Beloved of All
Praise report. praise Gdo i recieved helaing in my jaw teethjsut now thnak you Lord Jeus Chirst for oyur helaign touches praises to you. Great Physician my hope is in Yu. You are the most powerful most High God . Lor dmay al belvie in youa s Lor dand Savioru guid eme in my lfie Lor dwhere i am not under oyur rule make me under your rule. i pray this for al people. dleiver us adn destroy the works of the devil. Expose His lies. Lor ddleiver me form all insecurities. Help me always do what right give me and understandign heart protect my lfi ein your hands and do the same for all epopel. destory the works of the devil. set me free form everyhtign tha ti skilloing me . pelase od the same for lal people int henameo fthe Lor dJeus Chris tby His Holy Blood. Lor dplease guid ei me into all truth by the powe rof your Holy Spirit. MAy OYur holy spirit dwell wihtin al of us strogner than veer and may we willfully lovigngly yeild. ipray this for รญll peoeple. Lord thank yu for oyur healignt hat YOu enver leave or forsake me. please ehal al who ar einjured sick in any wa.y pelas egive strgnth to the weak help widows orphansa nd and al poor and needs. pelase dlieve rmy momf roma sperger syndorm heal her brian heal her soul her livfe. strenghtne bles sher heal her. hela my dad emotionally pyhsciall spritually. revela oyurslf to my parent san dmyself and grandma. Let oyur slavaiton scome to usin evry area of our lives. Lord bless me and my fmaily and my hubyy form you Lor dwhoever He is OYur choosign bels su like jabez also ways have your hand upon us and increas oeur territotry and bless us so we neve rin grief or pain. Please also do al thos for la epoel. Lor dguide lal peopel in authority to do yur WIll. pleas ejoin em an dmy hubyy tobecoem One flehs wheoever H eis . MAke it oud and clear who my hubyy is and the apointed time we are to becoem One flesh. pelase protect oru marriage form alle vil. giv us the work you want us to do. force us to do your WIl and eb faiht to OYu Lor dand One andother. giv eus deivne conenction mad eby Christ always seeign Christ in One another. tell him i locv ehim. writ eour love story. Lor dpela shela ame and my fmaiyl help em to car efor my grandma heal her bod yLor dbedridden for yer spelas ehal her of dementia. help em me be who you cla em to be. Lor dalso please protect my fmaily form evil and al peopel . pelase heal all who nee dheaign heal oru sousl hearty bod ymindy htoguths everyhitgn cleanse us with your bood forgiv emy sisn Lord. pelas ehal my uncle in evry way. pelas euse me and my fmaily greatly to glorify the name fot eh Lord Jesus Christ. help em keep house help em care for my grandm apelas hela me of diabetes. and her and all epoel,. Please giv eme wisodm and my huiyyy too. pelase prtoec this prayer form alle vil. dleiver my lfie ofrm evil Lord. be glorfied. be my Lord thnaky ou. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. also protec tmy fmialy home and hubyy and his hoem and resptecive fmaiyl form all fals eGods witschcraft all evil. do al inyour power to make us One the name i was made for. guide me Lor din all my work may i cmmit to OYu always. thnak yu same wiht al epoel. protect la marriages form evil adultery devonely restore marriage your you have ordianed. no strnaeg marriage smay my marriage bed be always holy and may our marriage be most honruabe above all. i please the Blodo of Chirs ton my husband set himf ree form ale ivl no weapon formed agaisnt my husband our fmaiyl our fmaileis prosper. delive rge tout of m usbands life. int henameof the Lor dJue sChrist. dleive ge tou of my life my grandmas life my mom s life and all epoeles lifesi speak freedom tot he captives in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ i command all demons to leve the lives of all peoel and never ever have any hold ont he eveer agian. Lord Jue sChirs ti praise OYu. i am not wrothy but ipraise OYu for Your power your comapssion your love . You are my onyl HOpe my God. thnaky oU