Beloved of All
Praise report: the Lor dhas heale dme much on my teeth adn jaw alignment! thanky ou Lord and thanky ouf r all yoru prayers.i knw it wa sin husge part of your prayers! thank you pelas epray that my grandma is heale dof all infection flehs eating bacteria, that she is delivered and cleanesed all her flehs incluing her bowels bladder kidneys skin blood all of her bod yhe rbian her heart healed an dmade whole that she has no bacterial infecton ever againt ht her skin heals incluidng skin taks that her fingers and and toes are heale dcleanse dby the bood of Christ that all urinary tract infectoion discharge issues ar epermantley heale dthat she is heale dof high blood sugar small bowel obstruction syndorm dementia skin issue smalnutrtion severe dehydration that she can have strenght heale dof muscle wasitgn atrophy. that i amabel to feed her lot swihtut any problem blckages. that the Lor destroy what ever is destroy ing my grandma and release her form all satnic opression.pelase pray i am heale dof all blood suag flesh eaitgn bacteri and so i is my whole fmialy. pelas pray for all dental flehs and bones to be no longer dehydrated tha tno one in my famiyl is dehydrated and that we are dleivered of all neurlogical mental physcial spirtual emotional stress related disorders that we are dleivered of al all generation curses and delivered of all demonic spirita rulign voe rour lives. I pray the Lord takes ful control over every aspeect of my life my fmailyslives and allpeopels lives. ipray the Lord remove all eviloout of this world including war virus pandemics pollution hunger fmaine and communciation disdoers. i pra yi am abel to clearly and very easily communciate with all poepel and they also with me. ipray all peopel are guided wiht the Hoyl spiti and that the Lor dprotect us form the temptations and traps of the devil. i pray all people whoare tried coem out flawless. i pray Gods will be doen and that i serve the Lor das i wa smade to ipray htis for all poepel. i pray the lor dotuch my moms briana nd heal all disoders neurlogical developmentla delays aspergers in her briana dn al of my fmailys brians. ipray thay the Lor dprovide for lal my fmailys needs and that i am abel to do the works He has calle dme to do. Lor dipray ou help me strenghten me and help me do do my grandma sdiapers help me to take car of her and amy fmialy and myslef. help me to stay foccused and not let my mind wander and lust tafter that wish i hav enot. ipray pelase deliver my entire fmaiyl form bitterness stressrelate dillness guildt resentment all unclean spits that roment. dleive rus form all unclean spiruts that do harmy to my granmda me and my fmaiyl. pelas eprotec tus all pelase provide eahc and everoyne of us wisdom and the power and strength courage and soudn mind to act on the wisodm you giv eus. Do all iny our power Lord Jeus Chirst to set me my grandma my mom my brothe rmy hudasband formt he Lord my sister in law her isde of the fmaily B, Vilike al neighbours and all peopel form evil. set us free and quickly dleive rus form all manner of evil . ipray htis ove rla popel with oyur hOly blood as the sacrific eformy sins. thnak yuLord for itis only becua sieof you that myyprayers are heard. Lor do all iny ur power that notignhinders my prayers and pelase frgiv emy sins. Please forgive all my sisns and mak eit very easy t followy ou Lor dhear your voice discern your vice an dotne and message and be abel t communciate wiht oyu. Lor di wouldliek to have a relationship with you like Pete ror JOhn did.Lor diwoudl liek to have very perosnal deep intmate relaitonship for i serve You. pelase forgiv emy sins and help me to serve You and you alone and resist the deivl. Lord please help me to clena the huse and pelas eprovide my brother sister in law neice and my da dna all peopelw ith the right bibles you want themto have. please mayakemy fmaiyl most faithful lovign servant sot oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. please pbles sus wiht spirutla gifts lvoe ofr one another . bless me please lrd iwht a spouse a husband ofmy own form you God a gif tplease. may i always be faihtful to you Lord Jeus sChirs.t pelase make sure tha tif oyu have husbadn for me that H is doign your will at all times and for allpeopeltoo. pelas ehal al poepel in hosptials. pelas ehal all peopel of cance rdiabetes type 1 type 2 diabetes insipidus chrocnic kidnesy diasease, all times of uric acid deisoders gou t. pelas ehal Vilike in everyw ay and dleiver all poepel form histamien intoleranc.e Lor disfmy bod yor my fmaiyl body is not fucucntioign in the healign and freedom in Christ by His stripes pelase sdo all iny urpower that by your stripes we are all healed. Pleas eprotect my fmaiyl my spouse ofrm the Lor dofrm all evil pleas eprotect my fdad and all peopel form high blood suga rhigh insulin .pelase touch my dad and heal his insulin levels ot be stbale andhelathy as well as my grandm ame my mom and all peopel. please dleive rmy entire fmaily form strep flehs eaitgn bacteria. pelase heal all fmaily relative form cardiovscular damge and heal al heart sgiv eall my fmialymemerbs strogn healht y hears fucnitong perfectly healt ynad hapypy in the nameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. i pray htis of rlal peopel too. pelas ehal my entire fmaily form dentla flehs prblems anxiety depression also ,my siste rin law as awaell and her sid eof fmaiyl too. also pelas eprovid eth ebes tof thebest for my fmaiyl in terms of ater nutrtion appropraistt for our needs clothign cshelte.r help su to be excelent stewards ot all you enturs tus wiht Lor.d dleiver us form vian glory covetousness idlatiry adultery and brign peace and helaign through Lord Jeu sChrist o all peole. pleas egive thos ien authority wisdom and force them to obey oyur voice Lor.d pleas eod not let servants be overworked abused by their maste risn anyway. please dleiver lal poepel form unosund mind pelas ebring hope to the hopeless and dleiver those who ar eposessed with demosn dleiveranc eof those demons in every way permantle yin thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t i ask this for al poeplet hanyk yu Lor dipra yhti sprayer int henameof the Lor dJeu sChirst. pela sperotec tmy fmialy and all peopel form colluisons accident storm propetrty and body damage. please dleiver me form al unclena spirits. pleas ehal my grandm ain everywa.y may my entire fmaily encounter oyur voice in a powerful way today Lord Jeus Chirs.t forgiv e my sisn. in then amoe of the Lor dJeus Chirs.t also pelas erfresh me. pelase Lor d. help me be fiathful to oyu Lord keep my husband formt he Lord always fiahtfult o yu Lord doing the work yu call himto do. pelas ejoin us togehter my true husband formt he Lord by the powe rof oyurhOly spiits. pelas eodnt elt satan keep us apart pelas elord. or ourselve sno insecurities oranyhtignkeep me and my husband formt he Lord separated. may nothign separetemeand ym husband form the lor.d Lor dhela him guide him send trilions of hoyl angels otassist him. ipray he has merry heart always and strogn wisodm and courage ot ct ont hat iwsodm. ipra yi willalway sfeel safe and protect by him in every way and we lov eone another that we die for one anothe irnt hename oft he lor dJus Chirst. pelase hela my moms brian deive rhe form depression. do all inyour power to brign helaign tomy parent smeitonally pyhsicall mentally. pelase dleive rmy parents and theirmarriage union form satan accoridng to OYu Will Lor din thenameof the Lor dJue sChirs.t protec tla marriage sLor dand pleas eno strnge marriages or strange cildren. no strang ehusband no ungodly husband and no eivl husband for me or ayn wman int henameo fthe lor dJue sChirst same for the men no eivl wif eofr all men. onyl wives who do them good and onyl husband do good to their wives. Lord guid eme todo you r WIllf or oyu are my etrnal Husband thnakyou for saivng my life my soul wiht yourlife.