
Beloved of All
praise report! I recieved much healign in my teeth positions and jaw piositions praise to the Lord Jesus Christ the true God and eternal life. He heals ! Thank you for your prayers for me andmy fmaily. PLeas epray for al who need helaign intheir theeth and delliveranc eofrm type 1 diabetes . pelas elOr dhel ame of these issues as well as my grandma whose been beridden for 7 year.spelasectouch her an dhela her lOrd Jeu sChirs tpelase for oyur praise by oyur power for oyur glory. pelas eotuch an dhela my fmaily memebrs where they need helaign and dlieverance form al eivl. inyour name by oyur power i pray htis fo al people too. pelas eregrow teeth gums jaws dantel flehs in my fmaily dleiver and destroy the works of the deivl in my life fmailys life my husbadnband formt eh Lord's life and his fmailys life oto. pelas ehlp us see you Lord and oyur Kingdom in worshipa dn truht. dleive rus form all fals eways and guid eus always wiht YOur truth Lord. pleas eprotec tus ofrm deaht collisions death unbelif and dleive rus form not pursuign YOu with lal or hearets lord. be the Lor dover my kife my usband form the Lords lfie and the fmailies we ocme form and all poeles lives. protect all serivng YOu Lrd ofrm persecution and form evil. no weapon formend agians tyour servant.s make me a true disciple wo knows you Lord. pelase do this for lal peole int henamoe fthe lord Jeus Chirst name I pray. God bless you forever for this. Lor dguide us al itno al truht and may love baound thnak you churhc.please pray god fix what i messed up somehow bring good of it. to heal my relationship wit my mother. to give us healing salvation my own miracle loving devoted husband and me to him by God’s Holy Spirit . Lor dpelas ei woudl liekt o get mearried to my ownhusband soon Lor dplase Lor dod allin your pwer ot make this happen. please Lord nd prepare us for eahc othe rpelase le tme kwno who this man is my husband and lethim know i am HIs wife form God Almgihty. thank yuLord. pirit.lord im goin through a lot emotionally. please memet me now in my time of need. please guide em with your holy spirit. plesse be gentld with me. help me hear your voic rei need hope please hela my grndma plese help my fmaily do oyur will always. i made mistake now i odnt knwo wht odo. how do i fix thi sproblem. im sorry. please be near lord. i need firendpleas egod be near an dhelp. im tired offighitnging wiht mymother. i made mistak ei shoudl hve listwn to her but my grandm ahsast left he rbed in years. ples eprovid emobil ebn please i ttied hard wht do i do . pease ílord will you provide mobile bed fo rher will you provid eme a hubandí, when is th appointed itme. hwo do i patiently keep waiiztng. please dont le me be foolish liek abraham and sarha. please lord pleas ebe with me my God mny go dbe with me n ddlievrer me form all my pin all diases and fo rmy fmaily toot. im losing my grip on things caus enothign the lor dhas called m to be a cayíregiver but very lonely isolated and tired. lord please make my relative stop yelleign tis too mcuh. i need break form her ocotnsant yelelign at me. its os mcuh lord i can thandle it anymor emak eher quiet its hause p so many problems in my life. please im so tired i feel so alon trapped. soeone is alway please lor dim akswing for amiracl ein ym life i jsut so tire do fbeign yeleld at 24/= and being lonely on top and cairng for other shavent brushed my teeth in week sand i need water please dleiver em form diabetes and my grandma pelas ehal he rof lal bloso suagr issues diabete isnsipudus too an dame wiht me. lord my relative complains non stop. pelase show her how to use he rwords and me too thank you Lord. also pelas ehal all blod suagr insulin dehdraiotn problems in my famiyl and dleiver us formall generaiton curses pelase please delive rus ofrm all fgenartional sciknesses devinely hela oour dny pleas eif ther is anyhtign wrong. pelase dleiver my famiyl form all evil al temptaiton every false way pleas eprovide ofr us abundant life and teahc us your way sLor dmay we thignk your thoguths say your words and do your Will. ipray htis fo all people. Lor dhave mercy pelase d the same for my husabdn formt he Lord. pelas eérprotect our marriage form all strange spouses adultery idolatry coventousness compettitiveness lieign cheatign all evil. may the lor devinele protec tour marriag eunin to be holy lovign and Chirst centered God glorifying and may the lOr bles sus mroe and mroe an dour fmaily and the fmialy es wec oem from eahc da.y Lor dprotec tmy husband form every false way every strange woman may he onyl be attraqcted ot me and desir eme and may he find me soosn. God help him do oyur will .. to marry me and also with his work. pebelss all he