Beloved of All
Praise report: thank YOu Lord Jeus Christ for healign my teeth and jaw alignment and facial bones !!! The Lord is a miracle worker He is the ressurection! I testify the Lord Jeus Christ healed my facial bones teeth alignmant jaws and much tartar is ffo my teeth. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ forver!! thank OYu for everlasitgn coveant in Christ Thnak youu for eternal life Lord Jesus Christ gift of God! thank you for being my healer deliverer provider my maker my husbadn forever! thank y ou to al who prayed for my teeth!!!. I KNOW that especially th other time the Lord as he heale dme I beliv ehe reevale dot bme becuas eit was becuas eof YOur prayers churhc thnaky ou OFrver i love oyu ! thnak you for praiynf for me and my fmialy. YOu odnt know how much you churhc Brid eof Churst help me and my fmaily. One day oyu will thanky ou!!!Lor dpleas healmy grandma he lahe rmobilits he rheart kidneys hela my mothe rof asperger syndorm egiv em wisdom why oyu put me here. pelas edleiver.: from smoking alchohaul and witschcraft satanic bondage. Lor dpelaserdeliver me formall satnaicn bondage please break off all speel witchcraft occutlic power form hell compellte off my life. destory the works of the deivl in ym lfie in my husband form Gods Life destroy the devilsw ork in my parentrs life my brothers life my grandmas life and sll peopel lives. thanky YOu Lrod Jeusw Chirst that oyu came to destroy the works of the deivl YO came that we may have lfie in abundnac.e please provide Lord of rmeif oyu are willing my own husband ordained form God pleas ei bg yu Lor dosmoen who actuall yknow s you Lord really knows YOu like Really knows you. n ocunterfeit spouse for me. smoene who pryays to oyu Lord Jesus Chirst lal the itme reads His bibel and make sure He put sitinto practive. pelase giv em a husband whose whole heart an dlfi eis se ton pleaseing the Lord Jesus Christ. who will show me the love of Christ. who wil never yell at me and abuse me or opress me but lov eme ona neve ri have nevr experienced on thsis planet. i ask that my usband will be infinite in grace iwht me. tha the is always faihtful lovign protective always redeemign me. alsways there forme and giv es me a lot fo attentin God ordained tha ti iwll neve rhave to beg him for attention r love or try and imprsee him and try so hard ot be loved by Him. God put it into my husbands heart o love me liek Christ tdoes love me romantically physcially emoitonaly sexually. a le form God so storng tha ti really praise the Lord. i wanna praise the Lord fo rmy husband .. may i knwo the Lor dall the better becuas eof HIma dn vice versa. may we od godo ot eachothe rla the day sofour lives. may Gd delive rus form al witschcraft opression in our fmialie sdlieve rus ofrm all dgenerational curse sby the holy blod of the Lord Jesus Christ. dleive urs form all ocunterfeit sedicign false spouses int henameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. thanky ou Lord. pleas eno strange husband for em no strange God for me I wann serve the Lord Jeus chirs the ture god an deternal lfie m and my whole householy m coutnrly me and husband servants of the most High the Lord jeus chirs.t Lord dlieve rme form every false way. expose the deivls lies ot me always. pelas eod he sam eof rmy husband YOU Lord Jeus chirst and only YU Lord Jeus Christ has joined me to beocme oen flehs. do all iny our power to dleive rme form all coutnerfeit fals ehusband strange husbands and do al lin your power Lord ot dleiver em hubsand MY husbadn form you Lord form all strange wives adultery flas espouses. may He see throught hem easy peasy. may He see em as HIS brid eHIs one and onyl His Rib the One he needs in this life andc annout wihtout His helpmate form God may He find me so attractiv eit take shi sbreat awaya and desir eot becoem oen wiht me in Christ in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus chirs ti pray. pleas eLor dprovid ebes thoem tomy brothe rhis wife and baby and baby to come. dleiver them frm all evil. make their paths straight and do not elt mthem be decieved. pelase do all inyour powee to make sure they ar ein Your iwla dn liv eint he city wher eoyu want them to live and pleas eprovide ofr lal thei rneeds. Please Lor dbelss my parents in a majowr way. help them to see that they need each other as hubsan dand wife. if you are willign please make it s o my mothe rand my dad marrigae restore by the powe rof the hOly spiti int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus chirs.t please Lor dhela my dad emotionally if its bipolar dleive rhimf