Beloved of All
Praise report: thank yu Lord Jeus Christ for givign me healign in ymhealth and grandmas health. thank oyu for al praying for me and my fmaily. thank you Lor dfor bette rpower movenment for my grandma .i love my grandma with al my heart adn soul. Lor dpleas ehal my gradnma fo dementia please heal her eyes her bloos her brian he rblood pressure please heal her heart ( no congestiv eheart problems) giv eher excelelnt bowel movements freedom form all sickness diease nothign eatign her no demon.. dleiver hewre form al demosn and al illnesses. please dliever all peooel from cancer diabetes diabetes insipidus all forms of addictions substance addictions. please heal my dads heart please heal that girl who was in accident no mputaitons pelas emake a full recovery to al who who wer ein accident please heal al peopel and all peopel who have diabetes . please dliever me form type 1 diabetes and same wiht my grandma pleas ehal my deformed toes and for my granma deforemd toes finger pelas eheal the root cause therof help me care fo rher. please also regrow teethg ums bones in my entire feafamily .d eliver my famiyl form all demons and generaitona l curses dleiver me famiyl form all disorder ll generaitonal curses and pleas ehal my moms brian heal Vis brian. hela ahim and protect him form all evil and provide the best of the best of all thigns for him and heal his whole flehs I also pray for His salvaiton Lor dpelas ehelp us get in contact soon pelas ehal him for oyr glory and by your power Lord Jeus Chirst i pray int he Holy spiit concerning hIm Lord oyu Will be domne in him life please deliver him form all evil and heal my mom of asperger syndorm and depression i cast out al depression out of my mom in the nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. also also cast out al l bitterness anger resentment unforgivness generational curses out fo my fmaiyl foreve irnt eh nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. I pray for my grandma to be heealed and full delivered of demntia and all illness small bowel obstruction syndorme. Lor dforgive my for my sins . i plead yur Hoyl blood upn my sins pelase take away my sisn and wash me clean. pelase do sofor la peoel. Lro dguide me and giv eme and all peopel wisodm and the desire to serve you and trust yo. Lord teahcme your way permantley and do the same for lal poele Lor dhelp me take care of the hoem you blessed us with . please take away the mold and pleas ehlp neighbour do the roof. Lor dif oHe is is my husband please join s to be husaband and wife if he is not make that clear too. i need cartiy . who is that man Lord and giv ehim clarity cocnenring me as well. pelase Lord Jeus Chirs tguid eius into al truth. Help us do oyur will. I pray you protect all my fmail my neighbours all peoele form evila nd dleive rus form all evil and lea dus out of all temptations int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t guide us into all truht and help all poele have a true Father and child relaitonship with oyu Lord through the HOly SPiti the Lord Jeus Chirst. PLease savel all my fmaily mmebemers and may you breaht livfe into all of them ealin and otuch them with oyur mercy and love for us sall and same iwht all poeel. Please nd all wars peacefully. Bless Isreal your nation Lord and may their be abundantlife their an dpeace. pelase ressurect all whose lives wre takeninthe wars.hela al injusred heal and ressurect new teeht amputees pelase recreativ emiracle for all peoel Lord. also please brign jujsitce ot poor and needs. please dleiver all poele form cancer let thei rbe cures for diabetes cancer covid..etc Lor dyou are the healer. plase greater than all knwoeldege of man pelase heal all who have flesh eatign bacteria strep metabolic acidosis please hela al teeht dehydration britterness probelms in my fmaily please belss my famiyl my husband all spouses form fmaily mmeebrs and their sid of fmaily. devinely protect all marriages you have ordained please dont allow satan to breka apart marriage oyu have joined. Lord make it clear to me and my huabdan Lord what ouy want for us Lor din all areas in thenameo fthe LOrd Jeus Chirs.t please hela my moms hips pleas ehal my dads heart pleas ehela my moms teeth gums boens pelase hela my brother teth gums bones dleive rhim form asperger syndrome and my mom too if applicabel Lord Jeus Chirst give all my fmaily and all peopel a sound mins. pelas eHeal B in every way giv ehima merr yheart. dleive rhim form smoking from dringing alchhaul. Lord help us communciates. make it super clear next tiem i see HIm if He is my husabdn or not not sure hwo to get an answer form you Lord may your WIll eb doen. ipray whoever my husband is tha tHe remains faithful alway sin live wiht me always serving God and always puttign our marriage first and same wiht me. Lor di put my husband into oyur HAnds and myself into oyur hands make us One at the appointed time jsut no ocunterfeight ungodyl not form you Lord spouse a spoue form you Lord LOd and CLear to me and my husband whoever He i .Lor dtlel my husband whoever He is I love HIm soo mcu h tha ti cannot wait to be together wiht hima dn that i love him jsut the way He is . i pray He iwll love me jsut the way i amm.. int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ ti pray. Lor dpleas ebless my parents with long health happy life always led by oyur Holy spitirt into all truth. bless themwith hexceellent healht wealht if oyu are willign reocnciel their marriage giv ethem sound mind peace form you Lord Jesus Chirst. Lor di plead you Hoyl blood upon my parents family my husband my brothe rhis wife and child protect us form all accident calamity all evil protect our comcin g and goign protect us in veichcles in our work plac eour hoimes protperties poession prtoect all epoel form all evil and dleive rhtis world form all covid and cvritions. pelase end all wars pelase no more kilings form wars . let those who want wΓar be so convicted that thex quit the war . pleas eLor dalso pelas hela my of intrucsive htughts hela my teeth and rsstore my life and my fmialy too. please dleiver all peopelf orm neagitv ehtoughts, suicidal thougths and please hel those who need helaing itn heir bodies. guide all caregiviers and physisians nurses all peoeolw ith oyur hoyl spirit .force s ot do oyur WIll. Please brign us all joy in servign You Lord please brign food to those starving sheleter to those who ar ehomeless please recocniel all fmailes wiht oyur hOly blood. please pelase forgivemy sisn int henamoe fthe Lord Jeu sChirs ti pra.y please bless my husband wiht exceellent helaht sound mind exceleltn helay godly friendships and may He love me more tht anyoen ontihs earth as His Bride and vice versa as my husband but above all else Lord may we all love oyu with all our healrt and soul and strngth int henamoe fthe Lord Jeu sChirs ti pray.
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