Beloved of All
praise report! Praise the Lord!! He is good! Tbest! NOthign is impossible with HIm! We serve a great God! thank you churhc of oru Lord Jesus Christ for oyur prayers. they truly have doeon so much. i know i got helaign becuas eof oyu rprayers before as belive the Lord told me ( i had not repented but it was becuas of oyur prayers i got helaign. i will be forever grateful. pelas epray the lord hleads me into full repenctance . ( thnak you somcuhf or praying!): thank you Lord for shifitng an dhelaign my facial boens and teeth!. thanky ou for providing us with food shelter clothign. please dleiver my dad form homelessnes and provide best accomodation. pleas eprotect himf orm freezign cold weather an dgiv ehim a pension. pelas eheal him in every way and surround HIm with oyur favour and triillions of holy angels to accomoany him and protect him form all evil and evil doers. please may He hear your voice Lord loud and clear and obyey oyu only. i pray htis for lal epopel too. . thank you for improvment in my grandma pleas eocnintue to pray formy fmaily salvaiton relationshipw ith Christ adn healign in our bodies. Also Lor dplease heal my grandma . dleive rher form dementia. dleiver her form fungus on toe nails heal her toes . dheal all wounds ulcer son toes. dleiver me and her form type 1 diabetes the root caus etherof. tdleive rus form the demons tht cause this and elive rus form diabetes insipuds and the root caus etheirs and alse dleive rus form possibel cancer tumours and root cause therof and do the same for lal who need dleiveranc ien thes things as well. please hela our bodies for oyur glory and bpower i plead your holy Blood upon our ives souls amind and i ask you totally hela B in every way for oyur prais eand gro yLord Jeus Chirst. i ask that you toally heal my parent my brother. pelase dleive rmy brother fom histmaine intolerance an dplease dleive rhimf orm depression and also please heal all fmaily memebrs and and all peopel form flehs eatign bacteri. please dleiver me form coronaphobia. pelase take away mold out of our homes. pelase dleive rus from rats mince. please protect all hoems form rats andmice and pests and predatory. robbers. please protect allpeople form accident collusion death form witchcraft form satanic curses form evil doers and wisckind thougths. dleiver all peoel form ementla any phycial illness. pelase le tno oen be abused. pelase als heal my mentllay as well itn ehnameo fthe Lord jeus Chirst. pleas ehal all who need helaign itnheir brians. remove disolve and remov eall cancer flehs eatign bacteri please remove off the fac eof the planet including aall covid and all plaguse cometles dleiver an destory the root cause sof flehs eatign bacteria. pelasehal all who nee dhelaign of type 1 typ2 and all type of diabetes please giv emy dad exceelltn insulin stbale always ands stbale blood suagr for lal my fmaiyl memebrs and all peopel. please heal of us Lord Jeus Chirst By YOur Holy stripes we are healed. Prais eHonour and glroy ot you. pelase save al poepel lOr dsave all souls. please protect your church form all evil and pelase amy all eblvi ein you . may all have eternallfie through CHirs.t please guide me to only posess wha ti need and help me not to waste. teahc me all thigns please otuch my grandma sbowels and hela her blood pressur eblod sugar wounds yes veins arteries diabetesinsiupids please hela her hernia and please hela brian shrinakege pelase hela he reyes. please touch you. ipleade your hOly blod upon ehr an dhelp me care of rher. heal all damage in ehr body. forgive all my sins. pelas eprovid eexcelltn clothig fo rher bathing soluion wisodm giv em wisodm in cairng for her. pleas eprotect all marriage you have ordianed and resotr emy parnets marriage live sin every way by the power of oyu holy spirit Lord Jeus Chirst. helal my dad meoitonally and hea my moms brian so she can read other peoples emotionas and theory of mind and empath ybe excleltn hela her life giv ehe rhope giv em parents dleiveranc eform all demons and my hubby form God too. pease help my brother at work and his wife . help his wife be keep er athome an dhelp my brother to provide an dprotec this wife. ipray of rothier salvaiton and Lor dliever them form all misunderstanigns and all evil. pelase strghtnen heal and give them an amazign lovign marriage. hela all dehydration in all epoele. hela my brothers teeth. hela all dentla flehs please giv eus shart new theeht. thanky youLord help em do oyur Will help me to hear and obey oyur voice always. protect me and dleiver em form vnity an dtemptaitons thnak you for