Beloved of All
praise report!!thank you Lord Jesus Christ for giving me healing in my jaws by shifitng them!!!!! I will alway sbe grateful thank you Lord. thank you to all who ar epraiyng. pelas epra ym fmaily is healed teeth boney metbaolic acidosis dleivered of all stre flehs eaitng bacteria that the Lord cleans our viens and arteries oru blood and that our bodies are filled wiht fresh excelelnt supply of oxygen and circuation and blodod pressure. thanky oU Lord. ipray you dleive rme and my fmaiyl from perodotnsis disease blood suagr and bacteria infections forevre for your prais eand glroy Lord Jeus Chirs thank you. pelas eremove lal unclean spirits frkom my fmaily and formall peopel and protec tu s form death accidents claamities and disease. pelas eprovide for our needsa dn please giv eus baudnant life in in every area of oru lives. ipray this for all peopel too. pelas eLord do all iny our power to bless my fmaily my husband and all peopel. do not allow satan to lie kill or destroy us in ynyway . please thnaky ou Lord I please your holy blood upont his world destroy the works fo the devil with your holy blood. all prais eand glory goes to you Lord Jue sChirs ti thank you for oyurHoly blood that saves ours osuls forever thanky yoU forver tLord Jeus Chirst all prais eglroy and honour is yours!!and oragns blood pressuee blood suagr thank you for lal praying for me. pelas ehal Lord, all teeth bone isn my fmaily nom roe dehydraiton in teeth and body in my fmaily. pelas ealso heal Gábors broken hand. pelas ehal all hernas in my fmaily. pleas ehal my dads spinal fracture and no mroe osteoposisi in ym fmaily. pelase givign us livign waters. thanky ou Lor.d ipray htis fo rlal peopel to. pelas ehal all peopel dleive ru s form ever yiskcness and diseas ean dpelas eprovid elal peopel with a fae hoem free of abuse. pelas ehal those who are abused and dleive them form the abuse.thank you.Please save all souls and help usmake us all dooyur will today Lor.d pleas ehlp me to release me life into oyur hands and anot take htoguhts over my bdoy. please dleive rme form intrusive htoughts forver and may i be cosntantly filled wiht oyur holy spirit and presnece Lord. pelase go befor em always make my paths straight and d ot he same for me my fmaily my husbadn if you have oen forme. Pleas ele tme knwo who. and join us togthe rfor oyur prais eand glroy Lord Jeus Christ. healed and no more flehs eatign bacteri diabete sof any kind or metabolic disorders acid problems in my fmialy bodies. pelase Lor dhela my grandma of dmeenti adn also small bowel obstruciton syndorm high blood sugar blood pressure parasite and toxic waste pelase remove compeltle form her life and fill her with hoyl spirit giv eher lfie Lord Jeus Chirst. helamy dads heartvalve so his hear tworks properly realhiseyespleas eprovide of rhis need shelp him communicat egive him sound mind and also estbalish the htoughts oa ll peopel. pelase also restore my parent smarriage if your are willignLor.d pelas ehal my momy brian heal her form asperger syndorm ena dhela her brothe rtoo. hela my brother as aell. pelas dleive rhim form histmaine intoleranc e. pelas ehlp him eat lots and tha the gains weight. pelase make ahima nd his wife and my parents and all peopel beliv einr isn the aLord Jues Christ. pleas eremvoe form me unclena spirits and you knwo the problems lord. pelase hela me of type one diabetes and the insecurities.. pleas ehlp Lord. also please dleive rmy fmaily frm all fmaine and dehydraitons issues. please protect our hoem form all evil pelase do no allow pest or dmeons into our home. please keep al toxic people far away from me and my fmaily so they never ocme near us. do not allow any evil doer in our lives Lord thnak you: pelas ehal l all on this site. pelas ehal me oflyme disease. pelase provide a mobiel bed formy grandma. pelase touch and regenrate my kidney s thank you Lord!!Heavenyl FAther and the Lord Jeuss christ pleas eprovide ofr me a husband VEry LOUD Clear frm you Lord toboth of us and all people accordign to your pwerfect Will. please join me witht he fleh of my flesh adn the boen fo my bone. eevry obvious to me and hima nd the hwoel world that we are ar einfdeed flesh and boen fo oen another very devie very anointed love between us fullof the holy spirit at all timesevery thoguth word deed action no disspaointments between us ever every! plese make it so tha ti always respect my husband willigngly caus ehess o respectable make my husband gdyl livign his whole lfie for Christ and i am his perfect helpmate whom he needs and appreciates and loves and knows via Holy spirit that i am form his very rib and he cannot be aloen anymore and he needs a helpme ate me. i pray you will make him extremely attracted to everyhitgn baout m end me vice versa. i pray he will live me so mcuh he woudl die for me and he makes it very obsvious to me and to all how mcuh he loves me. btu of course Hi pray H eloves oyu Lord wiht all his heart soul and mind number 1 . i pray it is onyl and strictly onyl your holy spirit tha tjoins us togethe rLord Jeu sChris tit must be you that joins us togethe rit must be you and you need to communciate with me and him constantly consttnalty baout one another what we can do for eahc other what we need formoen another etc. you msut be ocsntantly int he center ocsntantly constantly ofr oyur glroy and by your power. please giv emy husband the joby you want him to do and make it VERY VERY clear to HIma dn to ME what joby you want us to do and make us do the joby MAk eit oloud make it clear and help us to obey your Word and your Holy spirit at all times. if you call em to be my husbands helpmate prepare me to be a helpmate tha tis perfect for him a waife form the ord.. yes and may he be my husband formt he Lord. Lord i cast this into oyur hands. i need oyur holy spirit to guid eme into all truth. protect me form all ocutnerfeit husbands at all times and all witschcrafthusbands nos trange marriage for me no ungodly husband for me please Lord. also pleas ehal us emotionaly pyhsically mentally spirutally in eevry way int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs tand lao our fmailies. pelase rmove all tocix thigns form our life and poeple too . please surroudn us only with good please Lord. remove all temptation form ym husbadn all addictions all evil pelase int ehnameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. make it impossibel for us to sin agaisnt ech other and first anforemst oyu Lord. please caus eus to hear you hoyl spirit at all times. and make it easy for us toobey oyuLord. pelase Lord Jesus Christ. . expose to m eme which man i was made out of and for whom and expose to HIm tha ti ws made form his rib and may nothign ano one not satan nobody coem between what oyu have joined toghter me and my husbadn Lord Jeus Chrsit with you Lord being th ecenter. no strange hudband for me no ungodly husband fro me and no evil husabdn for me. i pray that my usband will be gental with all poeple but especiall wiht em that he treíats me like his queena nd he shows this very obviously to me and the world. i pray i will treat my hubasband as i woudl treat the Lord Jesus Christ and i will have strgn desire to submit to him willingly and happily becua sie trust the Lord. ipray that if there iany bad habits i have the Lord reeval t o me wthese habits and destroy my bad habits and i pray tha tif my husband has any bad habit the Lord iwll reveal these bad habits to hima dn the Lord destroys his bad habits. please Lord giv em me and my husband vry strogn desire to read and put the holy bible into practice in eevry area f our lves for we both belive ht ebibe las turht whole heartedly. Lor dpleas bless my husband with excelelnt health adn please remove everythign out fo his body that is harmful in fact remove everyhtign in his life that is harm ful and nto in God’s Will . same to me and to all poeple too. help us be the hands and feet int he body of Christ. please bless my husband and me with your WIsdom Lord ine very area of our lives. please cause me and my husbadn to have such a strogn devien connecitona that we can easily rea done anothers minds facial expressoins emotins and may we do good to oen anothe rlove one another like chris tlove sus allt he days all oru breath forevr itn he nameof the Lord Jesus Christ. pleas emake me very very most attractiv eowmanin my husbands eyes and make him the most attractiv em an in my eyes. ive us such strogn attraction for one another that we odtn wanna be aapart ever in oru lives. only for prayer. please do not allow our selves to keep ourselves away form each other dotn elt insecurity shyness unworthiness guiltiness covetessnes anger or anythign evil eevr come betweenme and my husbadn ever.Let us be 100% trasnparent and very loyal to God and oen another very very loyal and loving. never ever any jelously stirred up cause we feel so secur ie en ach others love for oen another and we find the opposite gender aaprt form eahc other no teve attractive and owudl never ever thignk of adulatry ever in our heartliel no way cuase we know we are ahcothers Lord Jesus Christ destroy everythign that would cause a division between me and my husbadn. pelase make us work miracululsy wel together ocmmunciate mirculoulsy wel otgether and love oen another f wich such strogn intimacy and love cmpasssion gentleness detenderness exceitement and breathtakign love for one another all the day sof our lives.. pleas ele tnothgin make my hubsand feel unattracted ot me eer. may he love everyhitgn baout me and vice versa. may he have storng desire to speand his whole lif eiwh tme and me with him. may we have such mazing touch with one another tha tit take sbothourbreath away by the powe rof the Holy sirit. may he love holidng me in his arms .may he forsake everyhitgn to be with me and me wiht him and the lives that God wants us to go togehter an dod the things God want sus to do always. may the hOly spirit cosntantly be speakign to us abotu oen another. may nothign separat eour love our romance our tenderness our gentlenss aour fruitfulness togther. may my usband always see my heart an dmay i alway see his and may oru hearts be alwqys pure espaciial for oen another and stead fast love always ocmmited always faithful always patient always kind alwqys forgiving and soos inlove iwht one anthother we cannto keep our our and hands off each other. i will feel ocsntantly constantly reasured secure in my husabdnad love and he in my love for him. may God take us to where He want sus