Beloved of All
Praise report: i thnak oyu lord Jesus Christ for giving me healign of my eyes last night when i went into his presence in prayer. thnak you lord jeus chirst for neve relaivng me or forsakign me. for alway sbeign wiht us. lord thnak you fo rmy life anothe ay to live. help me make the mos tof it i pray htis fo ral people. help me love liek you do and help me find you in my life. lor dhelp me to keep your home clean .dleive rme form depression and also i pray oyu heal my dad heart valve so its works properly help me send th birthday package help me orde rhtign sonlien pleas eprovide the followign a mobile bed formy grandma a kettle cooker for tea clothes fo rmy grandma and also toy sof rmy neice and all accoridng to oyur will provide me the best clenaign equipment lor dgiv e me wisodm hwo to utilize my time. i wasted years decased on the ocmputer out oflonliness pelase brign me into my life firdnships god ordianed firendships to enjoy lfie with. pela sehal my teeth and heal me of intrusive thoguths. pelas dleiver my momf orm asperger syndorme. hela her brian giv ehernew neuro pathways same wihtmy brothe ris he has the ocnditiona nd sma eiwht lal who have the condition same with me if i have that ocndition especially towar s you Lord. Lor dpelas ehlpe me feed my grandma great fodos nutritin and hel me car of rher od her matress keep me engergized motivated. please help with all cariggijnadn cleanignt asks. Lord pelase heal ym grandma form dementia form diabetes insipidus all wounds on her butt as well and her sclap and her toes and dleive rher form the root caus eof high blood sugar high blood pressure. dleive rher form cross snydroem and roto caus etherof . help em to turn her flift her her her to speka giv eher exclelent cirucaltion vasodilation . heal my moms beautiy rsotr ehr oyuth help em to giv ehe her vitimisn help us to go otuside. dleive rus form corona phobia 8 me and dleive rus form all plagues and viruses and please giv eme more strngth and energy and joy inmy life and giv emy fmaiyl healignmentally physcially emtionally. Lor dheal my dad emotionalyl rpoivid ebes tpensionf ro him and dleive rhim out fo homelessnes for oyur praise and glroy pelase giv ehima nd all ym fmaiyl best apropriate ntrtion please heal my dads spine my brother spineand dleiver them from dehydraitond elive rlal ym fmaily from depresison dehydration giv eus merry heart sstrngthen our hearts. Pleas heal Bรฉlas hert and dleive rhim form รฉremeszsedรฉs and smae ith me giv emy fmail new sharpt teeht and B too. Pleas ehal B form ehd to toe gudie Hiwm ith YOur Hoyl spirit gudie my whole fmaily with your Holy spriit strenthen us and pelase use my fmaiyl to glorfiy you. Lor dif youa re iwllign reocncile my partnes marriage in thename fot he Lord JeusChris thela them ine very way. accoridng to yoru Power the powe rof YOur Holy spirit. Lord aldo set themf ree form unforgivness bttternes andger and all unclean spirits. Lord if you have husband fro me pelas elt Him be faith ful to oyu. make him repent of al sins. may He fal in love with you Lrod Jeus Christ and may he fal in love iwhtme as His wife and vice versa. pelase no strang eor ungodly marriage for us. make us oen at he appointed time. dlieve rmy husband form all strange wman and may he fidn me most attractiv ien every way. may He neve rsee anyhtign unclena in em and vice versa. do not allow the devil to coem between us or keep us apart no even one single day Lor diplead your Holy blood upn my husband purge himf rom all sin and evil. Make himt he man YOu want Himt o be in Chris tand make me the woman you want em to eb in Christ bless hsi comigna dn goign giv ehim wisdom my true GHusanband form God and may he dbe dleivere dof all witchcraft ungold yhabits addictions depression anxiety asperger snydorm if applicabel all sickness and disease leav ehima dn enever eturn Lor di aks for a ver devien conencitonw ithmy husband. every iem i see him or eh sees me or we think of each other we know form yoru Holy spiti that we are One fles One bod yOne faith One baptism Heavenly Kindgdom spoues in Chris.t may we aalways put our marirage honourabel above all an d amy the Lord provid efor us a dwellign lac eof our own and may my husband lve me liek hrst lvoes me. may i neve rbe afraid or eb abused my my hsubadn . MAy my husband never take out his ange rout on anyoenn espciall yme . ma ymy husband treausre me as HIs own flehs. and vice versa. Lor dtlel m hubybw heover He is i love him and Lor dhelp us be oen soon. dleive rmy husbadn from everyhtign you want ou of his lfie and brign all into his lfie you want in his life Lord. I put my husband int he WIll and hands of our Lord Jeus Chirs tand my self too and and our marriage. Lor dplead your holy blood upon my marriagbe please dleive rour marirage form al confusion all strange spouse sif