Beloved of All
Lord have emrcy and make your ways known unto me as youhave doen for moss and the childrenof Isreal. do the sam formy famiyl. forgive me of my idols and tear them down.let me worship YOu alone in sprit and intruth . not jsut iwht words but with my whoel heart. Bless the Lord o my soul. Lord clean uyx wiht your Holy bood clean us and free of formt eh devil adn the devils restricitons. i pray this for lalpeope. open the eyes ot the blind dleive rus ofrmstumblign blocks and help us nto to be stumblign blocks. thank you Lord forevr for oyurmery. please hlp me do oyur please forgive my sisn nmy stubborness my anger. tahc me oyur way and emtnor me. help me to fall so inlove wiht oyu. i pray this for lalpoele in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ. for this this is what i desir. it is true freedom to totlaly love the Lord with all my being. free me formt he thigs that prevent me fom dign this. Ipray for all my fmaiyl salvation for the Lord guide them wiht His eye and to dleive rus form allidols. pelase otuch my dad wiht oyur Love and emrcy the love that is in Christ our Lord and heal him emoitonlly renew the spirit ofhis mind and for my mother and mysefl my grandm and all peopel brign helaign to his life dlive rhimf orm homelsness i caS t htis car eof on YOu heal his heart free himf orm owrrie dmay he encoutner the lvoe of CHruist and may the Lor dbe magnified in his lfie. sam ewihtmy mothe rheal her brian heal her of asperger snyorme. heal my Lor dmy cold heart anger and tubborn. helpem fall inlove iwht oyu Lord an spare me teh burden of idols. help me to lvoe others as i do myself. guid em wit the power of your holy spirit and please od the sme with my husband i was made to eb ahelpmate fopr my fmaiyl and allpeoel. Lord i ask oyu to please delive rme form selfishness help me to seek and do oyur pleasure. tell me what tha ti s. thank yu i pra oyu hela althose who ar ein intensive care unti heal the lederlymriaucolusy protect all peopel ehal those wiht asperger syndorm and aausitms heal Béla hela my grandma form dementia from small bowel obsturction syndrom ehal her eyes heal the infection her fingers her wounds. heal her life restor ejoy and liek neer before joy of the Lord and same wih my mtoher. me bigger to me Lor dthan any problem your presence mroe rreal your love mroe real than anyhtig else. gudi em with oyu eye make em to be YOu s. your wife. you chidle your friend. ipray his fr lal epopel. pela eprotect poeles virginity and poeplf rom adultery and form strnage narriages and rotectus form sin form lust covetousness help us to seek and find you. help menot to be lonel.y help me t find you and i pray fr the salvation fo allepoel. foprgive my blasphemy teahcme your pleasure. in theame of the Lord Jeuss Christ I pray.kepe my dad warm giv eplenty of healign and oxygent o his brian and heart giv ehm joy and best retire ment moeny. please dleive rhimf rom allevil and the devil lesae his life forevr by thew HOly blod of hirst. Lor dgive him eternlife giv him soudn midn will soudn emotions heale dby YOur stripes. YOua re a mriacle worker heal those who nee dheling ofmr dmpresion and giv b merr yheart and belsshim Lor dpleas ebelss my partns grandma broter issterin law and hcidlren bless my husband Lord bless heal him Lor doyu WIll be doen your ways knwon tous al prepar eosu for oyur ocmign and giv em wisodm . help me wiht my lif eand giv eme strnght oo oyur WIll. please dleiver me form my anxieties worried fears phobias. Fathe rplease. heal my mosm brian teeth gums boen smake he rhappy fill her mouth wiht good thigns nd smae wiht my dad restor etheir joy and oyuth,. aame iwht B. and my grandma and Béla heal his heart vle hel himf orm érelmeszszedés bless an dhela hima ndhis sid eof fmaily bless all disiede of the famiyl wit oyur salvtoin and heaign dleiverance form alleivl elp us hear oyu knowy ou truly and worshipa nd serve oyu. int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ i pray ansask that ouy do allinyour powert o prologue all ym fmaily live protec tus form accident death calmities freezignnesshomelessnes illnes. pelase shoudl i get rusted hou s membership for my dad? if so help em let me knwo thnak you. in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chrs tnam ei pra.y ipra fo rhealed veisn arteries and wisdm and stegnth to help my fmaiyl.adn my hubbformt eh Lord. giv emy hubbformt he Lor dfavour blessing helaign joy and protect himfrmt eh evil one and form strnage women.Lor dif oyu wan tme married nyl to the badn you are pelased to join me wiht by oyur heart. thanky oualso inyour timign and WIll. prpepar eu to be man and wife and ot be happy togeter and may it bless my whoel fmaily and the owrl dint and his too inthenameo fthe Lord Jeus chirst.