Beloved of All
Praise report: i recieved helaign formt he Lord Jeus Chris ton my faacial bones. Please pray the Lor dleiver sme form all illness all demosn athat cuas esevere dehydration in ym body ( type 1 diabetes dianebtes insipidus stresh dleiverance form al flehs eaitng bacteir infection dleiverance formalll unhapinens depresison blodo suagr issues. miracke regrowth of broken tooth and acid eatin too form flehs eaitng bacteira helaign of kidnes and my whoel dental felhs. also for ALL may fmaiyl mebers this i pray my grnadma who needs deliverance form dmentia from al infection virus flehs eaitgn bacteir fluid build up hernia small bowel obstruciton syndrom narrow vaeins arterie she eneds excelelnt oxgen pelas eor dhela her she has been bedridden for years giv eher hear t stranght. pelase also hela my mosm heart her teeth gums boens form heal her neurlogiclals her brian aspergers dlieve rmy fmialy form all metabolic disorder all generaitonal curse si please the hoyl blod fot he Lord Jues Chirst upin al my fmaily and al peopel pelase forigv eour sins Lord and have emrc yupon allf lehs bpelase help us repent knw oyur for real and do your will.d eliver us all form all evil. pleas emak eus do oyur iwll today and mirauclously heal those form all accidents pelase let their be no amutaitonf or anyoen pelase Lord no automibile accidents or any accidents at all, pelas ehal thos ewith type 1 diabetes type two diabetes metbolc disorders pelase ressurect all peopels organs tissues ligament sboens. pelas ebring salvtion to all my fmaily mebers dleive rus form al generationalcurse witht he holy blodo of the Lord Jeus Chris tclenaig us form al sins. pleas eprovide of rlal our needs and help us to proclaim the gospel of the lord jue sChirs tbeign th gospel of immortality. pelase save all yours Lord Jesus Christ . for oyur are th e true God and eternal life please hela my body and dleive rme form all bitterness for the res tof my life int ehnameo fthe Lor dJue sChirst dleive rme form corona phobia dleiver me form my sins help em repents heal raags sister . pelas eod not allow any amputaiotn miraucously hela her hand gvie her the bailisty to breahtonehr won no oxygen rapic helaign form the acciden tsend Holy angels to helpw ith helaign. pleas esned holy and angsl al oyur Holy angels to all peopel. dleiver us form temptaitons delive rus form all evil. Lord Jeus Chirst sav eus al and dleiver and ressurec tus wihtt he power of your holy spirit ipry this for lal peopel please may al do your will dtoday and may none do any evil . please no one die today no one get killed or murdered. pelas ebrign peaceful solution to ukriane russian war. hoy spirit convict those who wan thois war tht its enouhg !!!!!!! please Lord hela al those who were sick ressurect regrow broken limby teeth gums dentla flehs pelase dleiverus al form aLAL unclena spirits by the powe rof the hoyl spirit lord jue schirs. thela my dads heart valve and dleive rhim form osteoporosis. pelas eprovide best accomodaiton job for my dad Lord and also do al iny or power ot belss hima dn giv ehim ebst retiremnt money ever. please also guide my brother to help His dad. dleiver him form aserger snydorm if you he has it. comoelte helaed ressurect and restore Vilke to be healthy normal and happy in thenameo fthe Lrd Jues Chirstdleive rhimf ormall unclen aspirit isnt he nameo fthe lOrd jue schirs.t Lord please helpw ith wahsign machen probelms send the right pwerosn to fix it let be not expensive and pelase help asap itn he anemof the lord Jeus chirst.