rom all eivl spirit.s pelase resotr his health his organse his pancreatic guncitn pelase brign healign to all his flehs and all his nbones.pleas eforgiv elal his sins by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ tlife and blood ofn his behalf. i pray the same thign ove rmy moma dn all poepel. have emrcy Lord. please restore heal and ressurect al that the deivl has stoled kille dofr destroye idn me and my fmaily husband an dhis fmaily. pelase od all iynour power ot competΓ©es destr ythe works ofthe devil in my mlif emy grandmas lif emy moms life my dads life all relative slives B BΓ©, Fr, Andi , vicby YOur Holy powr Lrod Jeus Christ. all glro yan dHonour goe sot OYu Lrod. Ipraise you forver. you ar eourLord and Savior thnaky ou thanky ou thank you!.please destory all religion in our life.. but may we oalk in spirit and truth following the LOrd always thankfully !! thanky ou for eternal lfie. may nothign hindery m prayers i pelase the blod of the Lord Jesus Christ on this praye rmy lif eand fmaily husband and hs fmaily. set us free by the powe rof the Lord Jeus chirst who came to save. save forgiv eu sour sisn and save all yosuls thnaky ou for the hOly blood of Chirs ti pleade the holy blod of the Lord Jesus Christ ton all flesh please destroy the works fo the devil on this planet comepltels i plead ethe hOly blod fot he Lord Jeus Chirst. I thnak OYu Lord Jeus Christ love you forver thanky ou. also if oyu ar eiwllign destroy the spiti sof aspereger snydorme autism and al illness neurologcal mentla physcial pyschiological emotional wil emotinall destroy all illnessd elive rus form all ill ness se tof free form all illness int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs tour Saivor Great Phyician i pray for this for all peopel. Help us knwo oyur iwla dn do your IWll guide us iwht oyur eye. pour out your Hoyl spiit on all flehs prepar eus for oyur ocmign and st us free formt he devil in every way. all prais eGlor yan dhOnour goes ot OYu Lord Jesus Christ. Lord dleive rus ofrm every lie form the devil i beg oyu and every fasle way. expose the leis of the devil. help eal peopel see clearly. and not ffallint otemptation. dleive rus form all evil every temptation andmay we pela seprotect my fmaily formdeath accidents collision sickness demosn. pelas eprotec tmy dads vision heal his heart giv ehim merr yheart protec thim form accident collision al evil. protec thima dn his wife. protec thtier marriage and Lor djoin what oyu hav ejoined otgehter dtn el tthem breat their marriage covenant giv ehtem love for oen another. Lor dif oyu ar ewillgn .Lor dintervenen adn giv em wisdom and them concenrign their marriage. Lord please help em clean house clena grandma ehal my gramb o and her children . heal and dleive rmy whole fmaiyl from flehs eaitgn bacteria. pleas eprotect my dads car form accident. send true Chris sitandsent by God to minister to HIma dn please dleive rHim frm all mannor fo eivl giv ehim ehethy insulin levels exclelnt blod suagr also for lal my fmaily.please destroy all curse witshc craft opression satnaic bondage bondage to evil spirit isn my fmily. pelase dleive rus ofrm all idols. may the lords name be prais ien my hous eall the day sof ourlive.s Lord dleive rus form every eaivl forgiv eour isns as we forgiv ether. pelas ehlp us alw ays do the right thign seven if its heard. Lor dpelas eldieve rmy brohter form all illness and his wife and child. too Please als make sure that hey sepnd tiem wiht my da.d please Lor dprovide a easy means to do this. pelas ehal them seek the Lord. Holy spiitrt force themto obewy you. pelas edlieve rmy fmialy form every spirit of gentic curse. dleiver my mom form asperger sydnorem and my brother. giv em wisodm concernin this. pelas ehal us all. hela my grandma neurologivxally. hela my husband in everyway. pelase help him recognize His brid eform God and help and forc eus to recgnize eathother true husband and iwf eformt he Lord Jesus Christ lor dprovide of rour need sand set us free form everyhign delaying our marriaige and becmine one in Christ help me clean house. pleas emake my husband giv ehim clean purr heart and always eairng th vice of the hOly spirit Loud and clear especiall ocncenring me and his hwole life. Lor dpleas eblss my parent siwht exceleltn mental phycial pyscholocal health emotinal healht. bless them financiall maritaly ot one anothe rint ehnameof the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord please thanky ou for everyhting i plead your Hoyl blood your everlasitng covenant iwhtme on this prayers. YOu Will be doen. thnaky ou Lord.