit hela her. Lor dpleas ereveal oyurself poweruflly ot my grandma toda.y please heal her brain neurlogically and dliever her form blood sugar issues. please give her exceltn workign kidneys and may you pleas ebless all food that enters her body all medication her water and pleas euse the fodo to brig helain to her and also th meidcaitons and water. pelas heal and her viens arteries ciruclaiton. pleas egive her excellentbowel bovement sheal the issue of the diarrea please Lord dleiver her formt he root caus etherof. pelas emiracoulsy move in her lfie lor dna dhela all that cause her to be ill . m. pleas eLord also please dlever all epoel form sickness disease flesh eaitng bacteir coivd fmaine war and may their be peace for all peopel through Chrifhst and no more diision amonf te pepoele no mroe strife no more anger. no more war. pelase end the wa irn ukrais eiwht peac eLord and ture peace treaty. pleas elet soem peace dela coem about. pelas ealso hela the conomcy pelas edleiver al those form poverty. please devinely protect my dad dmom grandma my husband my brother his wife an dmyself and my husbands sid eof the fmaily form all eivl from all ies of the deivl form the love of money form lusitng frm efears and worriyng. please dliever all poepel from evil evil doers sams accidents death al sikcness and disease form accidents form al evil. pelas eprotect la peopel deivnely wiht hte powe rof oyur hOly spirit lOr.d pelas eldieve rla poepel form metablic disorders metbaolic acidsis type diabetes tooth decay. please hela all dentla flehs in my fmaily an dor organs for B too. and also for la peopel. pleas eldiever b and allpeopelf orm smoing drinkign alchhault. dleiver me form lov eof money and htigns and my plans. help me to enjoy i doign oyur will Lord. lead me guide me and help me like never before an dpelase do the same for al poel. pleas eforce all poepel to do oyur Iwlltoday. ma you IWl bedoen. protect us al form the lies and deception form satan. please dliever me form the deivl in every wy and i pray htis for lal poeple too. please hela al peopels minds restore s to health restore our osul. pleas eput a guide over my mouth and heart. make me what oyu want me to be and i pray htis for lal poepel. please dleiver mey mom form junk food craivngs. may she onyl crave healthy food. may she no loner enjyo junk food. pelase hela her teeht gums body and my grandma. help us eget the hous eclean for tommorw giv em wisdom how to clean wha to clean how to organize thow to do diapers 10000 times faster. please also proivd eof ral my need sna dhusbands needs. pelase tell my husband i love him oh so dearly loud an dclearly.. to the man oyu want me to be wiht Lor dmy husband.. my adam.. MY adam.. only you knwo you . tel himim waiitng for hima nd i love him. pelas elet me knwo who He is is it B?? . also pelase help all peopel beliv ien Chirs tand be baptise idn His aname and may all be saved by Chirst by HIs blood and pleas ehlp all peopel get baptised in Christ thank you Lord. please dleiver me form dehydraiton lusitng material thigns. and fatigue and lonliness. pleas ebe iwht emas i do tasks today. help me . dleiver me form intrusive thguhts. pela shelp me be wihtme Lor dbe wiht all peopel. please help me. Lor.d thnak yo pleas ehela al on this site hela all in hositals guide anll physicians nurses caregiver with hOly spirit . help the ment to honour their wives and obyey God help women to keep house. help us Lord pelas ehal all ont his site. pleas edliever all peopel form cancer diabetes addiction that are no OYur will fredom for htose in satanic captivity and bondage forevr in thenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ.