Beloved of All
Praise report: Thanky oU Lor dof rnever leave me or forsakign me or any of us becaus ethats why OYu came so we swouldn't have to be alone. thanky ou Lor dofr intrcedign for us and for givign us life and life in abundance. Thanyk oyu for giivgn me healign in yjaw bones and teeth alignemnt thanky ou Lord. Lor dpelas ehal ym mom teeth giv eher new teeht regrow new teeth in peopelw ho need it pelase take away all ifnection in ym dads mouth. Heal Bs teeth. Heal . please Lor dgiv eand belss my siste irn alw with mos tbeutiful belssed baby boy health. heal all the fmaiyl form covid. pelase remove all ucnlena spirit sin my whole fmaiyl. Lor dplease dleiver my fmaily form all neuro developmental disorder. pleas ehla mymosm rbian heairng form aserger snyodrme giv eme wisdom hw to help my self and fmialy. pelas ehal my of type one diabetes and heal me of such idolatr yíof wantign to be desired help me find my lov emy joy in YOu Lord. Please make it so my dads emotions is health any and healed. heal him form all truama guid ehimw iht oyu rhOly psirit and YOur Hloly spirit heal his body midn and emotisn . restore his would and help him eaisly egt candian citizenship easily. no problesm . dleive rhimformalldemosn and homelssnes . plehealhis heart andheart valve. Lordpelase rmeocve al curse and witchcraft form oru live.s i plead your holy blodo upon my sins. make my fmialy most faihtuflt oy ou Lor dan dlal peopel. Please belss heal and dleive rmy grandma form demenita. heal my mom bless her physiclal emotionally wiht oyur salvaiotn new sharp teth. giv eher hte mind of Chirst and destory the works of the deivl inher life. pleas eand for my dad too. pleas ehal my my rbother and my fhwoel fmaile form depression and also giv eus merr yhearts your salvaiotn. hela all those who haevfelsh eaitng bacteira. pelase regrow heal andrssurect damaged flehs eaten baodies body parts. please remove metbalic acidosis. please help em clean adn giv eme wisodm when it coem sot clenaing inclien my heart NOt to vanits. pelas eprovide best clenaign materias.please remove all phobias inculidn szilánk dirt and coornaphobia. help emnot too be in bodnage to satna. i pray of rlal thos e who ar eemtnally physiclal emotinally ill. pelas eldiever all peopel tbattlign ocd intrusive htoughts hoplessnes. Lor destory all demons phobias dmeons. set us all free form demonic opression adn please guide all thos ien authority iwht oyu rholy spirit. help su all to cease form anger dleive rus all form discouragemnt dleive rus all form hopelessnes and suicidal thoughts be removed forever form those who battle wiht such thoguths. please Lord heal those hwo have schziphrenia. and also heal Bs brian. bels shim protec thmf rom evil brign him helaign form smoking and alchahlsuism addiction and allthose batlignf orm that. Please hal thos ein emntla hositlas hela those fighign insecuties fears. heal Bi of chronic fatigue .tel him i miss him. bles him heal him ehlp him and mavis too. and her fmaiyl and Pierre. bless everyone today. bels sus wiht knwoign oyu and indign you Lord. thnak yu for everyhitng.pelase rmeove all toxic thinkignf orm my heart. pleas ehlp those who i hurt forgiv em.. please recicnle me to oyu Lord an dlalpeoel. Lor dplease provid eofr me a God honourign God hfeairng most livng husabdn ever who is very emoitnall end phycially affecionate and has exccelnt emotionall physicall emiotnal finacial maturity. Pleas ebless us with health God fearing babes . take away whatever hinder sform me and my one flehs husband form ebign togewhter. hela us and may my husband and and myself always see past aynhtign that coudl keep us apart. may he always be protective gentle kidn cairng and spend los tof tiem and show interest in me and may H eliv efor Chirst. ma yi be an exceletn wife a rela help mate may we do onyl good to own naothe rlal the days of our lives. plwease help all those rainsg chidlren or cargiver sgiv ehtem strgnth healign mriacels for thos ewit autism. hela my uncles braina. bles himw iht best care ever. hela all thos ehwo have had accident.s pelase regrow limby regrow those teeth body parts those wholost organs heal them pleas ehla htose with metablic acidsiss cancer diabetes type 1 2 miralces for lal those who have strep flehs eatign bacteira. Please hela those who have dmentia and urinary tract infecion. please belss my ubby formt he Lor diwht wisdom strngth soudn mind power and delive rhimf ormalleivl doers. make im stron compaasionate and may wwe have a bond tha tis One and not separte in anyway. Lor dmake us one at the appoitned itme. no coutnerfeit unbelviers fase souse. do allinyoru powere ot rbign us togehter for yur prais power and glory. giv em wisdom hwo to ocmmucniate iwht my motehr open her eyes and my eyes and heart to understand oen anothe rlove one anothe rand work well together. hela my grandma and giv eme strnght to do the matress and possibly if YOu are iwlgn help me find mroe cainton.. Lor dpelase. help all men women chidlrne do oyur willa nd dleive rus all form aevil. Thy WIl be doen thy Kingdom coem. help us serve yuw ith al our heart and knwo your life ke neever bfore. please giv emclear direcitonwhat oyur WIl is for my lfie perosnally Lord .help em to discern your vice appropriate tone..Lor dhelp em to lay down my life for oyu. really. help em to trust oyu adn teahc me quickly your wil. thanky ou i ray this for all peopel. pelas ehelp thse workgin in mdical feild do oyur Will. please Lord giv eus allw e need and dleive rme form covetousness. ehlp me fall iny ove iwht ouy. thnaky oU in ti pray htis for lalepoel. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