Beloved of All
praise report: i praise the Lord hwo has giv en me much healign in ym facila boen steeth nd for givign me the Lord Jesus Christ who save sus from hell!!! THanky ou to all praiyng for me and my familymebers. i lov eoyu all very much. YOu are Chris tbride church! praise God who never leaves us or fosakes us. WHo has allpower. praise glory ot HIm! He is worthy! thanky ou Lord! Lor dplease hela my grandma form dementia and form all sickness and disease to the groy of your name Lor ddlieve rher form every satanic strognhol rulign over her life please do the same for all ym fmialy memebrs. set my fmaiyl free form all neurological DISoders al mental disorders al physcial disoders all bacteria disorders adnn demons all legions of demons set us form free all generaitonal curse svaes al ym fmialy mmebrs al powe ris syour set us free form al demonic power Lord pelase set al peopel from feef orm all dmeonic powers by the Lord Jeus Chirst. Al power is His all glro yis His all Honour is His. Lrod set my mother free form all brian disorders. heal he rof aspergers Lord Jeus Chirst by Cyour holy spirit. do all inyor powert o hela mymothe rof asperger syndorme and her back and muscles and regrow teeth hela her of periodontosis heal her bones muscles hear her brian and dleive rhe formall evil please i please oyur holy Bloofd on ehr set her free from al that is dmeonic all unclena spirits dets her free heal ehr form truama deliver her form all trauma set her free Lord Jues Chirst forme evryhtign you wnat her to be free of. Lord set me free form all sckness and iseases i want to be free form type 1 diabetes and all thes eprobelms. set me free formcorona phonbia. Lor dset my brother free form all neurlogicla dsoders anll histmanie intolerace pelase giv ehimy ru salvaiton. send Hoyl angely to preahc the goepl of the Lord Jeus Christ so that we may all beliv eint he Lord Jeus Chirst fully. Lord set my dad free of al emotional disorders please heal his lungs and boens and dleiver him formall demonic strongholds. sent himfree witht he Lor od fGod set my entire family all pepoel free form covid all flehs eatign bacteria ever ypsirit of hefear and torment and diodsers Lord Jue sChirst se t aus al free the whoel frrodlf orm al sickness diease and all demons . heal thanky OU Lord Jue sChirst help us hear oyu rvoice and hearken onto oyur word. Lord Jeus Chirst sent the captives free pelase heal all who need nes body parts pelase Lord Jue sChirst le thtier be abundanc eo fmiracles in faith in your name Lord Jues Chirs.t also please pelas help em to know and do oyur will always sane with all poele . pelas eprotect lal poepel form calamities acciednets from lies of the devil. pease also if oyu have a husbadn for me Lord keep himf iaht to your Lord YOur hily SPirit may he clearly hear and amy he obey oyur every word. dleive rhimf orm evil and join us in hoyl matrimony .. the man iw as amde for .. oput of his rib.let me knwo who this man is Lord and pelase prepare us ot bcoem oNe flehs all your doign all your power youur glory. forgiv eus ou sisn. ipelas ethe holy blodo fo Chris tupon al my fmaiyl my hoem al appliances my husband form God my grandm VIlike ( also pelas ehal his brian heal all brians Lord Jeus Chirst giv eus al a sound mind peace joy int he Hoy spirit and dleive rus form all evila nd lead us not itno temptaitons. please save all sousl wiht the Holy blod of Chirst. please guid eall poepel into al truth via holy spirit. Lord please help me today. may i really know you better today. thanky oujf or your healign touches. destory the works fo the deivl in my mind bbodny emiotns y poseesions and same wiht my husabdm form God too. i pray for .. salvaiton. dleiver them form alle vil including smokign and alcholism. Lord Gudie them wiht oyu rhOly sirt at al tiems. Lord pleas etel me if thoe dreams about himw ere form You. please guid eme into al truth. elt me easiyl discrm your voice and easily obyey dleiver me f orm all demonic storng hosl. pelase protec tmy fmaiyl and souses form evil and all peopel too. please give al peopel wisdom power soundment execeleltn helaeth and deliverance of allll eivl. Lord nothignis impossible to You! thanky u God