applicable. keep us faiht to OYu lord and to oen another. bles sour union and miraculoulsy join us otbeocem one flehs to the prias ena dglor yof YOur name Lor.d help me prepare of rmy husband and help him preapre for me and our life togther. bels shim keep himin your WIll Lord and proect himf orm all evil all manne rof itand also protec thim form deceptiona ndhelain hin ever ywa.y pelas edlieve rB form smokign and alchahlusim may he resist all alchahula nd smokign temptatiosn adn may the temptations leave him may he no longer be giv iento temptaiotn make he hat esmoking and alchahulism an di pray the same for his firend sand all epopel. giv ehimthe job you want HImt o have Lord where his gifts and talents shine adn may he doe the Wil fo God awlays if neee dbe forc eus all to do OYur Will. protec tus form alle ivl. i prayou protect the emn in my fmialy form evil and that they do the joby oyu want htem to do and be excleeltn provider sna dprotectors to to thier fmaily ourmy fmaiyl. pleas ehep strnthen and hela the emn and woemn in my family. pleas restore all amrriages that satan has torn apart by thepowe rof oyur Holy spsit. le tthem coupels see past satan's lies and deception. please strnghten heal and help my brothe rin every way. make it so he cna gian weight and healhim of all allerigies and histmien inoleranc emay he able to tolerate hostimnes normally. i speak to satan get out of him and his fmaily. pelase protec this maariage form all eivla nd strngthen their marriage bodbn please remove satan form my hoem fmaily all my relative. save all my fmaily memebr srelaitve all sides save my husband his relative sall dies and please help us all get baptised in wate randint eh Holy spiti of our Lord. Lord guid eus into all truh. pelas eguid eall physiciany accare giver ssposues and al epueoepl to do oyur will and brignjustice ot poor widosws and ooprphans . pelas ehal all lands dleive ur sis form all plagues. pelas end wa rin ukriane andIsrael.please pelase make a peaceful end tot allwars everywhere incluign in fmaileiy le thtie rbe peac ein all hoems fmialies and and marirages. pelase hela all those who need helaign form kidney disease heart orgrand teeht blindess depression anxiety healign form suicidalthoguths and pelase remove the devils grasp in all minds and giv eus your Holy spiti giv eall lov epower and osudn mind and provide all best clothign food ehlpter may no oen freeze starve or thirst. please fill us with your love an revaly our Iwll to us and oyur heart lort Lor dthnak you i rpa yhits fo rlalpeope. Pleas eremove all flehs eatign bacteira out of my flife al infection and do the same for my granma brother my dad my mom Vi B my hubyb if necesary. bles hela protec tlal emntioned form death accident and clamites and allepoek too. pelase keep us alw ell hydrated all of us. giv eus livgn water.jhelp em to not be wastful. help me repent of all sins gudi em wha to buy onlien adn guide me how to do napozo รฉgy please only let me wbuy wha ti need. pleas eprovide for lal my needs and help me achknoweldge oyu and submit to oyur WIll at all tiems . help my mom hela her reotr eher oyuth hapines confidence bless her and help me giv ehe rthe help she needs. help usolov eone anothe rcommucniate andenjoy one anothers ocmpany ehlp me stay foccuse don the peopel who reall yneed me. openmy eyes and help me be strogn and do your Iwll. PRASIE reort: than kyu for shifitng my teethin pelce irgh now for helaign my body. thnak youLord Jeus Chirst. pelase giv e us all eternla lfie and a true relaitonship with OYu. thank youLrd. help woemn to repent and be keepers at hoime as YOu WIll Lord and help me to eb a godo exmple a ture Christ foloowr. gudi eme in my lfie and estbalish my htoguths help me to commit my works onto oyu Lord. and pelase prvid eme my wonhusbnd. hlp me be patinet and open my eys to see who my true earthly husbnd is and vice evrca join us to be oen wiht oyur holy spirit at your appointed itme guide us to be togther soon if oyu are willign Lord. thank you for my husband . ilove him. thnakyou let him know i His wife loveshim weheover YOu know Who he is.. not the ocutnerfeit the tur one.. .. thnakyou Lord in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. also pelas ehal my mom in every way and my grandm dleive rher form dementia small bowle obstuciton syndorme and heal the curvture of her spine heal her form all defomites make it so her bowels fit properly on her hips eaheal her brian aheal her memory heal her mobility. ipray hte same htign for bruce willis and all peoel who need helaign insimilar areas. in thename of the Lord Jue Chirst. do alinyour power to bless heal and keep my fmial iny our perfect WIll Lord and also the asme wiht lalepoel. no strange marirages and heal restore bs rbothers marirgae ot his wife for the glor yof God int hname of the Lord Jesus Christ.