Beloved of All
praise report:Thank YOu God thank yo God's people in Christ Hsi beloved churhc for praiyng for me and my fmialy I love oyu!! you guys ar emy best friends! the Lord heale dme so mayn times in my teeth facial bones. prais ebe t the Lord . Ipray htis over all fo Gdos people.. form psalm 34:10 " those who seek the Lord lack no good thing" Pleas epray pleas pra ym grandm ais heale dof al metabolic disgestion acid disorder dementia sever emalnutrition blood suagr problems small boewl obstruciotns snydorm all for s of ill ness be out of her now and forer int eh nameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. Please lor dofrgiv em help em be better caregiver giv eme enough strgnth.. help me feed her giv eus food and all the thigns she need sso she is better. do all iny our power ot heal her hear tkidneys everyhitng help em to stay foccused and not unfoccuse dhelp me stay foccuse don you Lord and doign the thigns you ened me to do. help me to et go of the desir eot married .. pelas help me to let go of this desire i knwo oyu ar em yhusband Lor dbut woudl liek to be married wiht my own lov eof my lfie my husband. whoeve hre is. if i was made for aman as your word say smay he be ut our maariag ebaove all for marriage is honourbale above all. may hti sbe in hsi heart as well. pleas ebrign him healign and misnister to Him Lord Jues Christ and to my grandma my mom dad fmaily. pleas ehal my dad of instbale insulin may he have excellent blood pressur eblood suagr excellent stong boens and all ciruclaiton issues be heale idn ym fmaily. pelas eno type 1 diabetes no type 2 diabetes adn no felsh eaitng bacteria. lpelase giv em y fmaiyl merr yheart smay oyu be foreve rowrshiped and praise dand logned for al the breaht we hav ebeen given.lord please orde rour stesp. please please my the holy spirit guide my fmialy protec tmy fmaiyl and .pelas eprotect my brothe ran dhis wife and baby form all harma dn evil. pelas eif oyu want them t buy a house then please tell them which oen loud and clear.. please send trillions of holy angels tominsiter and help my fmaily to do Yur Will Lord... may tha tbe our greatest pleasure. dleive rus all form ceovetousness for uy will neve rleav eor forsak eus. pleas hela my dleiver me form all intrusiv ehtoughts and mentla illness. i prais eYOu Lor dof royu ar eour dleiverer. pleas hela all on this site especially tohse who ar ien critical condition and posessed wiht dmeons. dleiver ever sicngel person form demonic opression by the holy blood fo the Lord Jeus Chris.t please be with my thanky ou for beign i wiht me. please be also with Vilie. ehal him heal him neurolocally by the powe rof oyur holy spirit an dmy mother brother too and lal poeple int he nameo fthe lord Jesus Christ. I please the holy blood of the Lord Jesus cHrist in all who ar ein icu pelas eldieve rhtis owrld form covid and all fmine plague sviruses . pelase forgiv eour sins and heal our world Lord. please help us repent of al evil and forgiv eus. please turn our heart to oyu Lord and oyur ways. please touch and hela all those bodies are broken and need helaing. pleas ebreath life to all people who need lif ein abusnace we all do Lord. pelas ehal my grandma touch her breaht lif einto her cells her bod yboens muscle seyes blod vesseld bowels feet hand heears. breaht lfi eint o my moms brian adn Holy spirit breah tlif einto her heairng. touch her and hear her heart. pelas ehal my brothers delive rhim form all histmine intolerance and dleiver him from all unclena spirits heal him. send hoyl angels t minsiter to his himand his wife the true Gosel fo the Lord Jeus Chris tmay the ybe saved by your hoyl blod saves us al with oyur holy blod thanky oufor the blod of the Lord juesCirst please pleas ehelp me to live of the tur gosepl of the lor djues Chirst help em unbelif inever yarea regauridng you Lord. pelas edliever my fmaily and all peopelf rom satnic control opression form all occutl witschcraft form al evil poers. Lord Jeus Chirst set ::: free form alcholism form smokign form bad language. hela his body. revela oyur love othim. pelas eset myme an dlal peopelf ree form demons that ensleve people. peas edlieve ru sla form demonic enslavemtn by the Holy blod of the lor djeus Chirs.t please dleiver all ocutnries form evil powers and autrities. pelase only make peopel in authrotiy who do the Will of God.please rmeov epoeple form authrity who use their authity ofr evil. pelase correct hemLord and peopel help them repent. Lord Jeus Christ pelase protect me and my fmialy and al my fmaiy and peoel form the deivl. pleas epelas edliver me form demnic enslavemnt. shav emrcy and help Lord jue sChirst ! please thnaky u Lord. please prpar emy comign and oign keep me safe giv em faovur i pray htis for my husband form the Lor dmy fmaily his fmaiyl and all peopel. pelas eno strang emarriag ef rme or no marriage fo rme tha ti snot yur perfect Will Lord help me hear oyur vice and speak to me clearly so i can yhear oyu with the appropriate otne of voice too. i want to hear you giv em em clena heart our heart so i may see oyu. giv em wisdom in al thigns and also strgnth courage and dleiver em form my lonliness please Lord JeusChirst. dleive rme form pride and alds help me bels sother slove other sas oyu would want. pelas sav elal souls form hell today.d oa ll in yourpower ot dave all souls form ehll today. do al iny our power lord Jues chirst. thnak yu. pelase remove evry dmeonic strognhold over me me my husband form the Lord and my fmaily His fmaiyl our fmialy. remove al unclena spirits form our lives forver al curses wtchcraft fals Gods idosl. Lor dLOrd Jues chirist shpherd me thehusband you amde me for into al truth and pleas ejin me to the man i was mad efor in Hoyl matrimony int hen ame ofthe Lord Jue sChirs ti oray. thnak you God. PLEASE the Lor dhela sme of type one diabetes broken (acid eaten teeth.. dentla flesh sepsis recovery and no more stre flehs eaitng bacteir in my lif eor fmaily or gentis tha tmy tonsis foreve hreale dno more lyme diseas eno mor ebitterness ange rresnentment toward smy fmaily. Pleas epray tha tthe Lor dhela y my mom of asperger syndorm if the Lor dis wilign so she can understand i am nto a 24 /7 robot. i pray God if he is willign provide me with a mate for life husband for life. i would liek a man after Gods own heart an dnot a man who puts anythign abov eour marriage for God dsaid marriage is honorable above ALLL. Lord i ask this int he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. I want to be One wiht my husbadn form the Lord and may God pleas helar my prayers.