Beloved of All
praise report! thank you Lord Jesus for touches mircle touches in my eyesand facial bones!!! also Miracle workoign of washign machine thnak you for helaign touches miracle praise report the washing maschien seems to be workign !! but not drying.. can cou please pray for miraxcle drying thanks foyu r llprayers pelase also pray it ocntinues ot work pleas epray the full machien works as it shoudl by the powe of our lord Jeus Chirst. all glory thanks and prais eot hoim forever!!!Lor dpelase restore a nd prolognue our lives all of us in this planet. help us serve wiht wlla or strenght and hearts. thanky u for my life and my fmaiyl. Praise to you Lord Jeus Christ. thnak yu for repainfg the washign machien ! i love oyu too! pelase pray that this washer dryer works always Lor dpelase pelase accoridng to oyur will. thank yu Lord ofr our wahser and ryer. Lor dif ther eare isnful habits i need to repent of pelas emake clear what they are. i am sorry fo rmy sins. pleas ehelp me dleiver em form coronaphobia! and also i recieve dhelaign on my teeth and jaws. thnak you Lord Jesus Chirst. thanky ou brothers and sister sin Christ you are my best friend on this planet. God belss all praiyng for em and my fmaily thanky ou. really really change my life of rehte btter thnak you. pelas epray for my grandma who has been bedridden for years. pelas epra yher kidneys and mine too and woheeve rneeds healign is heale dby the blod of our Lord and Savior the Lord Jeus Christ. pleas epray my fmaily serves the Lord wholeheartedly and repent of al sins. Lor dpleas ehela my grandmas bloos bloosdd pressure please hela her pancreas so she does nto have high blood susgar type 1 diaebtes or insulinr esistance. pelase clenas eher wiht your Holy blood and do all in You utmost power wiht your hOly blood Lord Jeus Christ power ot save her an dheal her and full restor eher to health. pelase forgive me . help me be better careiver . help me feed clena her pelas eprovide wiht the appropriade fodos everyhtign she needs for healign I put her into your care Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase giv eme wisodm how to carefor her for oyu are the master. Please also heal my moms brian please help her be abel to discern tones of voice facial expression. Lord if her senses feelign not mature dor develped neulogically plese fully delvelope her in thos eareas of her brian i pray this for my brother to uncle and mysle fna ddall peopel. pelase all all my fmaiyl neulogically. please heal all brian damnage and dleiver ourbrians and bodies form all strep. i pra youy please dleiver all peopel form all flehs eaitgn bacteria int he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. Lor dif oyu have husband for me pelas ekeep him safe giv ehim wisdom form the Lord tell him wheover my husband is i am His Godordained wife and me tell me who my God ordained husband is Him Lord.. make us both knwo who were are to each othe irnt he Lord.. Lor di press into oyu int is matter. pleas elead me not itno temptaiton to strange husbands and dleiver me form the yearnign for my own husband if it snot oyur wWill lOr.d Lor dgiv em wisdom hwo to clean how to be more time managment skills and dleiver em form all intrucve toguhts. thnak you for oyur helaign me thanky ou so mcuh fo helaign me my jaws teeh Lord. pleas heal my of all metnal ohysicla pyschological emotional trauma and neurlogical as well in every way pelase dleiver my body form hell my mind form hell my body form hell my soul from hell my teeht gums bones my entire body form ehell pelase also dleiver my grandmas body form hell her soul her mind emotions her will . release her form all infection all disease all sststrep related illness. please dlever my entire fmaily all relative relate dby blod and spuses form God form all eivl evil doer toxic habid toxic tohoughts. deliver us form the devil ien very wayplease Lord Jeus Christ. pelas ehelp all conversations go smoothly Lord. help me call the doctortos offive and ge the perscriptions easily wihtout and problem also please restore my grandma ot exceleltn health. pelase stabilize my whole fmail inculin blood suagr levels and all poepel. pelas eprotec tmy famiyl my dad brother mom me grandma husband form God little neice my uncle Bé his fmayil form al accidents calmities form dsease and pelase restor eus all bakc ot health. please heal my grandma form all congestiv eheart fialre. strenghtne her heart andgiv ehe ra merr yheart. pelase i pleased the hoyl blod of Chris ton her wher ei have failed ot giv ehe rbest care i acam.pelas eofrgiv em ysisn. help me giv eh the best of the best. pelae also lor dpelase provide for me a good smoothiemaker if yua rew ilign. Lor dplease otuch mygrandmas kidneys and breath lif einto my grandmas kidneys blood pressur ebe exceleltn please giv her exceleltn consciousness memory and please restor eall sympatheitc and parasymapatheitc movemnt. please dleve rher form all dehydraotn malnutrtions isses. pelase dleive rher form all flehs eatign bacteri and or demons adn the entirity of those flehs eaitgn demons leave her flehs forever. if demosn were shot at her dleive rhe formt ehose demons.Loet not evil hurt my grandma or any of my fmaiyl mebers or husbadn form God. lrod dlieve urs ou fo the hand of the devil my husband form Gdo too in every way. Lord pelase dliever B form smokign form alcholism and all bad ungodyla habits. send the peopel he need sof rhis destony i pray this for lal people. please protec thte washign machien form all evil. pelase protec tme and my faily form conroa virus. also same for my brother his wife and baby.dleiver them form every trap form the devil same with my brothe ranadn ym fad and husband form God and lall people. pelase give us all wisodm Lord. please hela al lwho have diabetes type 1 and type two. pelasedl eive rmy dad form all flehs eaitgn bacteri. pelase touch him and restore his beign his life his soul and my mom too :Lor di f oyu are willig if it is your Willignbrign my parents back together if it is OY that has joined them to be One flehs. do all yin your power if this is yor perfect Will for their lives. accoridn got oyur Wil and power Lordmay this be done. Lord forgiv em y sisn and lead me itno all truth. may me and my family and husband form God expeence th Lord Jeus chirs tpresenec ein a frehs mew way truly ebing in His presence and nd prolognue our lives. help us serve wiht yu wlla or strenght and hearts. thanky u for my life and my fmaiyl. Praise to you Lord Jeus Christ. thnak yu for repainfg the washign machien ! i love oyu too! pelase pray that this washer dryer works always Lor dpelase pelase accoridng to oyur will. thank yu Lord ofr our wahser and ryer. Lor dif ther eare isnful habits i need to repent of pelas emake clear what they are. i am sorry fo rmy sins. pleas ehelp me dleiver em form coronaphobia!
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