to go may we bear much fruit for God’s KIngdom even mre so toghter may God be very very glorified in joinign me wiht the bone of my bone and lesh of my flesh. may me and my husnadm have so strogn love of rone another that we are happy togheter for the res tof our lives and brign shelaign to us even by the powe rof the hoyl spirit. i wan to see the Lord jeu sChris tin my husband every itme i see HIm and all the day sof m ylife and my my husband se eme as Christ’s bride… mad eOur Lord Jesus Chris tocnstnatly giv eus direction in our lives oru marriage an dmay we fully submit to Go din every area of our lives. may Gd’s will be done in our union may we glorify Godin our marriage union. Lor dpelas eprovid eof rour needs and gie us exceleltn health mentally physically emotionally giv eus a soudn mind exclelnt strogn teeth and bones and dleiv urs form all satanic bondage and dleive rus form all toxic poeple and their storgn hold on us. giv eus both amazign discernemnt wisdom and may we abel t o really recognize that he and me NEED ot be togthe rfor is itt he WIll gf God. What YOu join togehte rme an dmy husband to bcoem oen flehs may no one nothign no devil person creature insecuirty lies form the enemy let nothign ever ever coem between the union of Christ my husbanfd and me. Lor dbles sus with Children accodign tooyur will help me to be an exceelnt wife and mother to the childrne oyu belss us with. pelase lor dcosntantl ybe wiht me encouragin em cheering me and my husband on we really need oyu Lord espcially me. guid eus to do your WIll at all times . i pray that their will be no division in faiht between us athat we trust the Lrd who joins us toghetr we will knwo it was Godhimself and nto our own doign.t hnky u Lord be glorified in joinign me wiht my true husband form your Lord .. who is this man .. tellme if you are willign. thanky u.of oyur You ar e in me Lord nd you are my husbdan. pelas elt me submit to you always.. thnaky u Lord. int henamoe fthelOrd jue sChris ti pray. Lr odpleas eprotec tme and my husband formall evil. lea dusnot into temptations. elt event he thoght of adultery make our hearts break and cry and make us sick .. le tnot event he htought of adultertery every corss our hearts. may we know without a doubt God’s Will is for us to be togehter an dwhat God has joined el tno mand separate. thank yu For my husband Lord thnak you aplease tell him i lov him cosntantly. whoeve rHe is protec thim guide hima nd tell him loud and clean and make him find me and tell him he needs me i am his helpmate form hsi very own rib!! please prepar eus for one sanother in eevry way and may it truly be a belssign so strogn that sit belsses the whoel word. all YOur by your power Lord Jesus Chirst A husabdn form you Lord Jeus Chirst accodring to YOur perfect WIl. thanky ou Lord. thank you So much for HIm thank yYOU!!. may our union bring 1000000000 souls to beliv ient he Lord Jesus Chirst an dmay we ebven know oyu better from this Lord. pleas ekeep my ubsand fsihtfula walways ot oyu Lord may HIs heart neevr depart form serivn gYOu Lord Jesus Christ and never departs form me as his wife and companion his greate love form God to love!! His very beloved who he always protect sloves provides for and realllllly loves her. thnaky ou Lordjsut me no other woman can even ocmpare. He knows i am HI s and He knows He is mine and we neevr ever defraud oen another . we always always always lov eone another and soo in lov eiwht oen anothe rlike devien devine conenciton in body in mind hoyl spirit heart thoguhts everyhtign ONE in cCHrist int houghts in actionsadn every way ONE.. with Chirs tONe vi the holy spirit and by the Lord’s power. Lor dhelp em to be whatver it is you want me to be for YOu Lord and for my husband and vie versa . in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ please protec tmy husbnd from all evil. please touch him where he needs healign. please send trilions of holy and gels to minister to him always and please giv ehima pure cheart after oyurs Lord. ma yHe never se eme as unclena but Chirst’s bride and his true love oen true love.. a gift to mbe nurtured treasure dloved relentlessly. may we bsk in each other slvoe all the day sof our lives and be freely ourselves by the power of God and love one anothe rint he nameof the Lord Jesu sChirst. May we affirm and validate eahc othe irn eevry way cosntantly accodrign to you will Lord Jeus Chirst. no fear between us whatsoeve rint he nameof the Lord Jues Chirst. all prais eallglory and Honour to OYu Lord Jesus Christ for it is YOUR power that does this not ours. thanky u God. pleas elt me knwo who my husbnd form GDO almight yis wihtout further dely and le tmy uband know wihtout further delay that i am his wife.. Form God almightyy… no other will do. accodirgn ttto the WIll of God int he namef the Lord Jeus Christ. no confusiont ha ti am his wife form God sent by God to be HIs helpmate and i m the perfect helpmate for him no other will do. thank you Lor thanky u int he nameof the Lord Jesus Chris ti pray. wiht thanks giving and prais eot Him all glroy is YOurs Lord Jeus Christ for it is YOu who provide sme wiht a husbadn after your heart adn may he eaisyl find me and approve of me for YOu Lord have aprove dof me to Him thank OYu God.