Beloved of All
praise report: thanyk oyu Lro dofr healign my teeth and jaw alignemnt. thnak yu for your healigns improvement for my grandma. thanky ouf or a new day. also thank you for my life family and for YOu Lord and ofr htis iste.pleas ebelss and heal and protec tlalpeopel form evil. guid eus iwht oyu rholy spirit. Lor di am bumme dbaout myslef becua soef of past isn and i feel liek i can neve rbe blessed becuas eof my poor deicsions. i feel liek i can neve rhave the fullness becuas eof this. i am sorry of rmy sins pela shelp me to do better wathc my tongue and move forward i pray htis fo rlal ym fmialy mebers too. please reunite restore and protec tmy fmialy form il. pelase join me to my oen flehs amy he be a real blessing fo rme. Lor di feel like im cursed show em hwo to keep goign when im depressed. i pray you pelas ehal my dad from heart diseas emy grandm aoto and all fmaiyl. i pray o heal my moms motuh dentla flehs i pray ou heal her brain i pray oyu heal me form type 1 diabetes i pra you pela shelp em clena and do my ebst help me eb less lonely and lift me please. please hela my grandma form dmentia small bowle obsturctions snydmroem giv ehr excelelnt happy mood ehlp me cheer her up Lord (hel us be full of fiaht hope expectncy help us to move forward in faiht and reach otu destiny. peas sav eheal and dleive rs form ever yucnelna spriit. please gudi elal peoel espcially with thos ehwo have auhtority iwh oyur holy spirit. haksign for a peaceful dad ma yi be peace iwht allpeole may they forgiv eme a si forgive them brign healing wholenss help emto rpiorize my tiem and emotions. i get sucke ditno my energy get sucke dout of me emtionally. help em tocffocus on doign your iwll and be mroe dedicate dthna eve rin serivng oyu.pelase remove all rpest devils autn sflying autns form this property. pelas help em clena hit sproperty giv em energy foccus amnd motivaiotnto clean ahelp em care ofrmy grandma help me kidn to thos who ar enot kind to me dleive rme form alltemptaiotns help em to forgive and cover fuaklts help emto rise higher and not sink into depressin all the tiem. help em to see clealry enlighten my eyes to oyur truth your love and