Beloved of All
thank you Lord fo rhealing on my body. praise the Lord our healer. all thuigns are possible to him. thank you Lord. Lor dplease heal me of diabetes diabetes insipdus and same with my rgrndma heal all her bedrideness heal mym om of asperger syndrome adn all suagr insulin resistance all fleah eatign acteria sugar related and other wise take away all curses and generational curses form me an dmy fmaily life take away all fears phobias form me corna virus fear of dirt germs glass shards on adn changign clothes wahsign hands always constant worry of this i need dleiverance and belief God aóan do this askign God for my ownhusabdn my own hoem and children and help with repentance clenain hosue cleanign upa fte rmyself healin of body and mroie nergyí nd less depression helpign carign for gtrandma changin diapers mroe energy Lord heal her of dmentia and also heal her bloos pressure high blodsugar high blood presure malnutrtin amall bowel obstruction syndrom diarrea issues and healignfo bowel sspinal column need healign form dissapointmen and feelign down about my life . askign God to hve mercy and healme and brign halign to my parent dsand blessin sto them heal all confusion communciation disoirder. healign B ine evry way give healignt oi rbothe rhistmine intlerance helaign to Bél hart B i and ,avis all their fmaileis and all epoel. healign for V of autism and kolechialism healign of tthe new orgns new evhealed whole bodie sin Christ Lor dmake sure as for me and my house we serevt eh Lr dall relative and all epoel. Lord giv me peace with Youan the healign ofneed of mental illness tell em wqho ia m and giv em eself esteem. Lor di need you to direct my steps htoguths and acitosn and do the sam for al peoel. please help me not to blaspheme and to walk humbyl with oyu. forgiv em y sisn and make somehtign ebtuful out of my lfie my parent slives to glorify the nam f the Lord Jeus Christ Lord ma ywe know oyu may we twalkin truth and be alight int he dark word the servant soft he Most High God . Lord may all ehar the true gspel of the Lord Jeus Chris tijncludign myself and beiv ein Chris t.Lor di am disspointe dhowver pleas pelase guid eme tell me your plans teahc me you ways and do thsi for alll my fmaila all reltives. help me not to covet compeklte or compar emyselfot others mayi be contecnt with what i ahev for you will never leave me or forsake me and i may say bldly that yu ar emy helper. help me commit my work sonto oyu and estbalich my togths giv em clear directiona dn wisodm how to clan my grandm and what o feed her and myself and fmaiyl. protec tme form allunclean thigns habits foods ideas thoguths cleans emy mind and renew the spirit of my midn dleive rme and my fmaily form hpelsesness put me not to shame. dlive rme fom shame and frgiv emy sisn. i pelad Holy blood upon my lfie and the live sf my parnet brther grandm uncle graduncle B heal us where we ned healign adn guid eus wiht the powe rof oyur Holy psiit and may we discern you voice notappropriate tone and truly kwo oyu you r charachter oyur ove. please brign me into my promised land giv em your Wor giv me faiht inyou giv em ope and healign and dleive rme formevery spirit fo of torment destory the works of the deivl in my lfie in my parnets lives Bs my grandma sVilikes brother site irn law anchchildrne . please dleive rme formaljelopusly and sicontentment wiht others. help me find you Lor dm salvaiton my inwhom i am complete.pleas emake us alldo your IWll. no unwanted svistos cocial workers . please onyl send holy and angels ot help bripelase dleive rme ofmlonliness and all eivla nd sma eiwht my faiyl please helamy grandma vasoldialaiton calcified arteries and sme wiht em take away strema pa an allf ear and eanxiet yhelamy da dinsulin evles heal him firm calcifies arteri highbchlestrol guid ehim in all he does htink say do wiht oyur Holy spirit an dlvoe pelas efaovur and blesshim today an dmy momtoo pleas eguid ehim wherever he travels provide fo rhim acocmodaitns if necsarry the right peope l who cna elp him and tell himw aht to dowith his tiem life and land giv ehim your salvaiotna nd merr yheart aso to my mom smae htingsplease an dme pleas eblss heal and protec tus frmaleivl. please dop allinyour powe to protec tmy fmialy amy da dB and allpeole form accidnet deaht and calmit.y pleas prvide blest ownderful amzign pregancy best helperholy angels ot siste irnalw and best iem and the ame oyu want my miralc enphew to have pelas bign helaignto my lfie an dfmialy.and hela mye of alldisapoitnemtn by toda.ysned you lvoe . pleas repovide the the love suport tomy brothe rand may he have excellent communciaiton and love forhis iwfe anvic evera dn neice best love car eproteciotn and nephew too in wmb bring the prodicals home .pelas eblss my da idnhis travels and provide best f the best helpers an ocmpanionship and wisdom alogn the way and joy in his heart like neevr before a real encoutne iwht hte love of Chirs oday and heaign of his heart valve ashtma plent yod oxygen and dleiveranc eform allunclena spsirt and also helaign his hear forgivness and helaignof disspontment dleive rus allf ormconfussion adn destorx the plans f the enym onour lives. cange outr story mayw e be Victoriuos through Chirs otur Lord. keep us in your will soeka ot us plainly Lord hela us and forgi us.please brign joy laughte love lif in abundance andoyur Hoyl spsiir tin my lif ean fmialy and my hubyb formt he Lord and his fmaiyl lfie namever before. pelase heal my moms brian and neurlocally tooo delvelpoped brian best cmmuciation with in fmaiy withmy moamdn dad. helaifn ogf teeht gums bones tinsis for lal fmaily helaign of gout and dleiveranc ofrm alincurable disease sin fmaiyl. YOu heald lal wh ocam eot oyuheal myof the disspointment and take awa ylalucneln spsiirts an htoguths and depresison adn axiety in my fmaiyl itnehanmeof the Lord Jeus Chir for B to dleive hrimf romsmokign an alchalisma ndhealhis heart healhim hieal hislife reotr heis teehtnew sharp them an the work you want himto do help him fidn oyu and stay close oto yu Lord may we do oyur will. protect u allin all our ocming and goign prtect us formt eh devil and temptaiotns and disspointment and discontentment and quarrleignstrife llonliness an bitternes delive urs form lalthiese htign shelp us find you. pleasbess my fmail do alliynour powr ot belss my fmaiyl otda and alway si pray htis of rlalpeoel. plas eprotec tm yhubby form the Lor dofrm strnage women and do allinyour power ot join me to my one flehs husband form God . brign us joy and honou tot he Lord glor yot HIm forevr. hela us please and set us allf ree form stanic bondGE and captivity thorught the Blood and powr of our Lord Jesus Chris.t Lor dhelp me to surrender my all to you incluidng vanit.y pide jelously disocnetnetment and folish ness. giv em wisdima nd lvoe for lal and sma eiwht lalpeoel in thenam eof the Lord Jessus Christ. hewlp my dad ina ll he does heal him wiht oyur power Lor di surrende hima nd mymom and myslef my husband to oyu Lor dan dgrnam brothe riste in law neic enephew my future offspirg allpeoeles i surrender to oyur Will Lord save us and dleive us fomr the deivl help us to walk humbly wiht oyu a sheep plase guide us to where oyuw ant us to go Lord. in thenamoef the Lord Jesus Christ. pleas ehal my grandma ndhekp me care for her like neevr befor ehelp mewiht all dleiveries and may i only speka anddo pelas inyour sight smae wiht all giv em a hearz after oyurs. pleae int henameof the Lord Jeus Chird same with allepeol inthenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ.