Beloved of All
praise Report!: Praise the Lord the Lord have touched my body and given me much helaing helaign in my teeth jaw alignment facial bones and body. thank you so mcuhf orevr thnak you Lord Jeus Christ. thank you for ebign godo to me!!praise the Lor dof rhe is our healer. thnak you churhc fo rpraiynf for me and my family.! Please ocntinue to pray for my grandma bedriiden for years. pelas epray for her salvaiton and that she is heale dof al metbaolic issues fdleivered fo all infection of dleivered fo al illnesses and demosn int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas epray ia m abel to care fo rher as God wants and the Lord gives me wisdoma dn knoweledge strenght and power to help me grandma as the Lord owuld like me to. Lord forgiv eme for not always doign the best. pelase ghave mercy and heal me. pelas ehal my grandma. pelas ehal my mothe rof asperger snydorm and her teeth make strng and helathy. pleas ehela he rof depression lfie her spirits and give her much joy in you Lord. i pray for her salvatoion in Christ pelas epray she beliv eint he Lord Jeus Christ. please pray she is heale dof all metablic acidosis problems. dleivered fo all sick ness nd disease. healed neurlogically and her hearign. Lro dbles smy mother with strogn teeth sharp new teeth an dmy dad too. pleas ebless my parents wiht logn healthy life. hela my moms heart and my dads heart valv os it works easily. pelase do all in yur power fo rhtem to get the appropriat nutrtion fr hteir bodies that make fthem stong and healthy same wiht all peopel tooLord. pelas ebles shtie food and water strenghtne them and renew the spiti of their minds dleiver them form all thigns satnic and gv ethem pure clena hearts. Lor dif oyu are willign please unite my parents in holy matrimony. please dleiver my entire fmaily form got any form of hstamien intolernac.e please dleiver my rbother form all histamien intolerance and the root caus etherof. pelas ehelp him and his wife get the appropriate nutriton for them Lor ddoo alin your power so they ar ehealthy and strong and ful fo energy. same with all poeple. please reverse al dmentia all alzeihmers form all people. pelase comepltel remove al infection adn instabel insulib too high blod suagr levels form my fmaily. pelase giv em a fmaily merry heart having mushc peeace and joy in the holy spirit. i pray oyu reunite reconciel my fmialy as soona s possibel and provid eus funds and the emans to see each othe irn person.Lor di have not seen my da din years and brother, please do all iny our power toos we can spend togther nto oceans apart but in person up clse. accoridng to oyur Will please Lord Jeus Chirs tif oyu are willing. pleas eprovide all poeple monetary funds Lord. giv em wisodm on how i can obtian monetary funds me perosnaly as well, if tha tis oyur will. please protect all my fmaily form the all evil form the devil Lord Jeus Chirst suround us al and all peopel wiht oyur hoyl spirit pelase protect all peopel form the devil pelase Lord Jeus Chirst and and this whiole world. Lor dpelase do all in your power to end the w rin ukriane peacefull immideatley Lord Jeus Christ. please end inflation and please end all fmaile plagues pesitlienes. pelase protect this worls form al natural disasters, pelas eprotect la lpoepel form velichle accidents and machinery accidents. Lord do all iny our power tha tno one has diabetes cancer tumou kidney failure organ failure blindnes sof deahtnes sor insanity. please dleiver this word form al these thigns as wel as tooth decay int he naem of the Lord Jeus Chirst with the Holy blood of the Lord Jeus Chris tupon all the fac eof the eart. dleiver us Lord form all eivl. pleas eprovide la homeless peopel exceleltn safe shelter for oyur glory Lord an dby your power. please hela poepel who has neulogical illnese accoridng to oyur Will. pleas ehela Vilke protect himf orm alle ivl and giv ehimt he best care ever. pelas ehal him and touch him Lord Jeus Chirs.t send tirlliosn fo holy angel sot ministe rot him. please Lor dhela him neurlogically pelase Lord for oyu rglor ynad by your power also my