Beloved of All
praise report: prais eGod i recieved helaign on my facialbones and teeth. praise God thank you for prayers. Pleas epray that my fmaily is heale dby Chirs itn every way. pleas epray fo rmy brother deivne proteciton at dentist appointment pelase Lord send a holy angel trillions of holy angels ot ministe rot my brother baout his teeth and dehydraiotn issues. pelase deive rmy brother ofrm histamine intolerac eLord Jeus Chirst. pelase send trillions of holy angels ot minister to my brother an dhis wife and chidl the gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirst Lor dpleas eprovide a mirauclulsy day for my entire fmaily extended fmaiyl huasband form the Lor.d pelas ela our depresisons sadness. pelas ehla my grnamd asmall bowel obstruciton syndorme pelas eotuch her and dleive rhe from all evil. please brign helaign to al her flehs pelas elt this day by gloroius unto oyur name. pelase may all pepeopel includign sister in law fmaily ahve mirauclsouly day. Lor idninster to us all pelase let Victoria have a wodnerufld ay too Lor dprotec tmy fmaiyl form all evil. protect my fmaily and husband coming and cgoign may all uof uss be deivnely proteced my dad includied form accident death unbelif in Christ adn Lor dofrgiv em ym sisn. pelas eLord Jeus Chirst hela my broters teeth now int he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ askign for a miracle in my brother smotuh Lor dtouch hIm now Lor dJeus Chirst hela his teeht gums dentla flehs pelas ehal Bdentla flehs otuch his teeth now brig healign to all his flehs. If He is my husband bring us dineien ley togheter even toda.y Lor dhelp em bruch my teeht please hela and touch my grand dleive rher form all satnia cpower sLord Jeus Chirst dleiver B Bé Vilike mym om dad all peopel my husband formt he Lor dofrm la satnac poswrs and influence relase us al into our desitnies.pelas ehal al the sick Lor dbe tihw the loenly an dhela briken heart.s hela my mothe rof asperger syndorm heal her brian heal my grandmas brian and dad insulin be stbale excelelnt weight.Lor dsend trillions ofholy angel toprotec tan dmisniter to my da.d also do the sam efo rlal peopeol Lord im saksign that i ocnly seak the word you want me to speak only let me hear the words oyu want me to hear and myay i discern your voice eaisly. pelase brign a miraculoulsy helaignitno my brothers teeth al his teeht gums dentla flehs otuch his teaath Lord. i cammmona fRanks fteeht to be perfectly lsineg perfectly heale dhwoel by the powe rof the lOrd Jeus Chirst may all dehydraiotn issues cease dhistmien intoleranc eceas eand the root caus ehteros. i comamnd all bitterness all unclean spirit sot depart form his bond midn motuh emiotns organs skin hari and teeht. i speka belsisng ove rhis motuh. Lor di ask that oyu can the dentist appoitnemnt soemhoe LWo rhsow out in His lfie and lal who need dentla flehs healign and othe rhelaign jeal al peopl like oyu iddn me to be you the Glr yLor dthank you heavnely Father thank you for the lOr dJues Chirst by HIs stripes my brothers teeth gums dentla flehs are healed. Lor dbe glorified an ddo al in your power to deivnely protec tmy fmaiy form covid all persitlaece fmaime acident and eath. pelase helamy siste rin law as wel ine very way may toda ybe som incredibly mirauclously of rmy brothe rmy mom my siste rin flaw my da dthe hwoel churchand al peopel Lor dotuch Victoria as well is she need helaign or deliveranc em ay she hav eit nwo itn henameof of the lOrd Jeu sChirst sam eiwhtmy parent smy brothe irn every way my grandma B Béla Gábors hand. Lor dhela la peopel wiho need helaing form diabetes type 1 and type 2 deiveranc eform diabetles in sipidus. Lord guide all my fmialy into al truth may we say your glory. bles sour fmaiyl with deivne protection form all eivl. bless my brother and dada nd the men financially to belss the woman to incluidng my husband formt he lord giv eme Lord your holy spirit fill me withoyur live so i can eb the woman you cmamll em to be plas ehalp me clena feed adn giv eme wisdom concenrign clenaing my grandma smartres wha to feed her. pleas emay hs ehav emairculousl day wouth miracouls helaign in ehr bowels may sh hav eno pain in her bowel no sposbtrsutiosn may she have ecclent positionign on bowels sitign on ehr her hims proper may hshe be abel to speak open her eyes enjoy her granddaughte ran dfmialy.Lor dbe glorifie dplease hela my grandm ashcneider Vilmosné formall sickness diases and dleiveranc eof al obsturciotns flehs eaitng bacteir heal the cuas eo fhe ocnstant diarrea hela her kidneys and pleas emake he whoel helathy and happy witho nohign defilign her .pelas eremove ever yunclena spirits form my life my usband form the lord life m b life bélas life Géábors praents grandma siste irn law neice bill mav pierreall churhces all peoeles lives.pelas eofrce everyone to do your will today lor dmak eit easy and may we have grea tpleasure serivn gYOu Lord god for oyu are worthy . ipraise oyu and thnak you for this day al its benfit soyu giv eus. pelase touch the elderly an dhela them Lord do al in your pwer ot bless prolongue my fmailys lives my husband and his fmaily lives. pelas ebless my siste rin law mirculously and mey neice an drbther may the witness a mrialc ean dblieve int he lord Jeus Chirs.t Lord pelas emircalusl hela my brhte rteeht now myyb the power of your Hoyl spirit in faiht i ask wiht the holy blodo of Chirs tfiy heal reat phsican my brothers teeth so he odes not need any assistance form dentist. Lord please sand a hoyl angel if mybrothe rmust go to íLor dhjela my brothe rneurlogiclaly comuncaiton.Lor dbe wiht isu today may this be oen of the happiest day sof our live sincluidng for my grnamsmom sisterlaw brhter da B béla gánbor. pelase sed triliony of holy angels to protect guie an dhelp my husbadn formteh Lrd and if God wilign join s togther when the Lord want s. make it clenrt o emadn HIm tha the lOrd whant ous togehter lor dno ocunterfeight husbnd for me. do all in your power so i am no deicved by the devil.Lor dmay my brothe rnot bedeicved by the deivl or harmed in anyway. Lor dprotec tym brothers teeht his wif en dfmaily by your Hoyl blod do all iny urpower to protect my brother form all hardam t the dentist and everyhwer ehe goes. Send a hoyl angle to guide him always by the powe rof oyur hOly spirit same wiht my da.d protec tmy dad form ehart attack pelas hela his healrt vlave Lord hela his teehgums boens miraoculs proviefor my dad inslcuidng tthe right friedsnhips in Chirs.t lor dsend the help my tdad needs wiht all retirement paperwork may he have blessing in every waarea of his lfie same wihtmy mom my rbothe rIVlike. devines proct BVIlke and als B and my hudband form the lord ofrm lal evil. devinely protect my momf orm al evil and my grandma.Lor dpleas emake all my fmaily memebrs path straihgt. provide bes tof the bes tcare attention love and firndships and escources for VIlike bőpelas eahel all my fmailymbers and release us into oyur abudnad life lor dleive urs ofmr evil. help us to helr your voic Lord Jeus Chirs tipray htis of rla pepel. do al in yur power to protect allperopelferom datans lies robebries and killings by your hOly blodo . peas eldieve rus lal form fmiane of Gods wrd dleiver us lal form unvbelif may all belive int he lord je schirst saveus all Lor diwht oyu rhOly blod pleas eforgiv emsisn adn sisn of all peoel my fmialy. peas ie pelad oyur blodo ove rhtis pray ove rmy husband and his lfe. guid einhim and me to be one flehs byour holy spirit and let nothign no evil ever coem between my and my husband form God Lord guide us and my ai alwíys see the Lord Jeus Chirs itn my hhusbadn may i love him and willignly submit ot hima dn may he liove me liek ive never experienced onthis earht before. pelase deivnenely protec tmy arriageunion form the deivl form stragen womand . estbalish the covenan tbetween myhuabdn and i lLord by your HOly Blod Holy spirit bels su in ad and ma your marriag ebear forth a loooooooooooot of fruit. help me to always do the righ tthign Lord and put and guard over my heart an dmoth and do the same for all my fmaily mmemebrs. pelas eothvmy brothers teeth right now lord an dheal his teehtgums dentla flehs vcavities be filled with rela teeth Lord may my brothe rknwo it was you Lord Jeus Chirst pleas sned a holy angel to brong helaign ot my brothers teeht today evne the dneitst your Glro yby oyur power pelas ehelp my brother ma ymy brother turn to oyu lor djeus Chirs tpelase may he reciev you helaign in HIs body like nevee nefore may he beliv ein you Lord thnak you int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti rpay an dalo hela all at the dneitst lord Jeus Cirst you are our Dentist Great Physician heal al who eed newtethorgans dnetla flehs new limbs sight to the bling heairng tto deaht deal develpopmentla disorders all for oyu rglor ylOr dhela Vilikes brian alord jue sHCirst an dmy grandma form dmentia. otuchmy grandma sbowels and realese her from alel int henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ today miracuousl hela my grandma and mymoam dn my da dlal fmailemrbs . pelas ehela my grnamd alOrd hela her otuch her save her release oyur hlaign powewr flood my grandma iwht oyur Lord Lord Jesus Christ a dhela hr by your stripes we are helae dhtnak you Lord. Praise to OYu Lor di serve YOU!