Beloved of All
thanky oyu Lor dof rhelaign my jaw and teeth alignment. ipray i may keep my jaw teeth alignment and please hela my broken ( rottd teeth) hela my form all illness. pelas ehal my grandma formall illness bedridenness helpme carry my cross. hela her please and help me wiht diapers cleanign ad feedign guide me what to feed her hpelase pleas ehal her eyes. make it so she is healed of dmentia. and heale dof all digestion metabolic disoders the dichargees healed giv eem wisodmw iht her nd wiht mymom. hela my dad sheart giv emy dad plenty fo oxygen strngthenhis heart valve function no evil or unclena spirit isn his heart but heale dhwole in CHirst. hea lBs teeth hela mymoms teeth and giv ehr appropriate nturtiona nd sunight. pelas eprovide for me bes tmatrses for grandm wisodm how to eaiy gof or walks wiht her. freedom form fears that hold me back . dirt germs glass shard phobias that hod me bakc form livign. pelase free me form the torture handwahsing changin clothes coorna phobia. pelase take away coorna phobia pleasehela ll thos eiht phobia and mentla illnes addicitons unclena thoguths hela my moms rbian giv eher ovelky htoguths may weonyl thignk and hear what oyu wan tus to hear expose the lvie sof the devil. i pray htis of rlalpeopel. gide us iwh oyur Hoyl spiirt. makeit easy ot hear and ocmmucniate wihtoyu Lrd and knwo oyu and have a real relatioship wit oyu. dleiver me form stubborness form myown willa nd my wondnerstnaid teahcmeoyur word. help em to tus tinyour WOrd. i keep faiign to do this please shw me the way i shoud go in. and do the same for lalmy fmaiyl mmeebr.s do allinyur power to prtoect us form allevil to protec tus form accident deaht and calmities and giv eus pure hearts that seekyourWIll always. giv eus joy in your Lord and help emnot be slothful. please heal Bs heart and plaqued arteries do alliynorupower to do so and also do alliynrupower to dleive rhimf romt he rroot cause therod. ehla hima ndbels shimw ith happy logn life renew the restore all oru oyuthlif ek the eagels belss all relatives bels su wiht wisodm and devine direction and divine callign over each one of our ives. help me nto to covetothe rpeopel. elp me to honoru yu Lord and do what oyu clal em to do. help em carr ymc ross. help em brushmy hair bruith teeth cen aidapers and clena houe and giv emy grandm abest fodos. please tkae away all negativ ehotughts toward myelf or jelously towrd others or fears that im gettign older help me to eb who I am supposed ot be. please also heal Vbrian form autism kolechialim do alliynorupower to heal hima dn heal my mom B my brother and lalepoel if ppapplivabel form aspeger syndorme. also hela my relatioship with oyuLord. help me to clearly discernoyur voice oyur tone your facial expression and your Will nd intention. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirst.i ask you heal althose who have chidhood wounds also hela and dleiver allpeoel out of depression idolatry jelosuy bitterness hoplessnes fears and allucnlean spirit int heir mind thougths emotions bodies heaig livign water ot allpeopel. pelas eprovide lalepoel wiht food clothign shetelr fand freedom form perseucitons. ehlaign andbelss widos and orphans in amajoy r way. please giv eiwsdom ot allthos ein authority and so wthey cna se eth inside not jsu toutside,. hela us form insudeout and dleive rus formthe devils hands. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas eheal all who ar ein hopsitla ambulance save all live shealus al mirculously and destory the works fo the devil hela all wo need helaignit heir bood ordgnas abrian dleive rhtose form cancer form cancer diabetes diabetes insipuds deliveracne formalevil for allpeopel by the hand an dklvoe of Chirst ourLord save us and prepare us for oyur wocmig . dleive rme form alllllidols and help em fmll in lve wiht you Lord like beevr befor e.ipray this for allpepe and i pray ofr the churhc to lvoe one another and serve the Lor din unity. in thename of the Lord Jesus Chirs.t ipray ofr those who ar ekeepers at hoem tofind their identnly in Chirst and Lor dhelp them not feellimited ( as i do) for oyu Are unlimited and we serve YOu. thankyou Lord for allyour ealign miracle sbelssigns love and help . pelase belss this day for lalepoel and helaign and freedom to the opressed. in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ diarrea igh blood sugar hgih blood pressure giv eher exceletn vasoldialation emrr yhappy heart haled of allillnes healed by YOur stripes Lord. please heal my moms brian form asperger syndrom. please heal my dads heart condition please heal repair his pbroken heart and emotional ehaign coem to him by your power and love. pelase provide a way for him to eb no logner homeless according to your Wil. best pace for him to have housign accordign to your Will and gkroy. pelas eprovide best rtirement plan for him.if he shoudl have more retirment money pease do allinyour power os he gets the benfits and also hla his lugns protect himf orm acol dweather d also pelase let me see him soosn health yhappy whole. Lor dplease dleive rme form emtnl illness this includies: instrusive thoughts, anxiety depression resenment issues also comparing myself to othe rmy age or toher peopls health. also pleas eprovide for me the husband i was made made . may you pelase write our love strony better athan anythign i coudl dream of. may he be very lovign yoyuhela him in everyway give him merry heart and bless him in allhe does htign ak and do. may he be dedicated ot servign Christ and fee for any addictions lust stubborness idolsidalatry strange weomna strange friends and free form any drugs alchhaul cigaresstes ungodly habits and pleas ebelss and help and heal his famiyl giv ehimyour salvaiton and guid ehim with oyur eye. i pray this for B as well. ipray that i do better hjjob housekeepign and God giv eme the desire to. please provide my husbad whoeevr he is wiht he work oyu want him to do. also help me give B his bday gift. also pleas ebelss and heal my paretns give htem oyur salvation adn feeedomto eb who they were created to be. please gudie me concenring th memebrship shoudl i ge ti for my dad? yes or no???? pleas elet me know. pelas ehlp me ot o bey my parent sinallthigns adn no lean on my own understanding help me clena up aftermyself help me get inventions patnent accordign t oyur willa dn have them ont he market. helpme be the best caregiver ever.