mother and brother and all people if there is neurological illness. Lord if their is any illness in me please remove every illness demon out of my life gforver to the prais eand glory of oyur name Lord. int henameof the Lord Jeus Christ. please also remove al illness out of Schneider VIlmosnΓ©s lfie forver in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ. remove all illness all dmeon and ressurect her brain and cells that have been deleted. remove satan form her life and her fmaily life and form hr home forevr Lord Jeus Chirst to prasei and glroy of YOur name. please Lord hela her eyes kidneys al her organs rssurect hips nobnes tethghums jaws. pelas ehal her tongue hear thos ebumps aorun d her eyes and face. touch her and destroy the work fo the devil in her life please Lord Jues Chirst. pleas eremove all inflesction all disease all thign sevil out of her body mind heart emotions thoughts touch her wiht oyur healign hand Lord Jeus Chirst for i belive all powe rif yours. Iprais eoyu Lord Jeus Christ foroyu are the best. pleas eheal all my fmaily relatives spouses and heir offspring mental physicall spiritual emotionally and ressurect anythign in their bodies that the broken mssing or not develoeps. thank yuLord Jue sChirst for oyur glory and by your boer. pleas ehal us all and giv eus wisdom exceleltn cognitive abilies and strgnth restore our lives health for oyu rprais eand glor yord Jeu sChirs.t pleas eprovid eus with the bnbes tof everyhitgn please do all inyour pwoer to bles smy fmaily wiht e bes tof everyhitng on this planet for oyu rprais eand glroy Lord Jeus Christ. tYOu are the bst Lor di know We need more of you pleas ebles sus with knwoign oyu better. eahc and every on of my fmailymeerns and also al peopel too. please protect my dad brother wife little neice formalle ivl today and always int henamoe fhte Lord Jeus chirst. pleas eprotec tmy fmial ymmerb form fmaine pestilence evil doers deoms toxic emotions adn stress relatied illness. pelase real our brken place Lord Jeus Chirs tna dmak eour crokked pelases striahgt. pleas ehal my grandmas hernia comepltel Lor dint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas eocomepelte hela VIlike neurologcially for oyur glroy Lord and by your power int ehna mef the Lord Jeus Chirs.t pleas ehal his teeht and dlieve rhimf orm all metabolic disporder. please heal BB.. dleiver himf orm smokign alchcholhaul form all toxic thoguths and peopel. dleiver his life forkm all peopel e who opress and bause him. pease brign only poepel who do him good and are christian and good influence. send older men tominsiter to himt he thign sof CHirst. giv ehima blble heal him ine very way gvie him your hoyl spirit Lord an dguid ehim contunially all the day so f his life. Lor dplease rheal and ressurec this teeht. also please Lord hela and ressurect my moms teeth and grandama bothr and my dad and VIlke to int henameo fthe Lord Jue sChrist. please suround us all wiht oyu rholy angls at al times. Lor dpleas eprovide us financially and please pelase set al peopelf ree form odidolatry. amy the gospel of the lord Jeus Chirs tbe preached everywhere. ma yall eblvi eint he Lord Jeus Chirst may all have eternallife wiht the risen Lord Jeus Christ. all prais eand Glor yto our Savior. Please Lord end al plygues curses famine delay marriag ien my fmaily. pelase end delayed merriage in my lfie and brign the man whom i was made for accoridng to oyur WIll Lord. elt me know who this man is. i only want to follow you Lord. please bless myour future offsprig wiht oyu rholy spirit exceleltn health adn excelelnt neurlogical brian funciton accodring to you will. pelase the smae for lal peopel. pelase regenarate teeht gums boens organs limby recreativ emiracle splease Lor dint henameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. thanky ou Lord. Please Lord otuch and dleive rall form all unclena spirits and illness. pelase giv eus all freedom form satan in the Lord Jeus Christ eternall ay and here on earth. thank you Lor.d please hela al who eenee dhelaign thnak you Lord inyour name by your hands great Physcian