Beloved of All
praise report: thank oyu Lrod for oyu rporesnce and helaign touches. praise report thnaky ou Lord of rhelaign touche sot my grandma who is showing more movment in her eyes please reverse dementia and help her speak pleas hela her form all digestion metabloic ddisoders and hela her hernia and small bowel obstruction syndorme. please increase and may she know you Lord Jeus Chirst please giv eher YOur salvaiton and helaign totoal healign and freedom form all satnic captivity.pelas hela he rblood pressure and help her eat mroe foods help em care for her and od great job. please forgiv eme fo shorcomigns. pleas ehal my of type 1 diabetes metbaloci acidosis broekn heart and depresseion sadness and my teet acid broken teeth and dkleliverance form all type sof illnes spelase dliever me form diabete sinsipidus type 1 diabetes and dehydraiton.please do this for my grandma too. also peas ehla my mom of asperger snydorm hela her briana nd imrpove our communciation both verbal andnon verbal. pelase hela y my brother form histlaime intolerance and the root ause therof be healed. Lor dleive rhima ndhis fmaily form all unclena spirits an strenghtnehis marriage and pleas ehlp his wife be keeper at home and giv emy brother a job he loves and glorifies oyu wiht. thnak oyuLord. please hea his teeth dehydraiotn depression . give your eternal salvaiton to my fmaily all blood realtive my hubby formt he Lord and his fmaily too and bring us al ehlaign where we need it in our bodies minds emotiony and will. please help us do oyur will. help me be mor emotivated ot clena house and teahc me how to clena. hel p me foccus pelase also ways giv eme and my fmaila yna dmy hubby formt he Lor dmerr yhearts eager and WIlign to please the Lord. gudie us with YOur holy Spiirt. Lor di ask if B is my husband than make thi clear to me. ineed yes or no. but please no ocutnerfiet spouse.Lor dhelp me to eb always present wiht the peopel im with. please dleiver B form smoking and drinkign and the unclena spirits that cause such addictions eb removed form his lfie forever int he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ by the Power of the Hoy Spirit. i pray He gives hIs lfie ot Chirst and we all do. help us to give our all to YOu Lor.d please help us. please dliever my dad form homlessness pela eprovide for la lhis needs and hela his heart valve and stabilize his insuin please reunite my parent isn marriage if oyu are Willign Lord by the power of YOur hOly spirit. i pray oyu protect lal amrriages oyu have ordained form adultery and unclean spiritss uch as lying cheaitng neglect abuse. please protect me and my hubby form all eivl. do yall in your powere to join us tobecoem one fleh in Chirst joine dby Chirst by the powe rof HIs Holy spirit . guide me and myhubby into al truth concenrign one another hwo we are etc.. Lord give my usabnd wisdom and also exclelnt job to and be excllent provider an dprotector of me. help me to submit to my hubby and respect him . Lord dleiver em form depression . please hea l my in every way. help me have a more intimate relationship with OYu lord i pray htis for my hubby and my fmaily too and his fmaiyl. pleas ehlp my da degt best pension adn excleltn health happyong health y for all peope. dleiver lal peopel form a unclena thoguths and form the deivl in every way. please give bakc to us what the devil has stoled. please regrow my teeth if oyu are willing. giv me peace Lord. about my teeth. hel p me to move forwars. deliver me form coornaphobia quickly and also othe rphobia giv eme wisdom on how i can clena faste rorganzie take take of my fmaily. pelas eprotect my fmaily form accident collision death and hard. pelas ehal our bodies and ressurect our teeth. pleas ehal V form autism hela him nerulogically heal all braindsin in our fmaily. and also Bs brian hela him hela him his cough . plhela mymoms heart .. thank yu Lor dfor bette rblood pressure fo rmy grandma .Lor dplease protect us form the deivl. Pleas eprotect fmaily form covid and aciident please dleive rhtis world form allw ars. bles israel. protect chrisitans form alle ivl. Lead me to a churhc Lor and please forgiv emy sins. help me to be ydrated. pelas help me to take care of my grandm ahelp me with feeidgn clenaing giv eme the strenght and alo heal mymom in every way. and my dad and my hubby and all peopel onthis site. pleas ehal al i icu heal al in abulance bring salvation bring helaign to thos ein accidents surroudn all with your Holy angels. thanky ou for another da yof life please elt us have great sleep. dleiver my dad form the cold. send triilions of holy angels and chistians to minsiter to him send soemoen to help him an angel with his pecnsion. pelas ekeep him hydrated with excleltn electorie levels. ehla him of all gout heal his teeth and renew the youth of my parents and al epoel. bgin us into our promise dland. help me to discern oyur voice 100% accurately ipray htis for lal peopel too. tell my ubby i love him whoever He is Lor dtell him love an dkisses ofr hsi wife. int he name of the Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas Lor dhelp with renovations. keep all mice rats pests away form our property and neighbourhood. protect our land wiht oyur Holy angels. surround my dad with your holy angels also please le tmy brother and his fmaily come for easter and help mmay he help my momw ith things like id card. pleas ehla Bs heart i pray of rhis salvation. ipray for Bs heart as well. pleas ehal his heart giv him merr yheart. giv eus all mery hearts always happy and contentint he Lord. thanky ou for oyur provision helaign an dneve rleaivng us thnak you Lord. pleas ebels all on this site wiht oyu rhelaign and may they know oyu. thnak you int hename of the Lord Jesus Christ i pray. giv em wisodm and force me to do oyur will always. same iwht my hubby and all peope. help me to do oyur Will.