Beloved of All
Praise report: thank you Lord that while in prayer you heale dmy eyes shiften bones teeht jaw alignemnt. thank you Lord Jesus Christ Lor dplease save heal restore all my life my fmaiyl memebrs and their lives and all peoples lives anadmarirages. Lor dif B is my husband form yo cna you make this super clear ye sor no to me and to HIm. we need you to lea dus you ar eour Lord. itno all truth. no spirit of deception or temptaiotn gettign itn he way. i need oyu truth int he matter. and help wo accept he truth whateve rit may be. i really eed help wiht this Lord. YOur Will eb done. not my desires pelase. thnak yuou please dleiver me form all satnaic deception. please dleiver B form smokign alchahul aspergers syndorme if he has it heal his rbian giv ehim soudn mind and deliver him form allevil. giv ehim your salvation Lor dbe his Father. Lor dpelas ehal my grandma form small bowel obstruction syndorem. please guide me as to how i can best care for her help emdo the matress help me wash bath clean her feed her giv eher idapers love her the way you want me to as well as dleive rmy mom form all unclena spirits and dleive rher form sour mood and heal her in every waypleas ebles her with long healhty happy life as well as my grandma and my dad and also my all my relives and my hubyby form the Lord. thank yu FOr Him tel him i lvoe HIm wheover it is you want m joiend wiht. protect hima dn bless hims guide him with your eye.prtoec this hea from sinnign and put a guard ove rhis lips giv ehim wisodm and understnaing heart conenign me nd all his life ipray hti saofr all peopel. pelas ehal my graNDMA SHE IS IN A LOT OF PAIN.T ANKY UF OR EBIGN THER EOF RME lORD. ILVOE OYUPLEASE HEL MY BROTHE HEAL FORM SPINAL INJURY PLEAS EPROVIDE BES TMOBILE BED OFR MY GRANDMA DN QUICKLY PLEAS EPROVID EINEXPENISVE WHEELS FOR HT EBED OR A BED I AM LOS TIN THIS AREA PLEAS EPROVID EBEST MOBLIE BED SO WE CNA GO OUT SIDE. HELP ME DO THE MATRESS CHANGE AND HELP ME HELP MY MOM BLESS MY MOM WIHT HOPE IN YOU lOR DMAY SE ENCOUTNE ROYUR LOVE HELAIGN AND SALVAITON TODAY LIEK NEVER BEFOR SAME IWHT MY DAD BROTHER SITER IN LAW AND ALL PEOLE BLESS MY SISTE RIN LAW WIHT LOGN HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE AN DPREGNANY PROTECT MY NEPHEW FORM ALL HARD AND ALSO NEICE. HELP US REOCNCIEL ORD AND HELA MY RBOTHE ROF ASPERGER SYNDORM. heal Vil pleas ehela his brian colechialism us ehim greatly ofr YOur glor ypleas epelas eintervne and belss and protec thimf orm alle ivl. provid ebess care of rhim and also heal B form all his teeht heart ndbody and als hisheart oto and coughign . please hal my dad help him breaht easy provide plent yof oxgen adn dleive rhim form that tooth ache infecton infamation help him take car eof himself stay hydrated and have the appropriate nutriiton thank yu Lord for salmon:9 also help me take car eofmy mom ebtter. pelas ehelp with that. help em not to feel exhauste ddleiver me and my family form allbloodsugar higb loos pressure metbalic acidsosis all disorder adn all tumors leave heal and forgiv eour sins. thanky ou Lord. also I pray tha touy pleas bless my with a n amazing miracle husband someoen who really treats me like Your queen Lord an dhis queen . may ohe lov eme and may he never be abusive ot me and also protect andprovid eof rme . may i truly respec thim may he be a Chirstian and man after God' heart and may you releas ehim into His destiny may oyu use him greatl yof rhis glory. no coutnerfeit spouses pelase for me or him protec tus ofrm idolatr and adulter.y guide me conernign who my husbandis and how to prepar emyself for him. please help em wai tof you Lord and not be impatiet. bles sus wiht godly chidlren God fearign children pelase and provide us exceleltn healht joy and abundnat lif ein Chirst. i aks this in the ameof the Lord Jeu sChirst. dleive rus form al evil and temptaitons YOu ar oeur helper. pelase remove the amalgan filligns form my mosm motuh pelas hela he rmouth jaw and regorw new teeht pleas efill her mouth wiht grea thigns please take away depesssion and all unclena htoughts. giv eher joy do all inyour power to make her appy toda yan dmy grnamd aotoopelas ehelp. thnak yu and my dad and B and all peole. hela bรฉ healrt and plaque teeht. ehall fmialy teeth and dehydraiton anxiety depression issues heal my dads bones form osteoposisi and fractre send trillin of holy angels ot minsite rhim. delive rhimot of homlessnes. send helpers his way and use him greatly for YOur glory. please sopeak to HIm so he cna hear oyu. may he feel not aloen. please do alinyour power to prevent and protect all my fmialy memrbs my ubby form the Lor dwhoever he is form accident calmities and death. pelas end corna virus end coorna phobis of mine end grm phobia dirt phobie obessions wahsing hand saddiction . pela siem nto pround of these htign shelp em out .please and htnak you for all your helaign thnak yu Lord may you be glorified allprais eglory and thanks go to oyu. int henameof the Lord Jue sChirst.