Beloved of All
praise report.Thank you Lor dof rhelaign in my teet alignment jaws. thanky ou Lord of rmore strnght. pelase giv eme and my fmiala nd all who need mroe strnght and faiht and truly knwoign Chirst as our Lor dan dlvo eof our lives. askign prayers for my grandma to be heale dof demtnia and highbloos sugar high blood pressure abdominal obstruction small bowel obstrucitons syndorme flehs eatign baceria. i ask to be heale dof type 1 diabetes and felsh eatign bacteria and sepsis and partia tooth loss and my mom need helaign of asperger syndorm teethnee dhealign new sharp teeth for all ofus. my mom need deliverance form amalgam fillings toxicity. i sk the Lor dot heal my dads heart and heart valve and giv eus all emrry hearts. i ask the Lord ot dleiver my brother form asperger syndorme if he has it and also healign of our relationship as i have messe dup int he past and also asking God to hela my realtionship with siste irn law. ask God to intervene inthis matter and brign peace in His name. I ask the Lord to provid eme a God feairng an dlovign husband who truly love sme and owuld be an exclelent comapion . my one flehs joined by Chirs t.ipray the Lor dledeliver shimf orm allthigns ungodly and sets his heart midn and life to serivgn CHirst only. same wiht me. i pray of rhis need sbe met by God and God give my husband merry heart Godly firends btu does nto put them befor em. i aks God to give me a husband who realldesire sme in everyway and want sto do all thigns togehter accoridng to Gods WIll. a real partner a best friend a lover and always happy wiht him.i pray he doe snto have asperger syndorme. i pray for sures and dleiverance form brian neurlogicla disoerder and Lor dhelp me do oyur will. Lor di feel i need you to gently keΓsd me an motivate please. thnaky ouf or your helaign.d leive rmy form dehydraiton and root cause theros coorna phobia cornavirus szilΓ‘nk phobia dirt phobia all my insecurites. and pelas help me do the matress clena diapers and be my true best self. the perosn i was created ot be pelas eldiever my lif ehome fmaiyl husband adn future chidlrne fi applicabel form all evil prevent us form sinnign dleive rus ofrm evil doers and demosn witchcraft curse adn brign helaign to oyur fmialyie s and lives. help us repent serve oyu whole ehartedly not jsut iwht word. pelas eldive rus form allpest inest ant rats and all evil protec otur bodie smidn protperties and desires form evil guid e us wiht oyu rHoly spiirt. please hela my realtiosnhipw ith my mother. dleive rme form all forms of anger resnement. pelas eprovid emy own little hoem wiht bathroom. help me giv em sttrenght and wisdom lifke never before. dleiver me form wasitngtiem and form depression and lonliness. an frustation abotu soemhtign... you what . pleas ehlp my grandm amove talk giv ehe rmaerr yheart and help her and lal peopel egtrepetntn get baptiszed andr eive the HOly spirit. pleas esave all souls and lea dus int he way of everylasitng. pelas eprovid ebes tfood nutrion and care for lalpeoel. pleas ehal Vilike please hela his brian dn provid ebest care at hr e institution wher ehe is. us ehim greatl yofr oyu rgloy. please giv emy siste irn law happy blessed wnder preganyn bet ntutrtion for he rand my nephew. may the Lor dprovide everyhitng she need sand my brother. Lord help me to let go of past hurts and help m eb happy with my lfi. please dleive rem form resnemtnet towards B caus ehe neve rspent tiem wiht me always wiht his firends. it relaly hurts. if B is my husband make him repent of this. marriage should be above all. may he know this. pelase also giv ehim your salvation and also helaign of his teeth and cough and dlieve rhimf orm smoking and alchhaul. dleiver all menf orm not putting marriage baove all. int henameo fthe lORD jEU ScHIRS.T DLEIVE ROWMEN FORM ABUSE AT HOME .HELP THEM FIND OYU LOVE gOD AND MAKE DOMESTIC ABUSE END PELAS EPROVID ELAL PEOEL CLENA WATER TO DIRNK AND BATH. PROVID EBETS CAR EOF RMY GRANDM ABEST RESOURCES AND ABUDNANT LFIE. HELP BELS SAND BELS SMY FMIALY HUBYB GRNADM ALL PEOPEL. KEEP US IN YOUR WILL ADN MAKE US ALL APPLE OF OYUR YEYE. GIV EUS WISODM . THANK You Lord Jeus Christ.