Beloved of All
praise report! thank YOu Lord God almighty! My grandma had proper bowel movments yesterday prais ethe Lord. pleas epra ymy grandm ais heale dof small bowel obsturciton syndorme the caus throof and delivere dof all flesh eatign bacteria that she is healed her bood pressur ehe rbrian heary ruptured viens and arteries crodd syndrom demencia all healed forthe glor yof Gdo itn he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst that the Lor otuches her for HIS glory an dhela sher please Lor ddlJeus Chirs tplease remove al ucnlena spirits tht defiled her me my fmaiyl and husband to be and his fmaily. pelas egiv eus all clean pure heart.s pelas ehal my dad help hsi finances and brign healign restoration to his emotions and spinand teeth gums. my mom gums heal teeth and heart brian aspergers syndroem to be healed. brother shustamien intoleranc.e i am delivered of strep folesh eaitgn bacteir delivere dof depression anxiety diabetes insipidus and my grandma too. no mroe lonliness fo ranyone ever yagian. Lor dIf oyu are willign join me and my husbadn to be oen fleh Lor di put this in your hands thank You for al your healign thanyk OYu formy fmaily. pelas ehelp em say thign speak and do your will today Let me hear oyu clearly and loudly and brig helaign to my life thnak you Lord Jeus Chirst. please save the lost and guid eus all t do your will amke it easy and dleive rus all form every evil in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst thank you for your praers. pelas e make al mytask supe reasy super esy Lor giv em strentght courage soudn min and i pray htis of rlal poeple. pelas ehelp me Lord. thnak You. dlieve rme form ylla my fears have merc yon my sins. Heal and help and provide ofr lal the needs ont his site. heal them pelase Lor dint henameof the Lord Jesus christ.