Beloved of All
PraISE REPORT: Thank you Lord for helaign my jaws teeth alignment. pleas ehal my moms teeht and dads and take away the amalgam fillign jammed in her dentla flehs do not allow mercury to poison or hurt her in anyway. pelase gudi eme if ther ie anythign i vcan do and also please hel me do what oyu ask. heal her teeth situaiton Lord remove all the metal form her mouth heal and restor eher teeth gums jaws and destory the devils works in her life.hela he rin every wa yand my grandm and da dndbrothe risterin law as wella s B and my hubyb whoeve rhe is. tlel him i lv ehim so mcuh so dearly tenderly an dlvingly. may the Holy spirit bring emand my huby to be one flehs.pelas ele tnothgin ruin our relaitonship andme our lvo eof roen anothe rbe undestroyably deep anddeeply roote din christ and his power an dlvoe fo rus. that needs ot eb removed Lord mouth miraculoulsy. praise report: Thank you lro dof rhelaign my teeth gums facial bones and impovement in grandm health after llof time ( years) thank you for mroe strenght and for better health. thank you and belss al those praiyng for us. Thank yfor oyur prayers chruch fmaily of god. Iask that oyu pelas epray for my fmaiyl's totola salvaiton in Christt allrelatives allsides that we reconciel to god throught the blodo fochirst and with oen anothe riwht god' spower. Aksign ofr the lor dto forgiv emy sins and elad me and guide me and all ym fmaily memrbs allsides. Lor dpleas edesotry the lord ks fo the deivl in my lfie and aslo all my fmaily liefe and als my onflehs husband you havejoinedme with save him ehal him protec thifm rom evil. Lor dplease le tme be joined to my one flehs husband as accoridng to oyu rpwerfect iwlla dntiming help us be oen flehs soona ndprepare us so we can be bigges tblessign ever to one another more than we cna aks thigk or imagine. Pelase protec tme form coutnerfeit husband sand also protec thimf rom strange wives strange women.gide uswith yur hoyl spirti concenirng oen anothe rand what oyu willis and how to serv eone another may my husband deeply devoted to oyu lord saved by the bloos of chirst adn born again by chirst seed. Hela us where we need helaign dleive rus where we need dleiveranceform the enmy. Forgiv or since guid eor thoughts acitnsgiv eus wisodm abotu oen anothe rour liv eor marriage. Protec tus and future offsprig form evil resotre wha tnees to eb resotre din oru lives. Dleiver bf orm alladdiciton to alchaul cigarretews bfilthy communcniation and also anythign nto form oyu lor.d ehal and dleiver him bels shim protecthim keep him amke him apple f your eye. Sme with me. Hel my grnamd a form high blos sug rna dme to . Heplpe mcare for her wiht wisodm and correctly. Heal us both form type oen diabetes diabete sinsipidus the rot caus eandalso pleas eprovid emobile bed ofr her os we cna go otu side soon. Lor dmak eme eb my true self but at he same tiem my true self in chirst. Same wiht my hubby formt he lord and alls poeple. Guide us wiht oyur holy spirit and dleive ur sofrmall eivl. Please hela my mothers brian form asperger snydrom deperssion dleive rher form all fear and enxiety giv ehe rhope that new teeth can regrow and do mrialc eisn ehr mouth.please rbign healng hto her hear tbind up her wounds and show her your salvaitona dn helaign power. Thnaky ouf or helaign me many itme sin my teeht. Please dleive rmy momf orm all thigns unhealht yand chemical amalgan filligns pleas emiracululs yheal her teeth. Also dot he same for my da dnab and my brothe rand me and my grandma and v and bé and all peoel. Pleas ehal ressurect resotreeour bodies and rsore our oyuth.pelase bless my sister in law with exclelnt healthy blessed miraucle pregnany liek blissful no complicaiotns and may my nephew be super healthy.lor dresotemy relatiosnhip wiht my siste rin law. Help her to forgive me for yellign and pleas ehlp em to forgive myslef. Please do not allow demons to enter our relaitosnhip nor in my mins. Please also hela my brother spinal injury hismtien intolerance strep throat. May he be tolerant of histmines may you show hima dn his wif ean dhis your eternla slavaitona dn aslo hela my brother brian of apserg if tha ti sht ecaese. Hela al those who have asper erger in cluding :::. Hela my dad emotionaly sent us formm formall asperger and autism in fmaiyl . Iplead your holy blood on all oru bodies al our teeht ugms blos sugar level inclsin pelase giv em and my grandma exclelent insulin and able to use suagr crbohydrates as fuel for our ecells not poison. Same wiht anyoen who has this condiitonpleas ehal all those who have diabetes every item mirculoulsy. Please dleiver us allf orm cance rdiabete tumos hlp us serv eouy. Pelase strnghten hela abd bels smy grandma wiht lognhealht mobiel life filled with you presnec ean dglroy a testimony ot oyu rhelaign power and wodner. Thanky oufor my fmaily. Please powerfulyl interven in my one flehs husbands life shown himyourlove and also your faihtfulness. Pease send true chrisitans servants fo the most hogh god ot serve my fmaila dn pray of rus. Please brign helaign to my fmialy rmelaitosnhips espeically wher ie have allowed the deivl to ente ri pelasd your holy blodo on my past mistakes. Fix my errors fo rme pleas elord for i am asking this of you pelase help. Iask oyu to restor epeac ebetween me and lalpeoel and for lalepoel oto. End all war sin hoems in coutnries and in israel and also ukriane and everwehere. Tka eawax ocornavirus totally and take awa ym phobias corna gemrs and szilánk. Pleas e amke this an eas sdleiveranc emy lor dand my god. May i have no fea rof these htigns whatsoever.i aks ihtins int henameo fhte lord jeus chirst. Pelas ehal and protec tmy da dan dmom form any age related decolien resotr and my grnamdand grnaduncle la epoel. Please rstor eour oyuth like the eagles. Pelase giv em a god fearing honour ing life and my hsband too filled wiht joy int he holy spirit may oyur holy spiti brign us to eb oen flehs soon may god provid eor lalour needs and ma yi be exceleltn help mate wit my hubyb, pleas eigv em wisodm to sopeak and also do not allow me to allow demosn to enter help me to coninouly waiitng on you lord. Ask this for all ym fmialy mmebrs and also my hubyb formt he lord. I pra you help hima t work and may he do his job onto oyu. Guid ehim adn giv ehim ebst job he likes and brignysoyu glory and is in your iwll same wiht em.. Pelas hela vs brain and eal his teeht and colelichlism hela comunciationw ith me and my mother. Hela commicnutaion wiht me and b. Help em clena up aftermyself and help me to only eat wha tis good for me and giv emy fmialy the same. Hela us and save please be merciful to us lord and dseotry the enemys powe rin my fmialy. May we be mos tfiahtful dedicated servant sto oyu lor. Dplease giv ey dads best resirement money ndnalso dleive rhim form lonienss and hela hsi teeht his heartvalve giv him plenty of oxygen. Hela my mygrandam form demntia congetive heartfialure diabetes. Pelase hela her and also please strnghtne her i lvoe he rhelp her. Pelase in thenamoe fht elor djue shcirst