Beloved of All
praise report: thannk you Lord fo r all your helaig on ym jaws teeht facial boens. pelase forgv emy sisn. please hela my mom he rbrian heart teeth issues dleive rher form depression sadness asperger syndomdrome giv her oyur slavation forevr an din everea area of he rlife. please help my dad who is homesless please provid ewarm shalter safe warm shelter ecellent hydration stbale insulin electroltieys excellent weight and happy mmod hela hime motionally physically mentally spritually by the holy blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please dleiver my dad form all sataniac powers adn attacks. pelase surooudn him with holy angels thathlp him hela him minister the htigns of the Lor dto HIm. pelase guide hiactions thoguths words motives Lord and same wiht my moma nd me and huby formt eh Lord. Lor dif B is my husband elt us both knwo if not elt us bothknow. Lor dhela Bs body teeeth gums coucgh dental fleshh please hal him giv ehimy our salvation and guid ehis thoughts actions motives and wil Lrd to llsaign with yours same wiht all peopel. please Lor dprotect my hubby form you Lord form all strange woen form adultery and all demonic decptions may he see clearly and giv heim a pure wis eunderstnaind heart an dlivng heart toward sme always and same with me towards him. guid eus to beocme on e at oyur appointed time and prepar eus to becoem one an dbe lessign to one aother and htos eaorund us. pelas eb glorifie din our lives. help us do your WIll and want oyur WIll abovce all else. pelase hal my grandma form dementia small bowel obstruciotn snydrome please helaher bod yLor dhela her form all illness . dleive rhe rofrm all unclenaliness adn and giv eher helaing in all dmaged neveres nersignals and heal all all wounds by your Holy stripes Lord. hela her and giv ehe rbest life ever. pelas ehelp em clena her feedher and giv em wisdom and udnerstnaidn heart in all area sof my lfie. help me not fight oxyur WIll btu embrace your Will your desires Lord. pelase ned allw ars . Bless Isreal. end war in ukraine all wars end peacefully. pelase dleive rhti sworls form ocornavirus all plagues help all peopel repent. help us all carefor oen another and the world and may the gospel of the lord Jeus Chirst be knowen to all by tongiht and may beliv ien yourr Salvation Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase forgive our sins. pelas eprotec tm yfmaiyl from illness accident death and clamitie shelp us to bles other and be a blessign to others. thank you for our lives. pelase bless myfmaily with the fear an dlove of you Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase hela us and may you be glorified htorugh me and and fmaiyl al the churhc may and my ubby and his fmaily . save al peoel heal all. pelas ehal my of type 1 diabetes diabetes insipiuds and my grandma too. pelas ehal Vilike of an neurlogical rbian disorders. delive rhima nd my whoel fmailand all poeelfe form all satnic oprssion. wiht oyur HOyl blodo please dleiver em and my fmaiyl form gentic bloodbactrial disease deiver us form strep form insulin desistized or instbale hela us and keep us hydrate.d pelas ehela my brother heal his whole life. pleas hela his teeht, pelase hela B teeth giv ehim merr yheart please help him nwo you Lord turly and serve oyu only help him at work and ao all peoel. guid eus int he way You want us to go pelas ehal mymoms moth fill her mouth with good thigns the joy of the Lord , may she have amriacle encoutner with oyu tongiht and smae wiht my dad andmy hubby formt eh Lord and also my grandma Viliek brother siterin law neice B and his sid eof fmaiyl al my dads sid eof fmaily. help usencounter oyu and experience oyur lov eoyur slation your vioce YOur HOyl soirit touch us all all poele. and dieve rlal peioeple form unclean spirits intrusive htougths and neagitve demonic thoguths,. dleiver all poepel form suicidal thoguhts please heal all poepe and diever all poeele frm al bad thoguths cleance our thoughts renw our minds to be liek the mind of Chirst following HIS voice only eaisly clearly discenrignt he true vioce of God always and the right tone.t hnk you Lord. pleas eprovid emy dad th ehelp he needs so he is no longer homelss please protct his van form freezign cold. him him warm safe happy and comfortbale. protect his body ofrm the freezign cold. giv himt he right equipment so he does not freeze. pelase brign soemon into his lfie who can giv ehima place ot slelp .. i pray this fo rlal homeless peopel to. pelase diever lal poepel form homelssness. thank yu i have place ot sleep and food to eat. forgiv eme for tkaign such htigns for granted. thank yu Lord. i pray this int he nameof the Lord Jesus Christ. pleading HisHoyl blood upon mself and this prayer and all mentione dinthis prayer.