beign wiht me always Lord. pleas eprotect my fmial and all peoelform accient collisions and protection form fraud scams temptaitons temptations to sin an di aks this fo rla lpeoel too. pleas ehal al who we re in accident. pelas ehal al peopel and recreate new limbs news legs for those hwo los tlimsb . new teeth for thos ewho needs new teeth. please restorue our lives our souls and resoture our oyuth ike the eagles. int henameo f the lord jues Chirst. aksign for miraoculous helaign fo rmy mygrandma. pelas ebless her my fmaily and my hubby wiht and B and Bi And mav and all relative on all sides wiht oyur eternal salation salavaiton inevery area of our lives and Blessigns of exclelent healht strenght widsom discernment adn filled wiht oyur Holy Spirit and love Lor di pray htis fo rlal poepel too . in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ. pleas epora yGod giv eme a godly husband of HIS WIll that His spirit join us to becoem one flesh by the powe rof His Holy spirit only. may God be glorified in bringin us together and may nothign no one not satan ever destroy our marriage union and may God giv eus heavenly intimacy and heavenly communciation devine love devien eye contact emoitonally ocnnected physcially mentally our heart sbeatign as One Lor dplease also giv eus the joby you want sus ot do giv eu swisdom and discernment adn guide our thoguhts actions motives and understanding by the powe rof oyu rholy spirit.please iv eus devine romanc eLor dbe glorfiied in oru union protect our bodie smind sand htoughts feelign form satan and deliver us form all ungoldy habits and al illness. please hela my swet husband form you Lord from hea dot toe inside out dleive rhim form generational curse may he have and undestructabel bond between you and HIm Lord and giv ehim your salvatoin. give him strgnth love power and osudn mind excellent wisdom and discenrment concenrign me his wife and bone and flesh may nothign keep us apart not even each other. pelease ma kehim ver ylovign and sweet words me and always put eahc other first. may he be ver yloving and protective of me and intimate and vice versa amy we read one another htoguht smay we help me to submit to him as unto YOu Lord and respect HIm help me be the wife he needs that im supposed to be an dhelp him be the husband i need and YOu want Him to eb. help us make us do oyur WIll Lord be glorified in our lives an dprotect our lives form all evil. please destroy the works of the devil in our lives and delive rus form all curses all witschcraft al fals eGod sand idols. Lor i pray oyu giv eme no strang ehusband only the Husban d oyu have for me make it Loud and clear who my bone and flehs is and to HIm too. protec tour union form the devil do al linyour power to make us one flehs and may nothign separate oru love for one another dleiv ru us an dour fmilies form alle vil illnes sick ness disease and satanic bondage. Lord if B is my husband make it loud and clena dn give me the Sign. please also please resusurect our bodie smake us whoel and healthy make our heart merry and clenase us from allsin int he name of teh Lord Jesus Christ i pray and praise sto oyu Lord Jesuss Christ forever thnak you i lov emy hubby tell him Hiwife loves Him. all the itme. please help him be sufccessful at work i pray he has pece that hise only has godly influnce firendhsips and the lor dprotect shim form strange woemn that is not me. i pray he only attracted to me and all other he finds repulsive and vic evrsa. i pray eh shows his interest an attention and devotion and love to me with actions and words. i pray God help us becoem One me and the husband He has ordained me mad eme for. Lord guid eme in this like you guided adam and eve. protec tus form all coutnerfeit spouses please remove all barriers that are prevenit gus form beign one flehs married dwellign togethe i pray we always have lot so ffun lot sof joy and hapiness togethe ran dthe Lord always in oru midst. please le tmy husband always se eme as CHirst's bride with nothign unclean . thnak you in thename of the Lord Jeus Christ. Lor dpleas ehal my mom bowels diarrea issue sheal her mouth .doeeliver her form all demonic thoughts . Holy spirit coem upon her an dheal her heal her brian as well dleiver her form all curses generational curse and me a s well and whoel fmialy. pease heal Bs teeth. dleive rhim form smokign and alhcahaul addiciton may he abhor it and even find no means to acces such things. may the Lord dleive rhimf rom such desire form thos edemons 100% in thename of the Lord Jesus Chirst. Aso giv em yhusband exceleltn biblical