Beloved of All
Praise report: I want to to give all thanks and prais eot my Lord and Savior and Kind tha Lord Jesus Christ for beign so good to me for healign mey jaws and teeth. Lord oyu Hold our souls you hodl our hearts. thank you Lord thanky ou: pleas ehall all ont his site of whatver itt is they need helaign form or dleiverance. all power an dprias eand glroy goes ot oyu YOu are so good you care for us so deeply.t hanky u. for knwoin eme and helaign me and never forsakignme . help me to knwo who i am… i am haivng ahard tiem with you knowa what pelase alos hela my grandma form dmeentia. forgive me for my sins. help me be a bette rcaregiver as you care so well for me thank you Lor.d Lord Jesus Christ thanky ouf rom y life for eevryhtign you have doen in my life for helaign my teeht for blessing me for lovign em wih all your life. for giving me your holy blood that forgives all my sisn that ssaves my soul and gve me eternallife. thank you. pleas ele tme be always very present iwht the poepel i am with , wher ei am needed and the needs i can fulfill. haelp me not to be anyhtign i am not. help me to trust that you designed me and oyur ressurect me. help me to cleave onto you your word your commands like your most faithful servant. i want to be your wif eLor dos storngly le tme have such storgn intimicay wiht you Lord Jeus Chirs t. i knwo i messe dit up . but pleas eyou married me… no?? pleas ei turnt o you please turnt o me. i pray that al people witll trnt o you in a very strogn way.Lord thanky ouf or dwellign in me and in my home. please help em truyt YOur wil for my life. please otuch my grandams bowels and recreate ne bowels for her. please regenarate her body her youth giveher strnght . pleas ehal my form this disase please forgive me release me and my fmialy form generatonal curses pelase tel al thos ei have hurt i am sorry and i got my but kicked by you haha.please dont withholy any of oyur blessign sinto my life but guid eme intot heblessings guide me and giv eme wisdom. help me to work indepandtly always depandant on you for oyu ar emy usband i cleave ont o oyu with my entire being. Lord thnak you for comin so i may neevr be alone. thank you. please caus eme to hear your voice. alway lal day long and dleight in you all day long. ipray htis also for my husband to be ipray this for my mom my dad my brother and Andi and Victoria and my future children. i pray for veryones salvation. Lor dif you have husband for me thaqn brig us to eb one flesh iny our perfect timign. please giv eme the respect and lvoe fo rmy husband and attraction for him like devine heavenly love betwen us at allt imes vulerable acceptign lvogn gentle strong protective and guided always by your holy spirit ever encounter every wor d your presence bewith us alwayls and forevr guiding us to becoem one.. what does that ven mean?? like what…??? what does that even mean??? why would you want a man and womand to becoem oen anyway.. mystery.. chrust and the church.. beocmign oen with God…..? or somehtign.. why woudl you want a man and awoman to beocem one?????whaats the pint?? help me to knwo clearly yus will for my life. the joby ineed to do and how o earth does cleanign brign your glory,?? its kinda the same things.. no??? btu i trust you… keep me in your will at allt imes. help me to jsut surrender my desires dreams and help me to be present and notshrink Lord protec tm yhusband hela hi teeth dleive rhim from all unclena thigns unclean thoguhts unclean things. giv ehim th ejob you want himt o have th ebest job for him best money best poeple all that he needs to fulfil his destiny. ….. to work for YOu Lord!!! for oyu Lord work for oyu Lor dme too!!!! thanky ou Lor dhelp aus all work for you Lord!!!!!! we work unto oyu Lord.. so .. guid eus… everyhtought..give us allw e need to beocme oen flesh .. whoever my husbadn is give hima heart tha tis pur always logngint oplease oyu Lord and bring you great glory may he brign 1000000000000000 souls to oyur kingdom bring lot sof fruit for you i pray this for lal people too…. help us all repent…. protect allpoepelf rom accidnets form death protec tus allf orm evil. brign your Hoyl bloodupo n all people.. sav eus with your HOly blodo Lord and make us all one wiht you… whatver that means??????? pleas eheall Grandé Lord Jeus Chirst if you are willign and give her a very merry heart toda.y help me not shrink back with who i am. Lor dbrign the healign theat my mother needs brign the helaig that my husabdn needs in his whole body. may he be filled wiht the joy of the lord may He feel and knwo your presence strogner than ever and my he be guide dby your love all his life. bless him in whatver work he does and gudi ehim with your holy spirit to obey oyu at all times. i pray of rhis fmaily that htey ar healed and hat they too coem to know you. please lett he peace of Christ coem to my husabdn. tel him i think hes hto too)) Lor dpleas ehela my dad. delive rhim form whatve runclean spirit gave him problems in his body. pelas heal his boen sheal teeht heal all is organs and heal his fungus int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs tby His powe ri N HIsname for His glory. please touchhim wher ehe need shealign giv ehim wisdom like neevr nefor elike solomon. giv ehim hair Lor dnew sharp teeth. destory the works of the deivl in everony lif etoday. haha devil you destorye idnt he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. praise ot our Savior !!! haha devil Jeuss rules He is the King. Lor di ask that oyu be King Lor dJeus Chirst the greatest love of my life. please destory the cause of all fmaine plagues and also help those peopel who ar ein earthquakes. please giv ehtose who need drinka dn water adn food :Lord love neevr fails so fill me with oyur love so i can lovesrs too. please hela my hubyys teeth lOrr djeus Chirst only oyu can. pelase giv ehim wisodm like solomon concenrign me and our relationship too.. whoever my hubyy is formt he Lord. i do not want any strange husband!!! no strange ungodly husband for me!!! make sure Lor dpelase do all iny our power to dleive rme form straneg husbands.. your knwo what i mea, onyl the one you want for me ONLy only only!!!! My true adam my flehs and boen soo appraneret to both of us that we are like adama nd eve flesh and bone…adn only me for him. may he onyl be attracted to me in every way soooo much and vice ersa liek please make me attractive in m yhusband form the Lords sight.. i dotn wana feel insecure aorudn my husnband ever cuas ei wanna feel conifdent assertiv emy true real self whom you created tme to be wiht my hubyy.. pelase who is this owman tha ti am in Crist. please giv em yhubyy exceleltn freidnhsipw ith you Chirst os he never feels alone.. that . i also pray hti for all peole. pelas ehlp me to clean carigivn pekázás !! help pelase htnak you in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. please aslo giv em wisdom and discrenment of spirits. et me be able to discern your voice loud and clena pelase heal and fix drainage problems. pleas eprotect me my fmaily my husband and his fmaily whoeevr he is . protec tu slal form illness disease unclean spirits witschcraft overwork exhaustion and pleas egiv elal peopel merry heart sand pure hearts. help give me a newa dn clean heart Lord a heart of flehs adn breka my hear tof stone by your power Lord Jeus Christ. prais eot oyu. thank you for helaign my. pelase also ressurect peopels teeth jaws orgns soa they are a line xcelelnt health all for oyur glor y by your stripe sLord Jeus Chris tpleas gudi emeitno all truth concenrign me and_____