all glor yis yours thnaky you. pelase heal my fmaiyl of metabolic idssues. pelase comeplet edleive rme form type 1 diabetes pleas heal me comepeltes form kidney problems teeth problems periodontosis disease tartart faceajaw boens heal broekn fteeht pelase Lor dpelas ehal my brothen tooth and acid eaten teeht please hela the bits that broke off.pelas ehal me and my fmayl form metbaolic acidosis. pelas comepelte dleive rmmy fmaiyl form generaitona curse sillnesses strep flehs eating vbacteria please take away all witch craft powers over us pelase remove all occultic power sove rus wiht oyu rholy blood. i pray htis for lal peopel as well i pray htis for my husband form the Lord as well , whom i was mad efor out of hisver yown rib to be his helpmate. Lor dif yo have a husband i was mad efor reveal to me loud and clean r who this man is. i pray oyu will make him the most attractive man tomy senses iever and he will fidn me the most irresistbale attraqctiv eowman he wil eve lay eys on. keep us faihtful like does give us doves eyeds for oyu Lord and fo eathother faith and devoted. Lor dbe blessed by joinign me and the man you mad eme for flehs of my flehs bone of my bone. pelase no counterfeit spose. prepar eour heart st serve only oyu Lord and also may i be the eprfect help mate for my husband and he be the perfect husband to me. please ocmepelte delive rus formall toxic influence toci habits. pelase Lord is my husband formt eh Lord is addicted to anythign tha ti snto form the Lord pelase do aoll in your power to break them off fromt he addiction. pelas ele tno harm come to them. may the yonyl desire what the Lord wants for mthem same wiht me. pelas ehal us bou mentally physicall emotionally spiritually make us both bronagain itnot he KIngdom of heaven fully devoted in every way in servign Chirst the Lord Jeus Chirst. i pray his fmaily and my faily (our fmaily be always inlove wiht the lOrd Jeu sChirs tocmeeltey devote dot his will and may we as a couple and the fmialyies we came form brign greatl glory ot our Heavenly Father. may all we do thign say act giv eGod glory. may we all peopel be fully submitted to His willa dn grow int he knoweldege grace and truly know our Lord Jeus Chirst. Lord most important above lal prepare our hearts for oyu your coming. please save all souls. save my husband formt he Lord's osuls. make him most wis e man on earth. may every encounter i have withhim bring me clser to the love of the Lord Jeus chirs tand vic eversa. make him responsilbe for me Lord and pleas eprovid ehim a job that you made HIm for i pray He will eb conten in all thigns for yYOu will never leave him or forsake him. ipray htis for lal people. Lor dplease provid ea husbadn from you Abba Father and ma yi know wihtut any doubt that man is the man you mad eme for and He knows wihtout a doubt tha ti am the woman made form his rib to be his helpmate, mothe rof our offspirg. may he be an excellent head ot me. always very considerate lovign and loves spending lot sof itme with me and does always put outr marriage first as marriag eis honoruable above all. may he love me and love beign married ot me. may we make each other truly satisfied and happy divine connection in body mind Holy spirit on oru thoughts actions One in everyway as the Lord joins us to bcome oN flehs. . may we love tlakiing baout the Lor dreaidng bibe togehter. May the Lord lead our relationship for HIs glroy alwys. thanky u Lord for my husbadn keep him safe form accidents form al eivl and har. join us togehter as soon yu deem fit Lord prepar eus heal us estabilsh us to be husbadn and wife.. knwoign who who are in Chirst as husband and as wife. thanky oU lrod Jesus Christ for this ! praise the Lor dof rhe is our healer. thnak you churhc fo rpraiynf for me and my family.! Lord help me and my fmialy do oyur will Always in comepelte adoration joyful service to oyu. Hlep us fidn oyu as we serve oyu nd please make it so oyu dwel with us i love oyu somcuht anky ou!!! please heal my dads body and emotionalyl.s end him a miracle and all peopel today if oyu are willign thanky ou so mcuh