does and put a guard over his eyes mtuh and heart thnaky ou lord tel my husband I love hIm all the timenon stop whoever He is Lord only to the ture husband you amde me form His rib and for Him. pelas eprepare us to be oNe flha nd join us togehte irn your peeft timign annoitn our marriage with your Hoily annointign Ma ywe have xceleltn ocmmucniation love understnidng compasion and feirce devotion and tenderness always forigng kind patient and may my huabsn feicry protect me and lovnign ly provie for me and me ei be a helpmete more than he could ask or thign k . may the lor dhela us form all truama all steroptypes all abuse physiclal hela us mentialy emotinaly sexually spritutlly. May Chris tGuid emy husband in all thigns and giv ehim wisdom form Heaven and same wiht me. Same wiht lal my fmialy memebrs Lor dpleas eprotect my dad whever He is out and bout protec this when he is cycling and please hela him form osteoporsis hela his vision hela his circualtiosn may his heart valve be heale idnt henameof the Lord Jeus chirst may my mbrother heart murmur be ahealed int he ame fot eh Lrd Jeus Chirs tmay Bé heart valve be heale idnt he nameo fthe Lord Jeus chirst may VIliek behealed all flish flehs brian everyhitng teeth heart pyscholocally every wa yint henameof the lord Jeus Chirs tmay that girl be ehale dint he nameo fthe lor dJeus Chirs tmay Mavis and Bill be heale idnt henameof the Lord Jeus chirst ma yall be ahelad by the holy stripe sof the lord Jeus Chirst Lor dpelas ehl thos ein positions of auhtority ot be wise and depart form evil and selfishness. Lor pdleas eorvide ht ehungy food the approriat enutrtion pelase provide ofr la and pelase brign justice ott he poor and needy plead edliever alu s form every demon all eivl sprits int henameo fthe lord Jeus chirs.t please guide me to best sdeals and protects fr purchaign for me and mfaymiyl and od the dame for all my fmaiyl meebrs. pleas ebless and heal my parents all their flehs teeth gums boens organs pancreas dleiver them form ever ycruche dsprit int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t pelase dliever my mom form aspeger syndorm eand brother too. pela ehal me adn all peoel enurlogically phycisally mentall yspeiritually emotionyy pychscholically pelas ereocnciel marriage oyu ant recocnlied let their be peace on earth andno more war. pelase dleive rof form covid and al its variants all fmaine pestilence. may lal pbeliv ienthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase save lal souls. thnak yufor getitgn th eletter lord. pleas elt today agreat da yhelp me wiht the futár the taks cairng for my grandma pelase giv eme strenght determination. pelase strenghten and motivate B to to dht eroof provide lal mateirals. pleas ehela his teeth dleive rhimf rom all smokign drinkign all ungdoly habits. pelas eldieve rhim form the poeple who ar enot good for hima nd nto apart of oyur Will Lord. pelas eblsshim and help him do oyu wil and guide hIm into al truth. le tme knwo if H eis my husband or not.. pelas eGod i need ot know. also pelase strgnthen heal all commucniaiton betwenme and all peopel. Lord le tno misunderstadnign or sin separate poele. pelase reconciel al peopel unto oyu and reconciel us ot one another by your hOly spirit and blood. help my brothe riwht work send triliony of holy angels otprotect my siste rin law amy brother and the eir baby form all eivl. send trilioyn of holy angels to protect all my fmaiyl relative on al side forma l evil sickness and diseas dievne protect form all evil sicknes and diases. dleive rme form bitterness and nager and do the sma efor la peoel. pelas edlieve rmy grandma form all sickness disease and small bowel obsturciotn syndorm e and diarrea issues. pelas ehal her spine hela al abdominal pain and brign heaign to her nerve sbones helaign and repostion everyhitng that need helaign an drepositionign heal ehr hneurlogiclaly miraoculsy hela he and her son an ddauhgter. miraoculsy heal al peoel Lord have merc yon our isns i pleasd you r holy blood onthis prayer please protec tmy dad form accident cllisionscammwrdisease. pelase sned trilions of hoyl angle s to kee him company and minster to him. ehlp us al do oyr will Lord. lead em not itno temptation . speka ot me always Lord speka ot lal of us. pelas eregrow teeth gums bones veins arterie sheart kidneys and dleiver all pordgnas form all evil verywhere. heal all flehs pelas elOr dby the powe rof oyur hOly spirit int he nameof the lor dJeu sChirst may sur ei alway sobey OYu Lord always even by force thnak you Lor dint henameo fthe lOrd Jeu sChirs ti pray hti sfor my husband our familiey we cam e form and for our marriage. Lord rule ove rus may we truly knwo oyu ma yi no longer misintertret oyur Word agian i pray htis fo rlal poepe. pelas eprotect all chritians form persecution. ehlp em to tithe and where too. pelas ebles smy parent iwht logn happy life wiht strght and much joy int he Lor dreconciel their marriag eif oyu are willing by the powe rof oyu rhOly spirit. i put them in your hands. pelase guide me wiht my purchases and interest swhtnka you Lord. pelas hela my tee th and dlieve rme form type diabetes metabolic acidosis diabetes insipidus and hirsuttism. pease forgiv em ysins remove the deivl out and out of my lif eforevr r lor dby your power of royur Glor ylOrd Jeus Chirs.t help me to resis the deivl. guid eme ont he internet always dont let me be out of oyur Will int he internet i pray htis for la poepel too. pleas ebless my grandma iwht excellent helath merr yheart and miraoculsy hela her bowels her spine vasidiltaiotn neurlogically may she have exceleltn non obstructed bowel movements excelelnt oxygen through her body at all times and i pray htis for lal epole. plas ermeove lal flehs eatign bacteria out fo her out of me my mom my fdad Viliek brother all peoel. pelas eldiever al peoel form flehs eaitgn bcteria type 1 diabetes type 2 diabetes insulin resistanc edleive rus all form teeth decay body day otuch and restore all lvies giv eht ehopeles shop dleive rall people form the deivl in everyway. pelase amy the hOly spirit be storng and powerful in everyones lives otday may all be dleivered of all evil sickness disease. may lal have sound mind power n dlove and ever yspirit tha ti snot of God rulign voe rpeopel be otu of the fac eof the earth and enever return in thenameof the lord Jeus Chirs. tpotect peopel mind form the deivl Lord and suicidal thoughts. pelas ebrign hope to all toda yLor d I pray for tha tladys slavaitona dn helaign and dlieervance may she belive int he Lord Jeus Chirst a Lord and Saivro. int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray and i pray this for lal peoel. thanky ou Lord ofr oyur slavation. top never supports me i feel so alone why cant i ever get any support? im gettign so weary lord. please im nto perfect but help for the sak eof my grandma in thenamof the lord jeus chritdst for the sk eof christ really. for his sake hellp me. i please provide th ehelp mobile bed for my grandm amy own husband i jsut wanan be healthy hppy wiht healthy happy famiyl. pelase lor di ask this int henamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ. all prais eglro yhonour is oyurs. im wear very weary lor docme to my aide thank you.
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Heavenly Father, we come before You in praise and thanksgiving for the healing You have granted Jesussaves89 in their teeth and jaw positions. We thank You for Your mercy and grace in providing this healing. We also ask for Your continued healing and deliverance from type 1 diabetes. Please touch and heal those who are suffering from any type of dental issues, and grant Your healing and deliverance to those who are afflicted with type 1 diabetes. We also ask for Your healing touch on Jesussaves89's grandmother who has been bedridden for 7 years. We thank You for Your power, mercy, and grace in providing this healing and deliverance. We give You all the glory and praise in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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May God in Jesus' name answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Thank You Jesus!!!

Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 6:33
: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless me with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal me in every area of my life. Let Your Word be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. God bless me with Your favor, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory.

Bless me with the strength, desire, and passion to always delight myself in the Lord, seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. Bless me to know You, love You, and live my life to please You. God cleansed me of everything in my life that breaks your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that I live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of ALL of my life. Let the joy of the Lord be my strength. Protect me God from all the plans of my enemies and the enemy of my soul. God all that I have asked of You, in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, those I love, care about, those who truly love me, care about me, want Your best and pray Your best for me. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

Always Pray and Talk to God
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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