knowelde g and wisdom . MA ymy husband be a true followe rof Chirst and have exceleltn relationship following our Lord Jeus Chirst. Lord help me in my lfie. help me giv em understanding wisodm and discernment. help me Lor dto hear oyu voice and know YOu personally. thnak you. Also Lor dplease heal my grandma . dleive rher form dementia. dleiver her form fungus on toe nails heal her toes . dheal all wounds ulcer son toes. dleiver me and her form type 1 diabetes the root caus etherof. tdleive rus form the demons tht cause this and elive rus form diabetes insipuds and the root caus etheirs and alse dleive rus form possibel cancer tumours and root cause therof and do the same for lal who need dleiveranc ien thes things as well. please hela our bodies for oyur glory and bpower i plead your holy Blood upon our ives souls amind and i ask you totally hela B in every way for oyur prais eand gro yLord Jeus Chirst. i ask that you toally heal my parent my brother. pelase dleive rmy brother fom histmaine intolerance an dplease dleive rhimf orm depression and also please heal all fmaily memebrs and and all peopel form flehs eatign bacteri. please dleiver me form coronaphobia. pelase take away mold out of our homes. pelase dleive rus from rats mince. please protect all hoems form rats andmice and pests and predatory. robbers. please protect allpeople form accident collusion death form witchcraft form satanic curses form evil doers and wisckind thougths. dleiver all peoel form ementla any phycial illness. pelase le tno oen be abused. pelase als heal my mentllay as well itn ehnameo fthe Lord jeus Chirst. pleas ehal all who need helaign itnheir brians. remove disolve and remov eall cancer flehs eatign bacteri please remove off the fac eof the planet including aall covid and all plaguse cometles dleiver an destory the root cause sof flehs eatign bacteria. pelasehal all who nee dhelaign of type 1 typ2 and all type of diabetes please giv emy dad exceelltn insulin stbale always ands stbale blood suagr for lal my fmaiyl memebrs and all peopel. please heal of us Lord Jeus Chirst By YOur Holy stripes we are healed. Prais eHonour and glroy ot you. pelase save al poepel lOr dsave all souls. please protect your church form all evil and pelase amy all eblvi ein you . may all have eternallfie through CHirs.t please guide me to only posess wha ti need and help me not to waste. teahc me all thigns please otuch my grandma sbowels and hela her blood pressur eblod sugar wounds yes veins arteries diabetesinsiupids please hela her hernia and please hela brian shrinakege pelase hela he reyes. please touch you. ipleade your hOly blod upon ehr an dhelp me care of rher. heal all damage in ehr body. forgive all my sins. pelas eprovid eexcelltn clothig fo rher bathing soluion wisodm giv em wisodm in cairng for her. pleas eprotect all marriage you have ordianed and resotr emy parnets marriage live sin every way by the power of oyu holy spirit Lord Jeus Chirst. helal my dad meoitonally and hea my moms brian so she can read other peoples emotionas and theory of mind and empath ybe excleltn hela her life giv ehe rhope giv em parents dleiveranc eform all demons and my hubby form God too. pease help my brother at work and his wife . help his wife be keep er athome an dhelp my brother to provide an dprotec this wife. ipray of rothier salvaiton and Lor dliever them form all misunderstanigns and all evil. pelase strghtnen heal and give them an amazign lovign marriage. hela all dehydration in all epoele. hela my brothers teeth. hela all dentla flehs please giv eus shart new theeht. thanky youLord help em do oyur Will help me to hear and obey oyur voice always. protect me and dleiver em form vnity an dtemptaitons thnak you for beign wiht me always Lord. pleas eprotect my fmial and all peoelform accient collisions and protection form fraud scams temptaitons temptations to sin an di aks this fo rla lpeoel too. pleas ehal al who we re in accident. pelas ehal al peopel and recreate new limbs news legs for those hwo los tlimsb . new teeth for thos ewho needs new teeth. please restorue our lives our souls and resoture our oyuth ike the eagles. int henameo f the lord jues Chirst. aksign for miraoculous helaign fo rmy mygrandma. pelas ebless her my fmaily and my hubby wiht and B and Bi And mav and all relative on all sides wiht oyur eternal salation salavaiton inevery area of our lives and Blessigns of exclelent healht strenght widsom discernment adn filled wiht oyur Holy Spirit and love Lor di pray htis fo rlal poepel too . in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ.